“Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power: the day when He redeemed them from the enemy.” (Psalm 78:41-42, NKJV).
The Israelites, on getting near to Canaan the Promised Land, refused to go forward. Ten out of the twelve leaders appointed by Moses said it was impossible for them to take the land considering the size and humongous nature of the giants who were occupying the land. It was only Joshua and Caleb who were willing to go on and take possession of the land. These two leaders said, “If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us …” (Numbers 14:8). They acknowledged the power of God in the situation.
God is unlimited in power; He has no inabilities or restrictions and can do all things. When we limit God, we restrict His actions in our lives, we bind His Hands and do not allow Him to operate freely on our behalf. Below are some ways to take the limits off God:
Re-new your mind: The Bible enjoins us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2). There is need to educate the mind with the scriptures in order to align our thoughts with the will of God. The battlefield is the mind of man. We are all products of our thoughts. The stronghold of fear, worry, anxiety, doubt, inferiority complex, etc are all products of the mind. God’s wish is that we meditate on His word and be in alignment with Him in our thinking! As we renew our minds we begin to think like Him, change inwardly and reflect His glory. The Israelites had been slaves all their lives and therefore had a slave mentality. They couldn’t see themselves owning Canaan, and in spite of all they had seen God done in Egypt, they doubted when they saw the giants in the land. Top athletes must exercise daily in order to remain in form and competitive. Neglecting to exercise regularly leads to weakness and loss of competence. Christians must renew their minds regularly in order to take the limits off God.
Re-member past victories: Every child of God has past victories. Before David faced Goliath, he remembered how God used him to kill the lion and the bear that confronted him in the wilderness. And he voiced these past victories to King Saul (1 Samuel 17:34-37). These became the platform for his faith and courage. There was no recounting of God’s past victories from the Israelites when they stood at the verge of Canaan. They couldn’t remember past victories at the face of challenge; all they could think of at that time was the seeming ‘security’ they had in Egypt. David made his boast in the Lord publicly when he told Saul how God used him to kill the lion and bear. Bold and audacious words coming out of a convinced and persuaded mind will always make God move mightily (Mark 11:22-24).
Re-kindle lost dreams: Many Christians when they first come to faith in Christ are full of lofty dreams and aspirations. But over time they become complacent when their realities don’t match their expectations. The way to always go is perseverance. We are not to be slothful but by faith and patience obtain God’s promises (Hebrews 6:12). Oil drillers never stop drilling when they are assured, through prospecting studies, that there is crude where they are drilling. God’s promises are yes and Amen in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20). Jesus’ blood signed, sealed and delivered all of God’s promises to us.
Re-enact past moves: Literally, all Christians have made a move of faith at some point that glorified God. Moves of faith please God and take the limits off Him. With a renewed mind that puts Him first, God begins to acknowledge every move we make in faith. Signs follow those who believe and move in the name of the Lord! The four lepers at the gate of Samaria that God used to bring deliverance to Syria would have died on that spot if they had not made a move. They moved and the prophetic word by Prophet Elisha found fulfillment (2 Kings 7). Prophecies are realized as believers make moves in the direction of the prophetic word.
CONCLUSION: To take the limits off God, we must seek fresh divine experiences through an intimate relationship with Him. I pray God’s Hands shall be loosed over us all in this new month in Jesus’ name.
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