“And Moses said to the children of Israel, see the Lord has called by name Bezalel, the son of Uri, of the tribe of Judah and He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of workmanship…” (Exodus 35:30-35)
Creativity, according to the dictionary, is the ability to create. Another dictionary meaning of creativity is to have or show the ability to make new things or think of new ideas. We, humans, possess some level of creative capability of God Himself, since we are created in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26, 27). God started the work of creation and left it for us to share in His work. For example, He made the trees and gave man the wisdom to make furniture, writing materials, building materials and the likes out of them. And the story of creation and post creation continues! Below are some ways we can release our creative potential:
Unleash Creativity By Knowledge And Revelation: Knowing who you really are changes your mentality. “And as a man thinks, so he is…” (Proverbs 23:7). Whenever God wants to use a man, He tampers with his thinking to show him who he really is and what He has invested in him. The creativity in Gideon was fully released when he caught a revelation of who he really is. While he saw himself as nobody, God called him a mighty man of valor; while he was still in serious self-doubt, God assuredly told Gideon“Surely, I will be with you and you shall smite the Midianites as one man squad” (Judges 6:12 – 16). May you receive a fresh revelation of your capabilities today!
Unleash Creativity By Spirituality: Jesus said those who are born of the Spirit are spirit. Born again believers are not just ordinary human beings, but also spirit beings (John 3:6). Apostle Paul developed his spirit man to such a level that he could perform creative miracles. Because of a robust, fervent, well-built up and well-fed spirit man, he said I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). Also, the apostle because of a buoyant prayer life in the Spirit wrote almost two thirds of the New Testament.
Unleash Creativity By Innovation: To innovate simply means to do something in a new way or to seek to improve on something. God is a dynamic God who is always interested in making things new (Isaiah 43:19). Doing something in a new way often times involves tweaking things already in existence or use. The creativity we see in the technology and automobile industry is, most often than not, attained by just making little adjustments on previous and existing products. Become more creative by always seeking to challenge conventional thinking and traditional ways of doing things.
Unleash Creativity By The Spoken Word: The story of creation is that of God calling the world into existence from invisible realms (Hebrews 11:3). The Bible further tells us that God sustains the earth also by the word of His command (Hebrews 1:3). Notable men in scriptures used their words to hold up the sun for 24 hours, to release abundance in times of famine, to cause the barren to conceive and to do several miraculous acts. As we declare the inspired word of God in boldness under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we become more creative.
Unleash Creativity By Venturing: Most inventions that we see today are the results of trial and error, results of people venturing to do something daring and different. Thomas Edison was not deterred by his several attempts to invent the incandescent bulb. After several trials and failures, he eventually succeeded at his work and said, “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” It’s better to attempt something and fail than to attempt nothing.
Conclusion: Creativity is an attribute of God that is in us. In our opening scripture Bezalel was endowed by God for craftsmanship. It’s time for you to begin to deploy God’s endowment in you.