Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Kingdom in You

“Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come by observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ FOR INDEED, THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU” 
(Luke 17:21, NKJV).

The root word for Kingdom in the Greek language is Basileia, which means authority, rule, kingship especially of God both in the world and in the hearts of men. The kingdom of God is distinct from the kingdom of Heaven. The kingdom of God is God’s influence in the earth, it is God’s sovereign will being done on earth through men. The Great Britain colonized about a quarter of the entire world, changing cultures and establishing the will of the Queen in several major countries. This colonization was done by agents of the British colony. God wants to spread His will and the culture of Heaven to the earth through His children who are His agents and are empowered by the Holy Spirit (the Main Agent) (Matthew 6:10). Below are some ways we help extend His kingdom on earth:

The Greatness within: Every child of God carries greatness within them. God put in us inherent abilities when we were born, and also gave us spiritual endowments and gifts when we became born again. For instance, God put in Gideon the ability to deliver Israel from their strong enemies (the Midianites and Amalekites). Gideon never realized the greatness he carried within until it was revealed to him. Greatness is a seed resident in the child of God. Greatness has to be connected to purpose for it to fully manifest. To unleash the greatness within is to serve humanity with the gifts and endowments of God (Acts 13:36). Greatness done within the will of God glorifies God and furthers His agenda on earth. How well are you serving the world with your God-given gifts? 

The Anointing within: The anointing is the power and influence of the Holy Spirit resident in the child of God (1 John 2:20,27). It is usually defined as the yoke-destroying and burden-removing power of God. It is God’s power exclusively given to His children to solve human problems. A story was told of John G. Lake, a missionary to South Africa in the early 1900s. While he was serving there, the bubonic plague, a deadly plague was on rampage, killing many people. He was quoted to have said, “As long as I walk in the light of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, no germ will attach itself to me.” He requested that the germs be placed in his palms and under a microscope, it was seen that the germs died in his hands and he was never infected. He had a revelation of the working and operation of the anointing within that also flows out through him. When the anointing is displayed the influence of the kingdom increases. Jesus said unless people sees signs and wonders they will not believe; in other words, they will not allow the kingdom of God in their hearts. The anointing is displayed as we become intentional and careful with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). 

The Righteousness within: Righteousness is being right with God and doing right with His help. God’s kingdom is founded on righteousness and justice (Psalm 89:14). Righteousness is a force that exalts and impacts positively on society. Righteousness is a seed implanted in the heart of the believer when he/she gets born again (1 John 3:9). We are to allow the seed of righteousness within to grow and impact our world for the better. The more righteous people there are in a society, the better for the society. The twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because God couldn’t find ten righteous people there (Genesis 18:16-33). Righteous people practicing righteousness further the cause of God on the earth. 

CONCLUSION: Everything in its raw state has little or no value. As we begin to nurture and allow the treasures within (as exemplified above) to find expression through us we, further the kingdom of God here on earth. This should be our focus because then and only then does our life become impactful and significant.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Fruitfulness By The Word

But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit, some thirty-fold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” (Mark 4:20, NKJV).

The word of God is a seed (Luke 8:11). A seed is a source of development and growth. A seed is the beginning of something that continues to grow. A seed has the ability within itself to reproduce after its kind (Genesis 1:12). The fruit is packed within the seed. An orchard is packed within an apple seed. The fruit of a godly character is embedded in the seed of God’s word. God established the seed principle because that’s how life is transmitted and perpetuated.

The word of God is a spiritual seed capable of reproducing the life of God in humans who accept and receive it. The Word of God is an incorruptible and imperishable seed (1 Peter 1:23). Other seeds, such as that of human or plant, can be corrupted and capable of being destroyed, but certainly not the Word of God. It is alive and active and carries the potential to fulfill God’s counsel here on earth if well utilized. Our text above tells us God’s word will bring fruitfulness to anyone who accepts it to the measure of what has been sown. Below are ways of working the Word of God for better yield and results:

Receive the Word: Every born-again child of God had an encounter (or intercourse) with the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23). Nobody comes to Christ without first encountering His Word. The Bible says those who receive Christ (the Word of God), He empowered to become the children of God. But the Word must be received in a good environment of a good and noble heart. The Bible enjoins us to receive the implanted Word of God with meekness because it is able to save our souls (James 1:21). For any seed to produce and bring forth it has to be planted in the right environment. The right environment for the Word of God to germinate is a good heart that is childlike and devoid of hypocrisy. We should always pray for a cultivated, childlike and circumcised heart (Ezekiel 36:26). With childlike faith, the Virgin Mary received the message from Angel Gabriel that she will conceive supernaturally.

Retain the Word: It takes time for the seed to germinate in the soil. Every farmer will continue to tend the seed planted in the soil until it sprouts and full harvest is attained. A woman goes to prenatal clinics and sessions until she puts to bed. In developed countries nothing is left to chance in catering for the seed (embryo) in the womb of the woman. For the Word of God to be productive in any one’s life it has to be established and well rooted in such a life (Colossians 2:6-7). Jesus Christ said if we continue in His Word then we are His disciples indeed (John 8:31-32). To retain means to abide, dwell, meditate, muse and apply the Word all the time. It takes patience (staying ability) for the Word of God to produce faith, courage, holiness, love, etc. in our lives. It is only those who endure that will be saved.

Release the Word: The Word of God and God are one and inseparable. In creation, God spoke creation into manifestation. When He wanted to create plants, vegetation and animals He spoke to the ground (Genesis 1:11,12,24). He spoke to the waters when He wanted to create sea creatures (Genesis 1:20-21). The sun, moon and the stars appeared in the sky when God called them into being (Genesis 1:14-17). And He sustains the universe and mankind through His Word (Hebrews 1:3). We release the Word of God when we speak it diligently in faith and obedience.  The Word spoken, in turn, marshals the forces of Heaven to act accordingly (Psalm 103:20). The angels of God do His word and hearken to the voice of His word.

CONCLUSION: May we all experience fruitfulness in the work of our hands, our minds, spirit man and reproductive organs in Jesus’ name. And may we develop greater capacity to receive, retain and release the Word of God in Jesus’ name. Have a blessed new month!