God communicates with His children through the still small voice(1 Kings 19:11-12), inner witness of the Holy Spirit(Romans 8:16), visions(Acts 10:9-10), dreams(night visions), audible voice(Isaiah 30:21) and through circumstances(Acts 4:31),etc.
We can understand Heaven's communication system a little bit by looking at modern day telecommunications. At your TV/Radio station, a transmitter sends information to a converter, which converts the information to higher frequencies (that enables data to travel fast and far),and throws it into outer space(transmission channel). This information is received by TV/Radio sets receivers which in turn converts the high frequency data to usable forms of sound and video.
Heaven's communication works in like manner, the Holy Spirit is the transmitter conveying information from Headquarters at a divine speed which is received into the regenerated spirits of men. The mind of man is the converter relaying the message sent in an understandable and usable manner. The challenge to hearing from God is usually with our receivers(human spirits) which are not properly tuned to the right frequency. Below is how we can better tune our receivers:
1. Be born again: A person's capacity to hear the voice of God is greatly enhanced when he/she receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. His dead spirit is revived by the Holy Spirit which now indwells him/her. John 1:12, Romans 8:16.
2. Develop your spirit man: Regular fellowshipping with the indwelling Holy Spirit through Bible study and meditation, heartfelt worship, prayer, church attendance, etc helps the christian to discern the Holy Spirit's voice, promptings, impulses, impressions, etc from that of the devil and his own natural thoughts. Hebrews 5:14, 1 John 2:27.
3. Renew your mind daily with the Word of God: The more your thoughts align with God's thoughts, the easier it becomes to discern His voice distinctly. Our minds can either be a barrier or facilitator in hearing God depending on what we preoccupy it with. Romans 12:2, Romans 8:5-8.
4. Be obedient: God will only lead those who are willing to follow His promptings. Psalm 25:9,14
5. Overcome the fear of failure: There will be moments in your learning process that you will mistake your own natural inclinations as His leading. Don't get discouraged and stop the process. Continue till you can recognize that still small voice distinctly. Proverbs 24:16, Hebrews 10:39.
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