Friday, November 8, 2019

The Eleventh Hour Miracle

“And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, “Why have you been standing here idle all day?” They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.” (Matthew 20:6-7, NKJV).

The eleventh hour is the latest possible time for an event to occur. It is the last hour or the dying minutes up to an opportunity. The eleventh hour miracle is predicated on the parable of the workers in the vineyard which Jesus told in Matthew 20. A parable is a story that is used to illustrate and elucidate a spiritual truth and principle. In this parable, a land owner was hiring workers to work in his vineyard. This land owner was operating a 12-hour work schedule from 6 AM till 6 PM. And his pattern was that every three hours, he went out to recruit laborers from the marketplace. He recruited laborers at 6 AM, 9 AM, 12 PM,  3 PM, and 3 PM was realistically meant to be the last time for recruitment. But somehow, he went back to the market place at 5 PM (i.e. the 11th hour of the 12-hour schedule) to recruit more laborers.

The import of this parable was that the landowner broke the pattern of recruiting after every 3 hours. At the end of the 12-hour work schedule, he paid all the laborers a denarius which is one day’s wages. So he paid those who worked the entire 12 hours and the 11th hour laborers who had worked for just 1 hour the same wages. Jesus was clearly pointing out here that there is an 11th hour miracle which is purely a matter of grace. Eleventh hour miracle usually happens when people have given up hope of a divine intervention. Lazarus was raised at the 11th hour. In this 11th month of the year, it is certain God is going to release 11th hour miracles! To activate and provoke an 11th hour miracle, the following is imperative:

Don’t give up and walk away: The 11th hour laborers were still hoping and waiting at 5 PM (i.e. 11th hour) even when they knew it was unlikely anyone would hire them since work schedule ends at 6 PM. The Bible says in Lamentations 3:25-26, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” Someone said when God comes late, He comes big. Man’s extremity is always God’s opportunity to show up. Jesus deliberately delayed and waited 2 days after he heard that Lazarus was sick; He waited to allow him (i.e. Lazarus) to die.  It is vital that we remain in God and not seek solutions from alternative sources.

Engage in heartfelt praise: The truth is that praising God intensely over a time can cause spiritual upheavals and earthquakes. A spiritual earthquake always brings about dramatic breakthrough and deliverance (Acts 16:25-27). When praises go up, Heaven responds by raining down blessings. When the sweet aroma of praises from Spirit-filled believers, washed in the blood of Jesus, rises to Heaven, God moves. And when He is mobilized, He does the impossible. The Israelites after crossing the Red Sea and seeing the wonders of God sang that God is glorious in holiness and fearful in praises (Exodus 15:11). Prolonged and heartfelt praise is an invitation God cannot turn down.

Sow sacrificially: This is one spiritual principle few people engage in. Deliberately and prayerfully giving to God what costs you something can provoke an 11th hour miracle. Common sense tells us if you have been adopting the same strategies over time and not getting your desired result, evaluate and do things differently. Noah sacrificed and God released a blessing on the earth (Genesis 8:20-22). Solomon sacrificed and the Lord visited him that same night in the dream (2 Chronicles 1:6-12). David sacrificed and God ended the plague that was released on Israel (2 Samuel 24:10-25). Abel sacrificed and God respected (and approved) his offering over that of Cain (Genesis 4:3-5). A sacrifice can turn things around and provoked an 11th hour miracle.  In Old Testament days, they sacrificed animals and burnt offerings. These days we sacrifice the fruit of our labor, that is the income we have earned.
CONCLUSION: The 11th hour principle is a spiritual reality. May the 11th hour miracle that is a manifestation of grace and divine favor be released on us in this month of November in Jesus’ name.

Breaking Bad Habits

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1).

The dictionary defines habit as a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior. It is an involuntary act that we do without exercising control. Human beings are creatures of habit. We create our habits, and our habits in turn determine the course of our lives. Great and successful people create good habits which bring them success and good outcomes, while less successful people create habits that bring failures and unfavorable outcomes. Bad habits are disastrous and create addicts, alcoholics, lazy, indulgent, miscreants and the likes. Below are some ways to break the yoke of bad habits:

Be Born again: Being born again is having an encounter with the word of God (1 Peter 1:23) and the Holy Spirit (John 3:6). A genuine encounter with God totally transforms and converts sinners into saints; weak and indulgent people into powerful and decisive individuals. It is a spiritual rebirth that changes the tastes, inclinations and proclivities of the individual. It is God coming to take up residence in a hitherto dead and unregenerate spirit man.

Renew your mind: As the mind goes, so does the man. The mind of man is very powerful. Habits are formed when the brain registers a particular event or action. If the act is repeated and it is pleasurable, it becomes reinforced in the brain. As this act is repeated the brain continues to reinforce it until it becomes a stronghold in the mind. This is essentially how people become addicts. Exposing the mind to large doses of the word of God continuously renews it and shatters negative strongholds in the mind. The word of God converts the soul (Psalm 19:7). God was able to deliver the Israelites from Egypt (Spiritual deliverance) but He couldn’t get them into Canaan, the Promised Land because of their unrenewed and slavery mindset. Mental strongholds, at times, are more difficult to deal with than spiritual strongholds.

Engaging the help of the Holy Spirit: It is by the Holy Spirit that we put to death the desires of the human nature (Romans 8:13). Without the Holy Spirit there cannot be permanent victory. Engaging the Holy Spirit by praying regularly in tongues is a must, if we want to overcome bad habits. The Holy Spirit is fire that destroys the yoke of sin and destructive habits. We also stir up the anointing of the Holy Spirit when we actively engage Him; it is the anointing that destroys yokes and undo burdens in our lives. Bad habits are yokes that are to be destroyed.

Affirm yourself constantly: One of the downsides of bad habits is that it makes us lose confidence in ourselves and taint our self-image. After doing something for a long time the tendency is for us to define ourselves as such. We are not what we do; we are what God, through the scriptures, say we are. A healthy self-image is a sine qua non to breaking bad habits. We will always rise or fall to the image and picture of ourselves that we carry within. It is vital we constantly affirm who we are in Christ regardless of our circumstances. Just like (in Christ Jesus) we aren’t our past, so also, we aren’t what we repeatedly do. As Christians we are God’s righteousness and we carry the seed of righteousness within us.  As we affirm ourselves with the scriptures the hold of destructive habits will be broken.

Keep standing: To keep standing is to continuously maintain our victory in Christ. Our opening scripture in Galatians 5:1 lends credence to this. Freedom always comes with a cost. After colonized countries fight and obtain their independence, they have to keep maintaining their independence and seek total independence from their colonizers; otherwise, they will fall back in some bondage again (neo colonization). The Amalekites were a recurring enemy of the Israelites; from the time they came out of Egypt till the time of Haman the Agagite (an Amalekite), they constantly were a thorn in their flesh. There is need to totally exterminate and root out all evil habits in our lives, else they will be detrimental to our eventual success and wellbeing.

Conclusion: Other vital ways to break bad habits are to avoid idleness, to create good habits to replace the bad ones, and to have worthy mentors and accountability partners that you will open your lives to unashamedly.
Have a blessed month.

Faith. Hope and Love

“Three things will last forever - faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13, NLT).

Faith, hope and love are three virtues or graces that will transcend the temporal world. The opposite of these virtues is unbelief, despair (or hopelessness) and hatred. No one can make it to heaven with unbelief, hopelessness and hatred. These three virtues are to be carefully and diligently cultivated by every child of God. These virtues will give us a good and abundant life here as Jesus promised (John 10:10b), and also guarantee us a place in Heaven.

Faith: Simply defined is abiding trust in God and His promises. It is through God’s promises that we are able to share in His divine nature and operate as “gods” in this world (2 Peter 1:4). Peter the Apostle called God’s promises great and precious. It is the assurance of these promises that help us confront life and overcome life challenges. The rod in the hand of Moses by which he operated as a god over Pharaoh and with which he wrought many wonders can be likened to faith in God and His promises in the new testament. The word rod is “shebet” in Hebrew, and it means a tool for correction and a symbol of authority. David spoke about His rod and His staff comforting him. The Word of God (and His promises) is a tool for correction and also a symbol of authority. God said to Moses, “And you shall take this rod in your hand, with which you shall do signs” (Exodus 4:17). Believing and confessing God’s promises makes us to rule and reign in this world. We are saved by faith in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Hope: Simply defined is having a future expectation and anticipation. It relates to the future (Romans 8:24-25). While hope deals with the future, faith deals with the present. Faith gives substance to hope, converting future expectation to present reality. Jesus while still hoping to start His ministry of signs and wonders at a particular time in the future was compelled by the faith of His mother Mary to perform His first miracle i.e. the turning of water into wine at a wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-9).  While faith obtains, hope sustains. As Christians, through the resurrection of Jesus, we have the hope of eternal life (1 Peter 1:3). Hope is confident expectation of eternal salvation. Hope transcends this present world to eternity. Apostle Paul said we are to be pitied if our hope in Christ is only for this world (1 Corinthians 15:19).

Love: This is the nature of God. As children of God we grow in this divine love as we progressively understand God’s love for us. The disciple Stephen was able to forgive those stoning him to death on the spot because he was filled with the Holy Spirit and also had a revelation of the love of God (Acts 7:54-59).  This love overcomes evil by doing good; it is never conquered by evil.  A testimony was told about a sister who had a stubborn neighbor who hated their guts because they lived in an upscale part of town that people of their nationality aren’t supposed to live. This unfriendly neighbor did everything possible to frustrate this sister and her family. This sister, rather than reacting to her hostile neighbor in kind, chose to pray for her in love. Within two weeks of praying, this neighbor surprisingly turned around and began to entreat this sister and her family. The turnaround of this neighbor was nothing but supernatural. The Bible says the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself in love (Galatians 5:6, NIV). The new testament way of relating with our enemies is to feed them when they are hungry, and give them drink when they are thirsty.  Love is the greatest of the virtues.

CONCLUSION: As potent as faith is, it only works and produces by divine love. As futuristic as hope is, it needs faith for the future and the One who holds the future. Love is a stand-alone virtue. Just as everything rises and falls on leadership, in God’s kingdom and economy everything rises and falls on agape love. Love is the ultimate!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Blessing of Work

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” - (Genesis 2:15, NIV)

Work, as defined by the dictionary, is an activity that involves mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. God’s intention is for man to work. He put Adam, the first man, in the Garden of Eden to tend and cultivate it. In creation, God worked daily for six days and after ending His work, He rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-2). Jesus also declared, “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day…” (John 9:4). Below are some benefits and blessings of work:

Work Releases Potential: Potential simply defined is unused ability. It is what one can do that he or she hasn’t done. It is also what one can become that he or she hasn’t become. Work provides the opportunity for us to grow, develop and evolve. It leads to self-discovery and self-awareness. It is by working we discover our talents and sharpen our potential. It is also by working and releasing potential that human beings contribute their quota in solving human problems.

Work Brings Fulfillment: According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization or self-fulfillment is a human need, and it is the greatest need humans desire to fulfill. Though work, in itself, cannot bring maximum fulfillment (only God can), it still brings sufficient fulfillment to man. Even God as He created the earth was proud of His work each day. The Bible says, “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good (i.e. suitable, pleasant) and He approved it completely” (Genesis 1:31, AMP). After each day of creation, it was written that God saw that what He created was good, fitting, admirable and He approved of His work. In other words, God got some fulfillment from the work of His creation.

Work Releases Creativity: Human beings are co-creators with God. At creation, God gave man the basic raw material to continue the work of creation with Him. We unleash the creativity in us by applying ourselves to work, thinking through processes, and working with our hands to create and produce. From mixing ingredients and making food, drawing architectural plan and building structures, developing software programs and driving technological advancement, the creativity and ingenuity of man is released through the endeavor of work.

Work Is Antidote To Idleness: The Bible warns against idleness. Apostle Paul admonished young widows not to be idle and become busybodies as a result (1 Timothy 5:13). The truth is that we have a higher tendency to sin when we are idle. King David was idling in his palace at a time of war when he ended up committing adultery with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:1-6). The Bible says in Proverbs 16:27 (TLB version) that, “idle hands are the devil’s workshop, idle lips are his mouthpiece.” The reverse is also true. We think less of indulging the human nature when we are productively engaging the mind and putting the body to work.

Work Brings Profit: The Bible says in Proverbs 14:23 that in all labor there is profit. It also says in Proverbs 12:11 that anyone who works his land will have plenty of food. Profit and productivity which come as a result of work supplant poverty. God has designed creation in such a way that we will always reap the labor of our hands. In His wisdom as we put our hands and minds to work, He blesses our work and teach us to be profitable (Isaiah 48:17).

CONCLUSION: Some spiritual, exercises as good as they are, cannot replace work. Prayer and fasting have their role, while working with our hands also has its place. God works through our prayers to accomplish for us what we cannot do. God will not do for us the tasks we can do for ourselves. And the dominion charge he gave man in Genesis 1:26-28 is still in operation and has not expired. It is all encompassing and will remain so possibly till God creates a new earth (Revelation 21:1).
Have a blessed month.

The Eagle Christian

“There are three things which are too wonderful for me, Yes, four which I do not understand: THE WAY OF AN EAGLE IN THE AIR, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship in the midst of the sea, and the way of a man with a virgin” (Proverbs 30:18-19).

The eagle is a mysterious and amazing bird. Just as the lion is the king of the jungle, so the eagle is the king of birds and the air. God created the eagle to be amazing to illustrate to His children the kind of amazing life He wants them to live. Below are some characteristics of the eagle Christian:

Eats only fresh stuffs: The eagle bird, unlike the vulture, does not eat dead things. Christianity is a faith that truly offers living hope and life after death. The eagle Christian has his gaze on the future and doesn’t dwell on the past. He doesn’t dwell on past mistakes, past hurts and offences, past disappointments, fake doctrines, etc.  He realizes the past depicts the tomb, while the future depicts the womb. The womb carries potential to deliver life and the future. The tomb is undesirable because it has no potential nor possibility in the land of the living. Scripture reference: Isaiah 43:18-19.

Ascends to high altitudes: Some eagle birds fly as high as 30,000 feet where jumbo airplanes operate. The eagle soars and don’t flap its wings while at high altitudes. This energy efficient way of flying helps it to travel far without getting tired. And because it flies high it’s able to have a panoramic view of things. With a very astute eyesight, it can spot a prey five kilometers below. The vision of the eagle bird is very sharp.  And it also deals with its enemies, like the snake, by picking it with its strong beak and traveling high with it till it becomes destabilized. The eagle’s enemies are no match for it in the high altitudes it operates from. The eagle Christian who operates regularly in the Spirit confuses and totally unsettles his enemies. By soaring high with God in the heavenlies, the eagle Christian gains heaven’s perspective on life matters.

Gathers with other eagles. Eagles do not mix and associate with lesser birds. Most birds fly in flocks, but eagles usually fly alone or in pairs and only with other eagles. It doesn’t associate with the turkey that is a lazy, heavy and earthly bird. Though the turkey has wings it rarely flies. The eagle also does not associate with the peacock that is showy, self-absorbed and prideful bird. Neither does the eagle associate with parrots that are usually talkative and mimic others. The eagle is a very disciplined bird that minds its association. The eagle Christian is mindful of his association. He knows bad company corrupts good character and only seeks relationship with other eagle Christians that can sharpen him.

Leans on God: The eagle believer, like the eagle bird, trusts entirely on the Wind (Holy Spirit) to soar. The eagle bird will sit on a rock and wait patiently for wind currents to come when it wants to soar and travel to another location. We are only able to soar and do great exploits in life as we partner with the Holy Spirit. And partnering with the Holy Spirit requires patience, obedience and faith in God. By the flesh or human effort shall no man prevail. The eagle Christian realizes that he is God’s representative on earth, so he/she learns to wait on God for directives, renewal of strength and working of miracles. 

Embraces storms: The eagle bird isn’t one to shy away from storms or challenging weather. While other birds are scampering for safety in trees and hideouts, the eagle stands tall against the storm. Its mentality is that of conquering the storm not being subdued by it. The eagle is confident in the storm because it knows it is equipped and built to overcome it. King David, an exemplar of an eagle believer, said should war break out against him, he will be confident (Psalms 27:3); Apostle Paul says in all things we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37); Apostle Peter said we should not see it as strange when trials come (1 Peter 4:14). Storms and challenges of life come to certify the Christian and his faith. We don’t pray for storms to come but when they do come, we are assured by the grace of God because we are overcomers in Christ.

CONCLUSION: When the eagle bird is caged, it begins to live the low life and do things it wasn’t designed to do. It becomes lazy, eats dead stuffs, and its beak becomes weak, and it operates far below its potential. The Bible says we should stand firm in the liberty Christ has given us, and we should not be entangled again by any yoke (Galatians 5:1). May we live up to our potential in Christ in Jesus’ name.

Walking in The Supernatural

And these signs shall follow those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them, they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18, NKJV).

The supernatural is the realm of the unseen. It is superior to the visible, natural realm and controls the events in it. There are two major dimensions of the supernatural: the negative and positive supernatural. These two dimensions are at loggerheads. As born-again believers, it is God’s intention that we represent Him in the seen realm by solving problems through our faith and influence in the unseen realm. Below are some of the ways by which we can rein and walk in the supernatural:

Walking in love: The main motivating factor in the positive supernatural realm is love, while hatred and enmity are what characterize the negative supernatural. Hatred for God and His creation is what motivates the negative supernatural. Divine (Agape) love is a force that is as strong as death. When it is in operation it is irresistible. Jesus walked in the supernatural while here on earth because He walked consistently in love.  He walked into the funeral procession of a dead man who was the only son of his widowed mother in Nain, and on seeing the widowed mother the Bible says He had compassion on her and raised the dead child (Luke 7:11-16). Genuine, raw and unadulterated love of God will always manifest God on the scene (when necessary) and cause us to command victories in the seen realm. Walking in love is displaying the attributes found in 1 Corinthians 13, particularly verses 4 to 8, on a consistent basis. May the supernatural love of God fill our hearts to overflowing in Jesus’ name.

Walking in the Spirit: Simply put is being under the control and influence of the Holy Spirit. When people are under the control of alcohol, they exhibit certain traits. They are loquacious, bubbly, intemperate, and irrational. When one is under the control of the Holy Spirit certain traits are also evident.  Praise and worship, courage, joy, utterance, gifts of the Spirit, etc. become evident. The anointing within the believer is activated and rises to higher proportions for performance. The Holy Spirit is loosened, and the anointing is released. We are enjoined as believers not to be drunk with wine but to be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). Regular infilling of the Holy Spirit is necessary to check the unfruitful works of the flesh and cause us to walk in the supernatural.  

Walking by faith: Faith in God deals with the unseen realm. Once something manifests in the seen realm, the work of faith is done over the matter. Faith is said to be the handle on things we cannot see. It lays hold on the promises of God (without letting go) till it manifests in the physical world. As believers we walk by faith and not by sight. The unseen realm is real to us and we seek to be influencers in the unseen realm. Once our influence increases in the unseen realm it will also increase in our personal world and in the natural realm. Abraham pleased God, became a friend of God, and had righteousness credited to him apart from works because he walked by faith with God. Apostle Paul, on seeing a crippled man from birth so enthralled and engrossed in his preaching perceived the cripple had faith to be healed. Paul seized the moment, joined faith with the cripple, and pulled him up and he began to walk (Acts 14: 8-10)

CONCLUSION: Walking in the supernatural also entails displaying the wisdom of God in every situation. The kinsmen of Jesus at Nazareth, while scoffing at Jesus, wondered and asked, “where did He get all this wisdom and the power to perform such miracles?” (Mark 6:2). Walking in the supernatural is about using divine resources to solve human problems. May the supernatural become common place in our lives and ministries commencing from this month in Jesus’ name.

The Eagerness of God

One dictionary meaning of eagerness is keen or ardent in desire or feeling, and impatiently longing. My first interaction with the title “The Eagerness of God” was in my teen years with a Christian radio program so called. My late father will gather my siblings and I around a radio every Sunday night to listen to this program. The program centered on world evangelism and the preaching of the gospel. And the renowned preacher (Apostle Timothy Obadare of blessed memory) was apt in capturing that title because God is very keen in saving the souls of mankind. Below are some other areas of God’s keenness and eagerness viz:

His eagerness to redeem: Redemption is about the forgiveness of sins (Ephesians 1:7), deliverance from the
power of sin (Psalms 40:2-3), rescue from the oppression and tyranny of satanic forces (Colossians 1:13-14), freedom from curses (Galatians 3:13-14), obtaining a glorious inheritance (Ephesians 1:18), and eternal salvation in Christ Jesus (Hebrews 9:15). All these and many more were purchased legally by the blood of Jesus. The ransom God paid, after the first man (Adam) sold mankind to sin and Satan’s captivity, was the blood of Jesus. God was so eager to rescue mankind that it pleased Him to make Jesus, His beloved son, the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.

His eagerness for fellowship: God is a relational God who is always seeking for true worshippers (John 4:23-24). The reason for redemption is to draw mankind close to Himself so as to relate and have warm fellowship. God will always come down in the cool of the day to fellowship with the first human beings, Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:8).  The man Enoch, one of the patriarchs in Genesis, was recorded to have suddenly disappeared because he was taken alive by God to heaven. He disappeared because God so much enjoyed fellowship with Him (Genesis 5:21). When Jesus died the veil that was separating the Holy of Holies (where God dwells) from the inner court in the temple was ripped supernaturally. This signifies access and the eagerness of God to have mankind come to Him and relate with Him.

His eagerness to bless: Many people do not doubt God’s ability to bless but many doubts His willingness to bless them largely due to perception of their unworthiness and failures. In Matthew 8:1-3, a leper came to Jesus telling Jesus He has the ability to heal him, but he wasn’t sure if Jesus was willing to do so. Jesus responded promptly and said I am willing and He touched the leper (a symbol of sin) and healed him. It is through Christ that the blessing of Abraham comes to the Gentiles (Galatians 3:14). The blessing of the Holy Spirit is received because of faith in Christ not by works of righteousness (Galatians 3:5). God is eager to bless those who engage Him in childlike faith.

His eagerness for reconciliation with mankind:“For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them…” (2 Corinthians 5:19). From the quoted scripture and some others, we see that the sins of non-believers in Christ are technically forgiven, and that God is just waiting for them to accept the offer of His forgiveness. Jesus Christ was given to mankind to save and not to condemn. People end up in hell by refusing the offer of salvation in Christ Jesus.  God’s long suffering towards sinners is because of His eagerness to have them saved (2 Peter 3:9). And because of this eagerness He has given all born-again believers the ministry of reconciliation. We are to co-labor with Him in reconciling men to Him.

CONCLUSION: We serve an awesome God who is very zealous, enthusiastic, eager and passionate about man. In which way and manner has He been tugging your heart to get better and reciprocate His kind gestures? The Psalmist in relishing God’s goodness greatly declared “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). One good turn deserves another! Become better this month by becoming more zealous towards Him.

When Failure is Fatal

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed” – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Failure is not intended by God to be fatal or terminal for a child of God. The scripture quoted above attests to the fact that we have setbacks or failures, but we recover from them by the grace of the Almighty. The downfall of a child of God is not his or her end. Failure really is a part of the process of success just as death is part of the process of resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:36). Winston Churchill said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm.” Literally, all the patriarchs listed in the faith hall of fame in Hebrews 11 failed at some point in time but they bounced back to the point that they became models of faith. Even nature tells us that God’s intention is that we always recover. Trees that have become bare due to harsh conditions in winter always bounce back in spring and summer as they grow back leaves and luscious fruits. But there are occasions when failure can be fatal and terminal. Below are occasions when failure is fatal:

When we refuse to change: The Bible calls someone who refuses to change a fool. In Proverbs 27:22, the Bible says, “though you grind a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, yet his foolishness will not depart from him.” This scripture says if you afflict a fool with severe punishment akin to grinding him with a pestle in a mortar, he will still not change his ways. People who refuse to adjust and mend their ways make failure final. All men fall; it’s only those who refuse to get up that end up having terminal failures (Proverbs 24:16).

When we internalize failure: Failure is largely an external event. The fact that someone failed an exam or an event planned didn’t work out well doesn’t make one a failure. Just like success needs to be managed, so does failure need to be managed. We manage failure by separating ourselves from unfavorable outcomes particularly when we have a string of them. One isn’t a failure until one adopts a mindset of failure. People do extreme things like committing suicide because they internalize failure and make if fatal and final. We should teach our younger generation how to handle failure particularly those who are very competitive that failure is not an enemy and it’s ok to experience failure occasionally. That failure makes you a better person, more knowledgeable and adept. People we call successful today have failed in many ventures in the past.

When we isolate ourselves: The Bible says woe is the man that is alone when he falls because he has no one to help him up (Ecclesiastes 4:10). The prophet Elijah became depressed and suicidal principally because he was alone. He was alone on Mount Carmel when he confronted 450 prophets of Baal (an idol), and he attested wrongly that he is the only prophet left in Israel. The powerful prophet Elijah was a lone ranger with no affiliations whatsoever. There was no one to inspire or encourage him. Little wonder he suffered a burn out, became depressed and asked God to kill him when Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, threatened him. It was the mercy of God that intervened for the prophet whose ministry ended shortly after the encounter on Mount Carmel. When we have no positive and strong support, failure can be final and terminal.

CONCLUSION: Failure is fatal for the person who refused to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and lapsed into eternity in that condition. It is said that in the grave there is no repentance. God has provided a way out for mankind in the person of Jesus Christ. He is our Qualifier and Savior. Have a blessed month!


The Power Of Testimonies

“Now the man from whom the demons have departed begged Him that he might be with Him. But Jesus sent him away, saying, return to your own house, AND TELL WHAT GREAT THINGS GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU. And he went his way and PROCLAIMED THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE CITY WHAT GREAT THINGS JESUS HAD DONE FOR HIM”­ - (Luke 8:38-39).

The dictionary defines testimony as evidence, firsthand authentication of a fact. Testimony is also defined as an open acknowledgement. In the above text, Jesus healed a mad man who had a legion of demons resident in him. He wore no clothes; he was untamed and lived in tombs. After the miraculous healing, this man wanted to follow Jesus on His missionary journey. Jesus declined and told him to go and tell what the Lord has done for him. Below are some salient truths about testimonies:

Testimonies are a great tool of encouragement: The Apostle Paul enjoined Christians to comfort each other with the comfort each have received from the Lord (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). God has purpose behind everything He does; He is not a haphazard God. He will work miracles, heal and deliver one just to serve as an encouragement for another. A common feature of the early church was informality and their unstructured way of holding services. This was majorly so because of the high premium placed on encouraging each other (1 Corinthians 14:26).

Testimonies beget testimonies: Testimonies will usually birth more testimonies. We are prone to believe real life stories more than Bible stories. Bible stories usually look far fetched but life testimonies bring the power and faithfulness of God closer home. A brother in our church gave a testimony of how he lost his lucrative job and how he was led to prayerfully plead his case with his superior. God worked on his boss who in turn pleaded his case out of so many cases, and eventually he was recalled back. A while after this, another brother lost his job and from the encouragement from the earlier testimony he was able to trust God, and also got recalled back to the same job. What God does for one, He is willing to do for another.

Testimonies are reminders of God’s goodness: After the Israelites crossed River Jordan, God instructed Joshua to have 12 priests take up 12 stones from the midst of the Jordan and lay them on a plain ground in public glare. God requested this so that in times to come when their children and generations after ask them about the stones, they will testify that God opened the Jordan River and made them pass through on dry ground. It is clear God wants us to recall over and over again what He did for us in the past.

Testimonies defeat the enemy’s plans and purposes: “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” Because testimonies are public acknowledgement and proclamation of God’s goodness, it brings God fully into the picture to rout out His enemies. Satan, the accuser of the brethren, cannot stand nor handle a Christian who goes about proclaiming His goodness.

Testimonies foretell the future: Revelation 19, verse 10b states, “… For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” By considering what God has done in the past, one can accurately predict what He will do in the future (prophecy). David, the shepherd boy in the valley of Elah testified to King Saul how God used him to kill a lion and a bear while trying to rescue his sheep from them. He was so sure that God was going to use him to kill Goliath the giant (1 Samuel 17:34-37). He was able to predict accurately the outcome of the fight between Goliath and himself. God has a track record that what He has done before He will do again.

CONCLUSION: One of the reasons for less supernatural acts in today’s church is that we don’t place enough premium on what God has done in the past. We don’t stimulate ourselves enough along the path of recalling past events that will activate raw faith in other believers.

Sharpen The Edge

“If the ax is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; but wisdom brings success” (Ecclesiastes 10:10, NKJV).

Cutting edge in the secular world simply refers to the latest or most advanced stage in the development of something. Cutting edge institutions are those which are at the top of their game. Divine wisdom requires Christians not just to be celestially equipped and relevant but also to be terrestrially equipped and relevant. Evangelism becomes easier for the Christian as we attain to some worldly success. There is need for Christians to compete favorably in the marketplace, and to do that we have to continuously up our game and sharpen our tools. The following are some tools (edges) to sharpen:

Skill Set: “So he (David) shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands” (Psalm 78:72, KJV). The referenced scripture tells us that David was very effective as king over Israel because he had a good heart and many skills. He had musical skills, leadership skills, people’s skills, poetic skills, literary skills, sling shooting skills, etc. He had character and was charismatic in displaying varied skills.  Many patriarchs in the Bible like Joseph and Daniel excelled in their time because they had great skills. Skill is the know-how. It is to have the knowledge of some craft in an increasing measure. Skill, although, is a work of grace still has to be worked on and perfected. There is need to give diligence in discovering, developing and deploying our giftedness and skills. Those who do so are the ones who stand before the kings and presidents of the earth.

Creativity: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God; the skies display His craftsmanship” (Psalm 19:1, NLT). Our God is the Creator and the Master Craftsman. He is the brain behind the beautiful universe we live in. Because He is a generous God, He didn’t finish the work of creation but allow man, who is the zenith of His creation, to continue the work of creation. There are still many gaps in human societies, and creative people fill these gaps by producing what is needed. Human societies are also still evolving. It is creative people who introduce new things, replacing the old through refinement and innovation. Being made in the image and likeness of God makes us creative. To exhibit creativity, we have to believe in our God-given abilities and harness the power of the mind. Start from where you are today and begin to think of how to better your world.

Spirituality: Being able to access the Spirit realm and the mind of God is a plus for the believer and the world at large. There are certain worship songs we sing in our churches today that angels sing in heaven. This is so because someone was able to download from the heavenlies. The Bible says that one of the reasons we have the Holy Spirit is for us to know the wonderful things God has freely given to us (1 Corinthians 2:12). Sharpening our spiritual edge will make us more receptive to the Holy Spirit resident within us.  Sharpening our spiritual edge entails deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit, more meditation in the Word and a heart of obedience. These are the days the wisdom of God will be displayed through the church of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:10).

CONCLUSION: Preparation time is never wasted time. The time the tree cutter is using to sharpen the edge of his equipment is never wasted. Being hasty and lacking preparation make people live mediocre lives. We increase capacity and enhance effectiveness as we create ample time for constructive thinking, honing our skills, and deepening our spirituality. Have a blessed month.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Catching A Vision

Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God] – Proverbs 29:18 (AMP).
Vision, from the Christian perspective, is having the ability to grasp the mind of God and what He wants to do in the future. Vision is the bridge between present reality and future possibility. A God-given vision is very powerful; it focuses, it compels and it is a force that delivers the future. At the turn of a new year, it is very important for us to seek and articulate the mind of God for 2019. Below are some of the ways to catch a VISION:
Visualizing:  Whatever one constantly beholds is what one becomes. Whatever one puts before his or her face continually magnifies in the heart. God instructed the Patriarch Jacob to mate his sheep before poplar stripped trees. White male sheep mating with white female sheep as they beheld poplar trees while mating produced speckled spotted sheep (Genesis 30:37-39). The Bible says as we behold the glory of God we are changed into His image. The principle of visualization is real and powerful. What are you constantly beholding?
Inspiration: The word “theopneustos” is the Greek word for inspiration. And it means God-breathed or divine influence. Inspiration from the scriptures is more than motivation. Martin Luther King Junior wrote and delivered a speech in August 1964 that inspired many people to seek equality and brotherhood in the polity of the USA. The ‘I Have A Dream’ speech fueled many other dreams that eventually became a reality. One can be influenced (inspired) to catch a vision through the dream of others. Dreams beget dreams. The Word of God which is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16) remains the greatest tool and influence of all times for spawning new visions.
Studying: The Patriarch Daniel learned from reading the scriptures that Jerusalem was going to be desolate and lie in ruins for 70 years. Armed with this information, Daniel began to pray and seek the Lord for the deliverance of Jerusalem (Daniel 9). He caught a vision by studying, and this vision led to further visions for him. Darkness is synonymous with ignorance, while light is synonymous with understanding. Learning enlightens and enlivens, whereas ignorance incapacitates and destroys. Visionaries are always studious researchers seeking to know the mind of God and what is ahead.
Insightfulness/Revelation: Stephen Covey, in his book The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, wrote that all things are created twice. First, there is the mental creation, and then the physical creation. God ofttimes reveal what He wants to do to His own before doing them. The inner witness (Acts 27:10), the inner voice (Acts 13:2), audible voice (Acts 9:4-6), open visions (Acts 9:10-12), night visions (Acts 16:9), word of knowledge (Acts 21:10-11), etc are all workings and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit given to spiritual believers to enlighten and cast vision. These supernatural occurrences will be more in 2019 since we are in the last days.
Observation: A vision can easily be caught as one observes or understudies a visionary. Pastor E. A. Adeboye (the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God) on a visit to Seoul, South Korea in the 1980s saw how Paul Yongi Cho appealed to church members to skip church attendances because of space constraints. He saw hundreds of thousands of people worshipping God together. He said he instantly caught a new vision of multitudes worshipping God in his own church and ministry. That vision is being realized monthly as millions of people gather at the Holy Ghost services in Lagos, Nigeria. A vision can be replicated. It is a spiritual truth that what God has done for one, He is willing to do for another. And what God has done before He is able and willing to do again. Who or what are you observing in order to catch a vision?
Newness: Being born again is to be spiritually renewed. The spirit man of an erstwhile sinner is enlightened by the glory and brilliance of the Holy Spirit. The veil covering the mind of the sinner is ripped off as he or she surrenders to Jesus Christ. This new believer is now given the eyes of faith with which he or she becomes convinced of spiritual realities, and also comprehends as facts things that aren’t revealed to the physical senses. He is able to see the unseen and comprehends the incomprehensible. May we all regain the cutting edge of the new birth in Christ Jesus.
CONCLUSION: Vision makes us live life by design and not by happenstance or chance occurrences. Vision refers to a change for the better. Vision shapes the future. May you catch a new vision in this new year in Jesus’ name.

God And Praise

“But You are holy, O You who are enthroned in (the holy place where) the praises of Israel (are offered)” Psalm 22:3 (Amplified).

The Bible has a lot to say about praising God. It says praise is comely and appropriate for the upright (Psalm 33:1). Praise perfects miracles (Luke 17:11-19). Praise is a winning battle strategy (Psalm 149: 6-9). Praise is a debt the living owes God (Psalm 150:6). Praise brings great yield and increase (Psalm 67:5-7). Praise is God’s habitat (Psalm 22:3). Praise is therapeutic to the one who offers it (Proverbs 17:22).  Praise renews the anointing (Psalm 84:4-7). Praise magnifies and refreshes God (Psalm 69:30). Praise is the highway to the throne of God (Psalm 100:4). Below are some truths about God and Praise:

God Expects Praise: Every creature of God is commanded (and designed) to praise God the Maker of all things. The great sea creatures, mountains and hills, the sun and moon, beasts and all cattle, etc. are all commanded to praise God in Psalm 148. Living and non-living things alike are commanded to praise God because He expects their praises. When the tree sways, it is a way of praising and reflecting the beauty and glory of God. When the ocean roars, it is praising God. Out of all of God’s creatures, only human beings can choose not to praise Him. Ten lepers were healed by Jesus and only one of them returned to give thanks to God. And Jesus’ response to that one leper was, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?  …... And He said to him, arise go your way, your faith has made you whole” (Luke 17:11-17). Jesus expected the other nine to return to thank Him for their healing. Not only does God expects praise all the time from us; He also expects special praise sessions after every victory, deliverance, breakthrough and major events. And regardless of what 2018 has offered us so far, God still expects our praise.

God Inspects Praise: Michael W. Smith, the Christian singer, wrote in his song, “the heart of worship” that what God seeks for is more than a mere song or lip service. He wrote that God is searching deeper looking into the heart of every man whether the praise being offered is genuine, heartfelt and intense. The Bible says God is seeking for true worshippers that will worship Him in Spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). David carried much weight before God, and was highly commended by Him because when God inspected his life, it was full of gratitude to God. David was adept in constructing adjectives for praising the only true God. He also combined his praise narratives with being a dexterous musician. Not only does God examines our hearts, He also inspects the words we use when eulogizing Him. Become adept today in praising and worshiping Him.

God Respects Praise: On two occasions in Judges chapter 1 and 20, the Israelites were going out to battle, and they enquired from God which tribe should lead them in the battle. On these two occasions, God responded Judah (which is Praise in Hebrew). And the Israelites on these occasions won the battle.  Judah is the tribe from where Jesus was born. King David is also from the tribe of Judah. The regard of God towards the tribe of Judah is evident in the Bible. These are similitudes and symbols of the way God views and regards praise and the one who ardently offers it. God commended David and called him a man whose heart beats to my heart (Acts 13:22, Message). Through praise, David had access to God’s inner recesses. Though an old testament saint, he constantly had revelations of Jesus and the Grace Dispensation.

Conclusion: To finish strong in 2018, hike up your praises. You can’t go wrong praising God from a genuine heart purged by the blood of Jesus. Have a praise filled month in Jesus’ name.

The Proper Use Of The Tongue

For he who would love life and see many good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit” (1 Peter 3:10, NKJV).

The tongue is a very unique and peculiar organ of the human body. It is an organ that is both internal and external. The dictionary defines it as the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal used for tasting, swallowing and (in humans) articulating speech. The Bible has so much to say about the tongue. There is a proper and improper way of using the tongue. As Christians, God expects us to use our tongue well. Below are some proper ways to use the tongue:

GUARD: The Bible says he who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction (Proverbs 13:3). The wise man further says that whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from trouble (Proverbs 21:23). Using the tongue wisely will protect our integrity, reputation, relationships, dreams and aspirations, resources, health, life, etc. On the contrary, a misuse of the tongue will expose us to several attacks and much havoc. The Bible says the wise man (even in the face of provocation) guards his tongue and doesn’t spill it all out (Proverbs 29:11). Many have lost opportunities because they don’t guard their tongue.

GUIDE: The tongue is likened to the rudder in a ship. The rudder is a critical part of the steering system of a ship (James 4:3). It’s a very small part of a monstrous ship, and yet it directs, guides and navigates the big ship according to the will and wishes of the captain of the ship. Our tongue is the steering wheel of our lives. It determines the direction our life goes. The Amplified version of the Bible says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words” (Proverbs 18:21). The gospel truth is that our words have consequences and shape the direction of our lives. We can steer and navigate our lives in the direction we want it to go by purposefully and deliberately utilizing our tongue. Being made in the image of God and having His Spirit in us make our words very powerful.

GIRD: The word gird is associated with the word girdle.  A girdle is an article of dressing that women wear in order to look smart, trendy, fit and prepared. To gird means to prepare oneself for battle or for what is ahead. Our tongues must always be poised and prepared for action in the face of great opportunities and challenges. Blind Bartimaeus’ tongue was ready and prepared when Jesus was passing by. He used his tongue to stop Jesus in His tracks and to secure the healing of his eyes (Mark 10:46-52). The young David’s tongue was poised and ready for battle when he stood before Goliath at the valley of Elah. As Goliath cursed him (i.e. David) with his gods, David retorted and began to address Goliath in warfare rhetoric and in the name of the Lord. Our tongue is a weapon of warfare; we are to use it to neutralize every negative tongue rising against us (Isaiah 54:17).

GAUGE: A gauge is a measuring device or instrument. Our tongues also serve as the gauge of our lives. We are evaluated by the words we speak and we also evaluate people by the words they speak. We don’t know the intents and thoughts of people but we largely know people by what is coming out of their mouths. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Wise people set a guard upon their tongues, knowing they are judged by their words. Wise people also weigh people largely by the words they speak. Our words are to be seasoned with salt, ministering grace to our hearers.
CONCLUSION: The next member of the body God intends to capture after the heart is the tongue. No wonder the manifestation and expression of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost was in the symbol of tongues of fire. The Holy Spirit descended on the disciples as tongues of fire. A yielded and sanctified tongue is a great asset to God Almighty. To live long and to see many good days, we are advised to refrain our tongues from evil and deceitful speaking. 

Praying Intelligently

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Ephesians 6:18).

Apostle Paul, in the above scripture, made mention of all prayer and supplication. This presupposes that there are different kinds of prayers with different rules. Different games have their rules. For example, the rule applying in American football game is different from the rules guiding FIFA soccer game. If a striker in a soccer game suddenly picks the ball with his hands and shoots it in the goalpost, this act will be ruled as foul and he will be penalized for it. Whereas in American football game both the use of the legs and the hands are allowed. The same is true for prayers. Praying intelligently is knowing what manner of prayer one should be praying per time, and also applying the appropriate rule of engagement. Below are further truths to consider:

Praying after the order of the new covenant: The rules of prayer changed after Jesus went to the cross, died and resurrected. Jesus purchased everything needed for the born-again child of God. The Bible says, “For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding Yes…” (2 Corinthians 1:20, NLT).  We approach prayer under the new covenant with a guarantee of answered prayers because Jesus purchased the blessings for us. Revelation knowledge is basic requirement in the new covenant to access and receive what Jesus has purchased for us (Ephesians 1:18-20). We pray from a vantage position of victory and dominion because we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places far above principalities and powers. Praying with the understanding of our redemptive rights in Christ is praying intelligently.

Praying according to the will of God: “And we are confident that He hears us whenever WE ASK FOR ANYTHING THAT PLEASES HIM. And since we know that He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask for” (1 John 5:14, NLT). King Solomon prayed intelligently when, rather than asking for long life, riches or the death of his enemies, he asked for a discerning and understanding heart to govern the Israelites. The Bible says his prayer pleased the Lord, and God gave him what he asked for and in addition He also gave Solomon what he didn’t ask for (1 Kings 3: 7-13). Whenever we pray according to His will, we are praying intelligently and our prayer becomes effective.

Praying with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit: The Bible clearly says we don’t know how and what to pray for as we ought to (Romans 8:26). The Spirit of God in us channels our prayers accordingly. The Spirit (if allowed) will also help us to engage the proper rule for each prayer. For example, the tone in praying a prayer of faith is that of command vis a vis the prayer of supplication which is humility. Praying under the inspiration of the Spirit helps us to make the appropriate switches in the place of prayer. Praying in other tongues or praying articulately by the inspiration of the Spirit are also examples of praying intelligently.

CONCLUSION: Prayer is essential for the believer. Prayer is an intercourse of the soul. Prayer is spiritual respiratory. In prayer, we breathe out the flesh and inhale more of the Spirit. Prayer is earthly license for divine interference. Prayer is the believer’s umbilical cord; it is a channel of blessings. Prayer engenders divine activity. Prayer is a dialogue and not a monologue. Prayer is necessary. Prayer must be done right and appropriately. Receive grace to pray intelligently in Jesus’ name.