Saturday, October 1, 2016

Pursue, Overtake and Recover All

So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all” - (1 Samuel 30:8).
David’s family and that of his followers were attacked and carried into captivity by the Amalekites. They were plundered and their houses were burnt. In consternation, David cried to the Lord inquiring of Him whether to pursue the invaders or not; and the Lord answered him in the affirmative. The three action words in this passage are Pursue, Overtake and Recover.
Pursue:  A man of God said the proof of desire is pursuit. What we desire is what we go after. Our pursuits show our interests and what our hearts delight in. Oftentimes, people pursue ephemeral and valueless things. Many don’t know what they should be pursuing in life. The only person worthy of pursuit is God. David, in this passage, was able to hear God and know what to do in time of crisis because he was a God-chaser and pursuer (Psalm 42:1-2). In these days of great anxiety, the only safe place is the bosom of the Almighty (Psalm 46:1). God highly commended David calling him a man after His heart, and made him win all his life’s battles because God was his pursuit. When we pursue God relentlessly, He leads us on the path of total recovery.
Overtake:  To overtake means to catch up and ambush. David caught up with the enemies and ambushed them (1 Samuel 30: 16-20). Prophet Elijah was able to bear footedly outrun the chariots of King Ahab, his enemy (1 Kings 18:45-46). Two hundred out of the six hundred soldiers that started out with David became battle-weary and they stayed back (1 Samuel 30:10). When we learn to wait on God, He renews our strength. To win spiritual battles, we need supernatural strength that is beyond the ordinary. We also need to be attentive to hear the voice of the Lord in crisis moment. And God is always willing to speak in challenging times, if we seek Him (Psalm 50:15). Divine strength and divine leading are a-must-have in life’s battle in order to of recover what is yours.
Recover All:“So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives. And nothing of theirs was lacking…; David recovered all” (1 Samuel 30: 18-19). Thus, David was able to turn around a very hopeless situation. Because his heart was stayed on God, David   received supernatural direction and strength. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a full package of recovery, redemption and restoration. God’s will is that we recover all we have lost through enemy attacks, carelessness and disobedience.  But many carry a mentality of no one has it all. May we experience a shift in our mentalities today in Jesus’ name.
Conclusion: Receive grace in this new month to pursue, overtake and recover all.  You will possess all your possessions in Jesus’ name.

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