Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Seed Principle (February 2014)

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”
A seed is simply defined as something that packs the power within itself to multiply and increase. The dictionary defines it as the beginning of something which continues to grow. The harvest (future) is contained in the seed, and without a seed there cannot be harvest. The seed principle governs God’s operation on the earth; God’s creation contains the DNA of reproduction and multiplication (Mark 4: 28-32).

In the above text, the importance of seedtime and harvest is clearly evident. The earth by God’s order operates in cycles, day and night, winter and summer, etc. And as surely as daytime will culminate into night time and vice versa, so also seedtime or planting time will eventually bring harvest and the harvest in turn produce substance and also more seeds to sow. Below are some truths to consider:

A seed must always be planted: Until a seed is planted, it remains a seed and cannot multiply. This is why the farmer’s existence revolves round planting seeds. A farmer that will not plant in the planting season will certainly have nothing to harvest in reaping season. Every farmer is also concerned about the soil (the environment) they are planting in as this determines in no small measure the quality of their yield.

Man is need conscious, God is seed conscious: While man always focuses on his/her needs and how to fulfill them, God’s preoccupation is always about planting seeds. Many times when a man is praying to God to meet his needs, God is saying plant a seed and meet somebody else’s needs, and I will organize the harvest for you that will meet your requested need(2 Corinthians 9:8-9).

God is sovereign: God determines the harvest. He makes things grow, which is why whole forests totally engulfed by fire will grow back after a few years. Not only does He allow every seed planted to reproduce after its kind, He also at times chooses to allow the harvest to take on another form and not necessarily the form of the seed planted (1 Corinthians 15: 36-38). The house of Levi sowed loyalty to Moses ministry and they reaped the harvest of priesthood. Money seeds planted at times may result in divine favor, generational blessing, health, divine interventions and other forms of miracles.

Seeds should be planted intentionally and strategically: Every reasonable farmer plants the seed of the crop he wants to harvest. A farmer that plans to harvest oranges plants orange seeds. In like manner too, we should be strategic in planting seeds. If you feel you want intercession and prayer cover, it will be wise to start praying for someone in need or urgent help. If you want to be excellent in your vocation, plant the seed of diligence.

Seeds must be guarded: Many times we fail to receive the requisite harvest because after planting, we don’t guard our seeds. No farmer plants and comes back to the farmland after one month to see how the seed is faring. Rather, he monitors what has been planted daily from predators. He clears the weed which also saps nutrients from the soil and competes with the good seed of the ground. Predators such as doubts, unbelief, bitterness, satanic attacks, wrong confessions must be taking care of daily by a serious minded seed planter. The farmer also regularly prays for rain to water the crops. Thanksgiving, praise and worship is the rain that waters the seeds that we plant (Psalm 67:5-7)

Conclusion: The Word of God is a seed. It is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). It can grow and prevail over adversity (Acts 19:20). The atmosphere for germination for the Word of God is the heart of men. If well cultivated, the seed of the Word planted will germinate and deliver results accordingly.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN


Maximizing 2014 (January 2014)

To maximize something is to use it in a manner so as to get the best out of it. This year 2014 will be operated in such a manner that it will deliver the best to us in Jesus name. Below are vital truths:

Begin Afresh: It seems that God allows chronological time to be divided into calendars because He gives opportunity for us to begin afresh. Every New Year is an opportunity to appraise the past, make amends and begin afresh. God has the ability to grant new beginnings by totaling wiping off the ugly memories of the past, but for Him to do so, He needs our total cooperation. Because Joseph had this attitude of letting go the pains, hurts, disappointments, failures, etc of the past, it was easy for God to grant him new starts often.  His firstborn son was called Manasseh because…,”God had made me forget all my toil and my entire father’s house”.  A wise man said our imagination of the future must far surpass our memories of the past. Write out your goals for this year and trust God for their fulfillment.

Focus on God: Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). He is the Source and Perfecter of our faith. As we focus on Him via prayers, Bible meditation, worship, regular church attendance, etc.  He opens our understanding, giving us direction such that we are able to know what path to travel in. This is essential in making the most of 2014.
Daily renew your mind:  We live life from the inside out (Matthew 12:35). Our lives gravitate towards our predominant thoughts, and our thoughts are real entities in the spirit realm. We achieve results not just through our prayers but also through our thoughts (Ephesians 3:20). Our mind is our garden, allowing weeds such as doubts, worries, lust, small-mindedness, etc. to fester therein is reducing the capabilities of it. A sanctified mind on the other hand is creative, open to God, alert, strong and able.

Number your days: The Psalmist said God should teach him to number his days that he may apply his heart to wisdom (Psalm 90:12). Days, not weeks nor months nor years are to be numbered! If we don’t make each day count, the weeks, months and even the year will slip by with nothing to show for it. Maximize each day in 2014 by living deliberately, purposefully and soberly (Ephesians 5:15-17)

Enhance your value: The value of something is the worth of it. It is not unusual to see people in the same profession doing similar things earning differently. The reason usually is the worth of each individual, what they know and the results they generate. In 2014, enhance your value by learning more, doing things differently, working harder and trying to make yourself indispensable on your job. How easily are you replaceable? Become a better   person, better employer and better employee in 2014.

Be Action-oriented: Many goals, aspirations and dreams are not fulfilled simply because there is no action backing it up. Faith without corresponding action is like a body without the spirit, dead (James 2:26). A man of God said that faith is hope wearing working gloves. Our actions are the price we pay for our written down goals and aspirations to be accomplished. The process of faith is completed by the actions that accompany it. Be more of an actor this year than a talker!

Serve others: Our lives aren’t measured by the duration of it but by the donation of it. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20: 35). The world is blessed today by generous people who give time, talent and treasures to worthy causes. Real fulfillment is not found in things, it is found in serving God and also mankind. Whatever thing you make happen for others, God will make same happen to you (Ephesians 6:8). We are recreated in Christ Jesus in order for us to do good works.

Conclusion: The grace of God is given to us to do the seemingly impossible things. Harness the grace of God in 2014 to maximize the year and bring pleasure to your maker. It is your year of distinction and great occurrences in Jesus name.

Happy new year!

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

The Wonders Of Praise (December 2013)

"Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?” (Exodus 15:11).
Being caught in rush hour traffic in a bustling North Eastern city of the USA some time ago, I noticed that despite the gridlock involving 5 to 6 lanes on the general highway in which I was, the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane was moving smoothly. Only vehicles with more than one person are authorized to travel the HOV lane. As I was musing over this, the Lord opened my understanding that the general lanes I was is like the incessant petition, requests, and supplications of the people of this world to Heaven. My understanding was further quickened to realize that the HOV lane is the praise and worship lane which very few people travel on. And surely, this is the lane that will get us to our destination fast. Below are some spiritual truths about praising God:
Praise Refreshes God: Praise is refreshing to God. Genuine praise of God from sanctified lips and hearts arouses God and pleases Him. The one certain way His creation blesses Him is by offering Him praise and worship. He created us to give Him pleasure (Revelation 4:11). The Bible says that the generous person will prosper, and whoever refreshes others will be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25, NIV). We are refreshed as we refresh God with our praise. Our hearts, families, communities, and our entire existence are touched by Heaven as we effusively and continuously praise God.
Praise Precedes Victory: Praise is one of the weapons of warfare of the Christian which Apostle Paul says is not carnal or ordinary (2 Corinthians 10:4). King Jehoshaphat and Judah were besieged by three powerful kings who were determined to totally annihilate them. On seeking the Lord, He gave them an unconventional battle plan - that singers praising Him should lead the soldiers to the war. An army to be led by a choir! The result goes thus: “And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, which were come against Judah and they were smitten” (2 Chronicles 20:21-22). Praise stirs God to action to fight on behalf of those praising Him.
Praise Accelerates Victory: Praise in the spiritual realm can be likened to the autobahn in Germany. The autobahn is a highway in Germany where drivers are free to drive with no enforceable speed limits except in few designated areas. It isn’t unlikely to see German produced 500 horsepower BMWs and Mercedes’ cruising at 130miles per hour and more. Incessant and continuous praise accelerates response from heaven. Switching to praise after a heart rending supplication to God opens the heaven over the believer. Do you have unfulfilled dreams, goals and aspirations in 2013? If yes, designate this last month of December your month of praise. As you begin to wholeheartedly praise the Almighty, you will notice remarkable changes in your circumstances.
Praise Releases His Glory: The glory of God is His manifest presence. It was that glory that came into the jail cell where Paul and Silas were praising God even though they were bound in shackles. This glory caused an earthquake that left the prison doors open and everyone’s chains loosed (Acts 16:25-27).  It was this same glory that was shown to Moses after God hid him in the cleft of the rock. The residues of this glory after it clears amongst several other wonderful things are always signs, wonders and miracles. The glory of God is synonymous to His goodness (Exodus 33:18-19). May you experience that glory in this season in Jesus name!
CONCLUSION: To experience the wonders of God, praise which is the atmosphere of heaven must be present in our mouths, homes, churches, communities, etc in an increasing degree and measure. This praise oozing from hearts that has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus will rise up as a sweet smelling savor to God. For anything to be acceptable in the courts of heaven, it has to be wrapped in the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 10:19-21). Are you washed by the blood of Jesus? If no, accept Him into your heart today as Lord and Savior.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Total Liberation (November 2013)

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…..  Therefore if the son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:32, 36)

The dictionary meaning of liberation is the act or process of freeing something from another’s control. Liberation, in essence is freedom. Mankind has an archenemy which is Satan and his cohorts. The aim of this enemy is to have the entire mankind in his control through sin, tyranny, sickness, affliction, anguish, poverty, shame, death, etc. But Jesus Christ was revealed to destroy the works of darkness and break this control over mankind (1 John 3:8).

Because this enemy is stubborn, relentless and persistent, liberation at times may be gradual requiring full cooperation of the victim. When God, through Moses demanded the release of the Israelites from the tyrannical reign of Pharaoh (Satanic agent), he was adamant and refused the request of Moses. When it was becoming more difficult to keep the Israelites in bondage because of the plagues, this satanic agent began to negotiate with Moses (Exodus 8:25,28; Exodus 10:10-11,24). The enemy is shrewd and will do everything possible to keep his victim. Below are some vital truths that will bring total liberation:

Seek the Truth: Jesus said emphatically that He is the Truth (John 14:6). As we open up our hearts to Him in genuine repentance of our sins, and also a deliberate invitation of Him into our hearts, the work of liberation begins in earnest.

Seek Knowledge of the Truth: The Knowledge of Jesus brings light. Light dispels and nullifies darkness (ignorance) which is one of the main weapons of Satan and his cohorts. As we make concerted efforts to seek the truth of the word of God which enlightens (Psalm 19:8), the hold and control of Satan is destroyed.

Seek fellowship of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. One of His major roles is to reveal, uncover and unravel to us who we are as born again believers of Christ. He imparts and impresses on our hearts the truth of the Word of God. He is also the Anointer. As long as Samson was anointed, he was shredding off ropes that was used to bind him like mere threads (Judges 16:12). The anointing of the Holy Spirit is a mighty tool of liberation for the believer.

Act boldly and courageously: David was able to liberate the Israelites from forty days of oppression in the hands of Goliath. He ran towards Goliath and didn’t run away from him. You can only conquer what you confront. After the Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln, many slaves remained in the servitude of their slave masters because they couldn’t summon courage to start life after the slave trade abolition. They remained slaves and captives because they were unable to act courageously. Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32b)

Take responsibility for your liberation: Satan is always on the trail of those who have found liberty through Jesus Christ.  Many are not living liberated lives because shortly after Jesus makes them free, they refuse to take responsibility and entangle themselves again by hobnobbing with sin and satan. The Bible in Galatians 5:1 says “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (NIV).

CONCLUSION: At conversion for every born again child of God, power changes hands. The power of the grave (death) which is peddled by Satan gives way to the power of resurrection which is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Every child of God who is in bondage or affliction over a protracted time should arise and take charge of what Jesus wrought on Calvary cross. You are liberated in Jesus name.

Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN