Therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed” (Isaiah 50:7b).
Focus, simply defined, is a central point of attention. The magnifying glass is known to magnify whatever object it is focused on. It is true that when you focus sunlight on a combustible object using a magnifying glass, the object will catch fire. This phenomenon proves the immense power of focus. It is said that nothing becomes dynamic unless it is specific or focused. Since life is full of many distractions, the only way we can be dynamic and effective at achieving something is by staying focus. Below are some truths about FOCUS:
Focus on Jesus and His cross: Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). The only way to overcome the darkness of evil prevalent in our society is by fixing our gaze on Jesus, who is the light of the world (John 8:12). A proper focus on Jesus and His words leads to transformation. When we focus on our personal weaknesses, failings and sins, we tend to reinforce and give power to them. But when we focus on Jesus and realize that our righteousness is of Him (Philippians 3:9), we begin to experience amazing transformation by His grace.
Obedience to divine laws: Laws are meant to bring order, though some human and governmental laws particularly in our generation do the opposite. But all divine laws bring order, which is essential to human development and progress. Divine laws are not grievous. For instance, the Ten Commandments were given by a Holy God for our good. The only way to experience heaven on earth (which is God’s will) is by focusing on God’s laws with a burning desire to keep them (Joshua 1:8). Obedience to God’s laws is only possible when we relate with God in a loving manner, and He in turn empowers us to obey.
Christ Himself focused: “He, for the joy (of obtaining the prize) that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame…” (Hebrews 12:2, AMP). Jesus looked beyond the pain, suffering and travails of the cross to the grand applause and celebration that would herald His arrival into heaven after His resurrection and ascension. Great visionaries are able to weather the temporary hardships and inconveniences they face in pursuit of their life goals because they focus on the desirable end result. We are to follow Christ’s footsteps by looking beyond the present difficulties we face, and fixing our attention on eternal realities.
Understanding purpose and purposeful living: Every achiever is purposeful and deliberate. Purposeful living makes a person to narrow down his or her choices in life to one or few things. It is true that multi-gifted people often times become jack of all trades and master of none, and thereby allowing greatness to elude them. Every great person, whether long dead or alive, is known for one thing. Paul said this one thing I do; David said this one thing I seek; and Jesus said for this purpose I came into the world. Achievers always try to define the purpose behind every tasks and assignments they engage in. This sparks off focus for them.
Set your thinking: Philippians 4:8 admonishes us to set our thinking on good and noble things. Our lives gravitate towards our predominant thoughts. Whatever thing you focus on, you tend to give strength to. If you focus on something for one minute, you push your mind (and your life) in that direction for one minute. When you focus on the same thing for months and weeks, you push your entire life in the direction of that thing. What distinguishes the winner from the loser, and the spiritual Christian from the carnal one is what they set their minds on (Romans 8:5-6).
Conclusion: Someone said, “If you focus on your focus very soon you become a focus.” What are you presently giving your attention and power to? Are they things that have no value, temporary values or eternal values? Are you paying attention to Jesus and His commandments? Receive grace to set your face like a flint on eternal issues!
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN