Sunday, August 20, 2017

True Riches

Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?” (Luke 16:11, NKJV).

True riches are riches of heaven; it is what heaven bestows or gives. The above-cited Scripture makes a distinction between true riches and worldly wealth. It implies that if you have not been faithful with your earthly wealth, true riches of heaven will not be given to you. Below are some facts about true riches:

True riches are riches money cannot buy: Examples of true riches are the anointing of the Holy Spirit on the Christian, good health, ability to get prayers answered, gifts of the Spirit, talents and abilities, divine favor, honor that heaven bestows, eternal life, divine wisdom, ability to hear the voice of God, understanding of the Scriptures, long life, a good name, generational blessings, and the list goes on. True riches are blessings we cannot purchase with money.

True riches are divine revelation: It is having access to divine ideas and mysteries. Divine revelation is the difference between where you are now and where you want to be. Abraham became great because he kept on accessing the mind of God about his future. He had faith to believe God for a child at 99 years because of the things revealed to him (Genesis 15:1-6). Divine revelation is the trade secret of the individual Christian. The more revelation you have, the more the impact you will make.

True riches are generational blessings: Levi, third generation after Abraham, was said to be in the loins of Abraham, his great grandfather, when Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek. This deed of faith of Abraham qualified Levi to receive tithes as a priest (Hebrews 7:8-10).  Levi was blessed because of Abraham. True riches are generational; it is leaving a legacy of faith, righteousness and greatness for succeeding generations.

True riches are secure: Whatever heaven bestows, it is able to keep. Satan testified about Job, “Have you not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side?....” (Job 1:10). Heaven built a hedge around Job’s possessions. Satan could not touch Job’s health, possession and family, until heaven permitted it. Worldly wealth on the other hand can be easily lost; it can develop wings and fly away (Proverbs 23:5).  In the US, it is often said that everyone is just one sickness away from bankruptcy.

True riches are heavenly rewards: These are rewards that transcend the terrestrial to the celestial. There is a celestial reward for every kingdom investment made in this terrestrial realm. For every soul won, for every kingdom program funded, for every disciple raised, there will be a heavenly reward. When we aim at heavenly rewards in all endeavors, earthly blessings will not elude us (Matthew 6:33). We are to focus on eternity while we live in history. Salvation is free, but getting rewards in heaven is costly.

CONCLUSION:  True riches according to our opening text are entrusted. You have to be found trustworthy to access true riches, and the key requirement is being faithful in money matters (Luke 16:10-12). Jesus wanted to give the rich young ruler true riches, but he was too attached to his worldly wealth that he lost a golden chance to lay hold on eternal blessings (Mark 10:17-22). How attached are you to worldly riches? How faithful are you with tithes and offerings? Have a blessed month!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Legacy Of Faith

"By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks" – Hebrews 11:4 (NKJV).

Legacy refers to something remarkable someone has achieved which continues to exist after he or she has stopped working or died. Many people worry about what type of legacy they will leave behind when they are no more. Faith in God produces and leaves a worthy, living legacy. Hebrews 11:4 talks about Abel, even though long dead, still speaks today through the sacrifice and gifts he offered to God by faith. Below are the kinds of faith which will leave footprints on the sands of time and bequeath inheritance to succeeding generations:

Faith that worships: True worship to God cannot be separated from sacrifice. The sacrifice one is willing to make for someone is a reflection of the value that person places on him or her. Abel offered something God Himself considered pleasing. Therefore, God had respect for his gift and sacrifice, but disregarded that of Cain his twin brother (Genesis 4:3-5).  Because Abel believed that God exists and is a rewarder, he gave a worthy offering which God respected. Having pleased God by his sacrifice inspired by reverential worship, he attained a legacy which still speaks before God.

Faith that walks:  It was said of Enoch that he walked with God by faith and God took him to heaven without him dying (Genesis 5:22-24). His experience of being taken to heaven marked the first account of rapture in the Bible. He walked consistently with God for 300 years. The faith that will leave a legacy is one that will consistently walk with God in good times and bad times, in prosperity and adversity, and in high and low moments. Those who diligently seek God shall be rewarded. Those who have been justified by Christ are required to walk by faith, and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Faith that works:  Noah was instructed by God to build an ark because He was going to destroy the earth by rainfall and floodwater. For about 70 years according to Bible scholars, Noah worked to build this ark, while the people around him insulted and jeered at him. Though he suffered vicious mockery, Noah never stopped working on the ark. He was able to save his family as a result of his obedience of faith. The Bible says faith without works (corresponding action) is dead. The Bible also says we should show we have faith through our actions (James 2:18). Nowadays, many who claim to believe God prove otherwise by their actions.

Faith that waits: The Bible says some of the patriarchs died in faith not receiving the promises they were assured of them (Hebrews 11:13). God told Abraham he was going to be a father of nations, but biologically he only fathered two sons: Ishmael and Isaac. Joseph died believing in the future exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt, so he left instruction that his bones should be taken with them when they leave Egypt. The faith that leaves a legacy is the one which sees far into the future; it adjures God to be faithful in keeping His promises, even when they are timeless.

Faith that wins:  The victory that overcomes the world is our faith (1 John 5:4-5). Faith in Christ makes us a winner. Rahab the prostitute became a descendant of Jesus because of her faith in the God of Israel. She placed a high premium on God and loved His people to the extent of hiding them at her own peril.  As a result, she saved her family and herself, and won the battle of destiny. This type of faith places a high premium on God and His promises, and contends without giving in (1 Timothy 6:12).

CONCLUSION:  In order to leave a legacy, you must have the faith which worships, walks, works, waits, and wins. It’s my prayers that our faith will be transgenerational and leave an enduring legacy.

Pressing Towards The Mark

"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" - Philippians 3:13-14

A mark is a goal worth pursuing. The Apostle Paul, in the above-quoted text, was consumed with the goal of winning a heavenly prize. Not everything in life is worth pursuing or worth our attention as born-again believers. Destiny is worth pursuing. Purpose is worth pursuing. God is worth pursuing. Heaven and heaven’s rewards are worth pursuing. Souls for the kingdom of God are worth pursuing. Peace of mind and marital peace are worth pursuing – and the list goes on. What are your pursuits? Below are some truths to imbibe in order to PRESS into our goals:

Press against the odds: The odds to press against may be our own stubborn wills, the will of the enemy, our fleshy and lazy attitudes, or external enemies set against us.  Gethsemane is the place where Jesus prayed the night before His crucifixion, while His disciples slept. Gethsemane literally means oil press or the place of the press. It was in Gethsemane Jesus pressed into His destiny of going to the cross. It was there He travailed to conquer Calvary. The inner strength and resolve to embrace Calvary was given to Him in Gethsemane (Luke 22:41-45). We have to press to prevail against all odds.

Repent from dead works: The Bible talks about dead works in Hebrews 6:1. Dead works are time-wasting activities we sometimes engage in which do not, in any way, help us to attain the mark or goal(s) we pursue. It’s time again for us to review our activities. It’s time to stop some things and start other things which fall in with your life aspiration. Apostle Paul, in our opening text, says he forgets what is behind and reaches forth to things ahead. Dead works are destiny killers, so beware!

Eliminate your fears: Those who reach their goals keep pressing on despite their fears. Several attempts were made at flying before the Wright Brothers successfully flew the first plane. Many of these attempts resulted in death and serious injuries. All these perils didn’t stop Orville and Wilbur Wright from pursuing their goal. They went on to perfect the mechanics of the three axis control which enabled attainment of equilibrium and proper steering of the aircraft. The courageous are not those who don’t feel afraid, but they are those who conquer their fears. Fear paralyses, while faith mobilizes.

Stretch your imagination: One of the ways in which man is made in God’s image and likeness is the ability to envision and make the vision happen (Isaiah 46:10-11). Abraham, after separating from Lot (veil) had a divine visitation where God told him, “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are – northward, southward, eastward and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever” (Genesis 13:14-15). Our perspective in life determines our pursuits. It is my prayer that the Lord sanctifies our thoughts and empowers us to see great things in Jesus’ name.

Solicit divine help: Divine help only comes to the needy, the vulnerable, the broken, the humble and the helpless. Angels came to minister to Jesus after He prayed earnestly for about three hours in Gethsemane. He was empowered and equipped to fulfill His destiny of going to the cross. We can only access divine help as we come to the end of ourselves and cry to God (Psalm 34:6). Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. Ask for grace for the race!
CONCLUSION: Keep pressing. Don’t settle. Don’t rest on your oars. By all means make progress because there is no resting on this side of eternity (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Have a blessed new month.

The Resurrection And The Life

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

Resurrection simply means revival. It means that which is dead bouncing back to life. Resurrection also means a quickening.  In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus said, “It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead, and is alive again …” (Luke 15:32). The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2:1, referring to born again believers in Christ, said, “And you He made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins.” God instructed Prophet Ezekiel to prophesy to very dry bones of dead men in a valley, and as he prophesied there was a response and a quickening, and the dry bones were revived and transformed  to a great army (Ezekiel 37:1-10). When Jesus breathed his last on the cross, spectacular events happened, one of which was the opening of graves and the rising back to life of dead saints who were seen by several people (Matthew 27: 51-53). Our opening text was Jesus’ pronouncement at Lazarus tomb before he raised him up after been dead for four days.

We serve a God who can make the dead live again (Romans 4:17b). Dead situations, dead bodies, dead brains, the spiritually dead, dead marriages, dead dreams, etc at the touch and breath of God can live again. And this is one of the central messages of Easter. To receive resurrection and life the following are imperative:

Receive Jesus Christ:  The first Adam is a living soul, but the last Adam (Christ) is a life giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45). Accepting Jesus is accepting life as opposed to death.  He is not only the hope of our resurrection, but also the resurrection and life (John 11:25).  Believers in Christ will never see death.  Jesus, the resurrection and the life, is the first born from the dead. He rose to prove that resurrection is possible by the power of God, and that our faith in Him isn’t in vain (1 Corinthians 15:12-17). Receiving Christ is receiving eternal life, which is the ultimate, glorious kind of life Jesus gives.

Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit: The Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is also the same Spirit that indwells believers in Him (Romans 8:11). This life-giving Spirit affects our mortal bodies, injecting life into us. Death is an eventual, natural order of sequence. Everything grows old and suffers decadence, but this life by the Holy Spirit can slow down the natural sequence of decadence and death. This life can also reverse death, as in the case of Lazarus in John 11. Cultivate a dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit in order to see His renewing and reviving power.

Request for the power of His resurrection:  Often times, our priorities in prayer are skewed and misplaced. Apostle Paul’s prayer for the New Testament church is largely different from the prayers we mostly pray these days. He prayed that he (and by extension the church) will know the power of His resurrection and be conformed to Christ’s death (Philippians 3:10). Paul further prayed that the Lord will enlighten the eyes of the New Testament believer to know the power of resurrection that raised Christ from the dead (Ephesians 1:19-20). This resurrection life can activate every area of the believer’s life.  Prophet Elisha’s body was so full of resurrection life that even in death, his body jerked back to life another dead man’s body which was thrown into his tomb and made contact with his body (2 Kings 13).

CONCLUSION: In this Easter season, pray that the resurrection and the life will make fresh contact with you. May His resurrection power activate every good thing dying in our lives in Jesus’ name.

Walking in Divine Purpose

I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations - (Jeremiah 1:5, NLT)
Purpose is simply defined as the reason for something. Divine purpose is the mind of God towards someone or something; it is God’s intention about someone. God is a God of purpose and intention.
The scriptures are replete with theme of purpose and God’s intentionality. For example, a prophetess named Anna was intentioned by God to intercede towards the coming of the Messiah, and she was graced to pray and fast in the temple towards this end (Luke 2:36-38). Asaph, one of the three worship leaders of King David, was enabled by God to write poetry and raise His praise and worship in Israel (1 Chronicles 6:31-32, 39); Joseph of Arimathea was to use his high profile position and wealth to go before Pontius Pilate and claim the body of Jesus which he buried in his own grave, and thus fulfill prophecy (Matthew 27:57-60); Lois and Eunice, the grandmother and mother of Timothy, were enabled to raise a young, godly man who was to pastor the church in Ephesus, an intimidating city (2 Timothy 1:5); John the Baptist was to herald and bear witness and proclaim the divinity of Jesus ahead of His arrival (John 1:19-28). Below are the three imperatives for fulfilling divine purpose:

Discover: To be successful in the scheme of heaven’s reckoning, one must discover his or her purpose and go ahead and fulfill it. Jesus gave a parable likening the Kingdom of heaven to a beautiful gemstone of great price. And a merchant, on finding this beautiful gemstone, went and sold all his possessions in order to purchase the land in which the valuable gemstone was found (Matthew 13:44-46). Discovering purpose or divine assignment is a very critical issue. The seed of destiny and greatness is already resident in us awaiting our discovery.  Our prayers should be: “Lord, reveal in clear terms your purpose and will for my life.” This is the foundation of Christian success and fulfillment. May you find your purpose in Jesus’ name.

Develop: It is true that nothing in its crude form attracts real value. Mineral resources in their raw and unrefined form found in Africa haven’t made the continent a prosperous one. Ironically, continents which are less endowed with the richness of the earth are far more prosperous. The gift or calling that makes a way and ushers one into the presence of the great is one that has been developed and well worked on. The religious leaders who plotted the killing of Jesus were amazed at the boldness and development of Peter and John when they heard them speak (Acts 4:13). A genuine encounter with the person of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God will always engender a life-transforming experience that will facilitate growth in all facets of life.

Deploy: To deploy means to utilize for a particular purpose. Many use their gifts and callings to serve and aggrandize self; some others use it to serve Satan. Apostle Paul said people preach the gospel for various reasons (Philippians 1:15-18). For the child of God, pursuit of the will of God must be paramount. Eternity must be kept in perspective since we are going to give account of heaven’s resources bequeathed to us (Luke 19:11-27). Jesus also described true greatness as service to God and mankind. How are you deploying heaven’s resources? Are you promoting the purposes of God? Are you impacting mankind appropriately according to divine purpose?

CONCLUSION: Success in heaven’s reckoning is accomplishing divine purpose. To discover your purpose is your responsibility. To develop your gifting, which is an indicator of your purpose, requires cooperation between the Holy Spirit and you. We deploy our assignment on this earth with a great sense of purpose and reliance on the Holy Spirit.

The Violent Takes it By Force

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12, NKJV).
The Ellicott’s Bible commentary described the violent in Matthew 11:12 as men (or women) of eager, impetuous zeal, who grasp the kingdom of heaven—i.e., its peace, pardon, and blessedness—with as much eagerness as men would snatch and carry off as their own the spoil of a conquered city. In the Bible days, there were always spoils of war to be gained after a city conquers another city. Our text suggests that those who will inherit peace, pardon and heaven’s blessings in this dispensation must be believers with candor, zeal, eagerness and Holy Ghost determination. The word “violence,” in the introductory text, is translated in the Greek language as biazo, which means to use and apply force. Below are some key areas of Kingdom practice where we need to apply force and violence viz:

Violence in Prayer and Faith:  The Bible says the persistent and heartfelt prayer of a righteous man has tremendous power that is dynamic in its workings (James 5:16, AMP). It is like dynamite that blasts rocks and mountains into pieces. A violent faith is like the one Jacob demonstrated i.e. it is resolute and will not give up even in the face of great physical pain (Genesis 32: 24-32). A violent faith was also manifested by the Syrophoenician woman who was skillful in pleading her case before a compassionate God (Matthew 15:21-28). A violent faith is what the leper had and believed that God is willing to bless (Matthew 8:1-3). Thus, a violent faith is one that knows that faith is activated by loving God genuinely and also loving mankind (Galatians 5:6).

Violence in Giving:  In 1 Kings 3:3-5, the Bible states how Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on the altar in Gibeon and that same night God appeared to him in the dream with an open check of blessing. Solomon gave “violently” and this triggered divine reaction. Sometime ago, a young bachelor, who was about to marry, approached me and offered to me his only prized possession (i.e. refrigerator) as a seed. He said he was praying to God to bless him with a car and God asked him to sow his fridge which was all he essentially had. The result was that someone blessed him with an unsolicited car. The Bible says those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy (Psalm 126:5, NLT).

Violence in Praise: In Revelation chapter 4, Apostle John saw a revelation of the praise and worship going on in heaven by celestial beings. And he described that the praise was focused on God; it was continuous, unending, and dramatic. The heavenly beings prostrated and laid down their golden crowns in worship to God. It is God’s will that our personal and corporate worship on earth will reflect this (Matthew 6:9-10). Paul and Silas praised God “violently” in prison and in pain, and suddenly there was a divine response that caused an earthquake and their bonds broken.

Violence in Evangelism:  Jesus talking about evangelism said, “And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together” (John 4:36). The woman of Samaria after encountering Jesus’ saving grace went and told her city about Jesus, and many came to seek Him as a result. Phillip brought Nathaniel to Jesus.  Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, brought him (i.e. Peter) to Jesus (John 1:35-50). The recurring cliché in these scenarios was come and see the Messiah. And this remains the crux of evangelism, introducing mankind to the Savior.

Violence in Holy Living: Jesus, in warning against temptation, said that if any part of our body causes us to sin, we should cut it off (Matthew 18:8-9). He was underscoring how violent and intolerant to sin we should be. He died to take away our sins and to empower us against sinful practices. We are to develop zero tolerance for sin and compromise. We are to deny the flesh daily, renew our minds with the Word of God, and activate our spirit man through fervent prayers. In this permissive, sinful world, we are to be symbol of purity and holiness.

CONCLUSION:  As we become zealous and eager practitioners of the aforementioned points, there will be no limits to our rising in 2017. Receive fresh grace and determination to be a doer of the word in Jesus’ name.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A New Dawn (January 2017)

Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

A new dawn simply means a new year pregnant with many possibilities. Though God lives in eternity and not constrained by time, He allows delineation of timelines and chronology for humans for the purpose of evaluation. The Psalmist said: “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). To harness the possibilities that the new dawn will bring, we will need [to do] the following as discussed below:

A new/renewed vision: Because we are made in God’s image, we have the ability to envision the future. A vision is a picture projecting a desirable future. A goal is defined as the end towards which effort is directed. A new year requires vision from us in order for it to deliver. A vision can be sourced from within oneself (Proverbs 20:5), from God (Jeremiah 33:3), or from observing people we admire or aspire to be like. To renew something is to refresh it and make it new again. An old, unfulfilled dream can be renewed or refreshed again. It’s time to pick up old dreams that has been abandoned or buried again.

A new approach: The main question to ask in 2017 is what should I do differently this year? Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Hannah tried a different approach in the yearly Shiloh program which she attended with her family for many years with no result.  She had been barren for many years and was desperate for a child. She went to the altar at Shiloh where the high priest Eli was sitting, prayed to God, and made a vow to give the child back to God, if the LORD granted her request. The high priest prophesied over her and God granted her request. Hannah changed her course of action and heaven responded (Scripture reference: 1 Samuel 1:8-18).

A new perspective: The way we see things in life is mainly shaped by the information we take in and the association we keep. Twelve leaders were asked by Moses to check out the promised land of Canaan, and to report their findings. Two of them (Joshua and Caleb) saw opportunity in difficulty, whereas the remaining ten (majority) saw difficulty in opportunity. Don’t allow majority report to influence your perspective in 2017; rather, let God and His word influence your worldview and perspective. The justified ones in Christ are required to live their lives in a manner consistent with their confident belief in God’s promises (2 Corinthians 5:7, AMP).

A new spirit: Apostle Paul stated that he was able to do everything he purposed to do through Christ who strengthened him (Philippians 4:13). He was always infused with Holy Ghost inspired determination. He had a can-do and fired up spirit. When an astute prophet relayed to him the peril he was going to suffer if he traveled to Jerusalem, Paul was unperturbed. He determined against the prophecy to go to Jerusalem. A can-do spirit will brave all odds to accomplish what he set out to do. Joni Eareckson Tada, a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the shoulders down overcame all odds to author over forty books and earned many honorary degrees. She also painted with her mouth, recorded many albums and starred in an autobiography movie of her life.

A new diligence: A wise man once said the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. In real life it isn’t so. We all have comfort zones we are unwilling to relinquish. However, to enter a new dawn, some great deal of effort is required on our part. To make the most out of a new dawn, there will always be need for diligence and favor. God is committed to blessing the work of our hands. Diligence is work directed to the proper channel. Proverbs 12:27 in the Amplified Bible says: “The lazy man does not catch and roast his prey, but the precious possession of a (wise) man is diligence (because he recognizes opportunities and seizes them).” Diligence is the wise man’s precious possession.

Conclusion: Receive new grace in this year of perfection in Jesus’ name. May Jesus, the Morning Star, arise anew in our hearts and birth a new dawn for us all (2 Peter 1:19). Happy New Year!


Building A Tower

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, “This man began to build and was not able to finish” (Luke 14:28-30, NKJV).
As the year begins to come to an end, many are already reflecting on year 2016. The year, thus far, may have been great for some and not too great for others. Regardless of where you may find yourself, this period is actually the time to begin to project and plan for the future. Doing such an endeavor is like building a tower.
Building a tower is far different from putting up a shanty. It could be akin to starting a new building project, starting a new line of career, starting a new business enterprise or becoming an entrepreneur. It could also be a spiritual assignment; every believer, in conjunction with the Holy Spirit, is building a spiritual edifice (1 Peter 2:5). It could also be committing to raising up godly children in an era of increasing decadence. Thus, building a tower is like doing something of significance. The following are some truths of how to BUILD:
Believe in God: “Most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in Me the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these he will do because I go to My father” (John 14:12). The quoted scripture is Jesus’ word to believers. Having faith in God is very crucial to doing mighty works. It activates the divine in the life of the believer, making him or her to see the possibility and attainability of anything. That is why Jesus categorically said: “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23). Towers are built by believers who believe in a mighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible.
Understand your assignment: To build a tower, it is imperative one knows and identifies the tower he is assigned to build. We are only divinely empowered to do things in line with our God-given assignment. Nehemiah was assigned to rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem. He was burdened, passionate and restless about the broken walls. What is your assignment? What are your burdens and passions? What arouses godly anger in you? They are pointers to your assignment.
Incline your ear to hear: Building a tower isn’t a child’s play. You must have a word or inspiration from heaven that will enable you to continue, especially when the going gets tough. God is always willing to speak as long as we are willing to listen. God will speak as long as we are focused on seeking Him wholeheartedly and patiently. God will also speak in line with our prompt obedience (Scriptural reference: Jeremiah 29:12-13).
Leverage on what you have: You can’t build a tower alone. To build a physical structure of that magnitude, many experts will be needed. For example, to build a great career, business or ministry, mentors are needed. Identify your resources and leverage on them. Leveraging means laboring with wisdom. It means using other people’s talents, resources, experience, money, time, etc. Nehemiah leveraged on his connection with King Artaxerxes to get materials for the building of the wall (Nehemiah 2:7-8).
Do your due diligence:  Our main text says we should count the cost of building. In this modern day and in secular parlance, it means do due diligence. Failing to plan is planning to fail. A man of God said “it is prayer and planning that makes us co-laborers with God.”
Conclusion: The Bible says we should lay up treasures in heaven. In other words, build a tower in heaven. To make heaven and reap dividends there, all the afore-mentioned points are important. Have you received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? Are you building your tower in heaven? With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can build towers here and in heaven.