Friday, October 3, 2014

The Marks Of Spiritual Maturity

“Therefore leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith towards God” (Hebrews 6:1)
Maturity means growth. It means coming of age. It means being responsible and taking charge. The scripture above says we should go on or press on into maturity.
Spiritual maturity confers authority and dominion on the believer. The Roman centurion soldier told Jesus that he understands the authority and power He (Jesus) wields over sicknesses and diseases. He asked Jesus not to bother to come to his sick servant but just speak the word of healing concerning his situation and it shall be done. Jesus marveled at the faith of this centurion. This same authority Jesus has given to all believers, and we manifest it more as we mature spiritually (Matthew 8:5-12, Mark 16:17-18).    Spiritual maturity allows and make being led by the Holy Spirit possible. Sons are led by the Holy Spirit, not babies (Romans 8:14). Spiritual maturity also allows the believer to possess all that God has in store for him/her. Apostle Paul says the reason he is pressing forward is to lay hold of what Christ has already purchased for him through redemption (Philippians 3:12).
Below are some key points to note:
Spiritual maturity is not title; it is teachability: Jesus was said to learn obedience through what He suffered (Hebrews 5:8). Apostle Paul says he learnt to be content at all times (Philippians 4:11). Spiritually mature believers subject themselves to instructions from the scriptures. They are trained, tested and proven true. The badge of honor they carry are God given and not man-made decorations and adornment in titles, cassocks, and long robes, gold crosses in the neck, etc
Spiritual maturity is not charisma; it is character: The Corinthian church were said to be enriched in everything, they came short in no gift (1 Corinthians 1:4-7), yet Apostle Paul called them babies (1 Corinthians 3:1-3). They were charismatic and gifted but very carnal. They had strife, envy, divisions, etc in their midst. Apostle Paul said he could only feed them with milk and not solid food. Spiritual maturity is consistently demonstrating Godly character.
Spiritual maturity is not emotional gymnastics; it is being established in the faith: When I newly became a Christian, it was drummed in me that my walk with God had little to do with my feelings, whether low or high. It had to do with the word of God and the Holy Spirit. The Bible says we should be rooted, built up in Christ and established in the faith (Colossians 2:7). Spiritual maturity/growth doesn’t come on the believer automatically. It is a matter of personal decision and responsibility.
Spiritual maturity is not a destination; it is a process: Physically, as people advance in age their bones stop growing in length, thus their height stops increasing. This is not so spiritually, the end result of spiritual growth is reaching the measure of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). This will only happen when we make it to heaven. You cannot max out your spiritual life like some people max out credit cards. There is always a higher level to attain.
Conclusion: As we mature spiritually, more grace and divine enablement is added to us. Even Jesus, the God-incarnate had to go through some growth process while here on earth (Luke 2:52). Receive grace today by making a quality decision of going all the way with God and walking in obedience to the Lord. You will be amazed at the turnaround you will start experiencing. Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN 

The Enemy Called Death

O death where is your sting, O grave where is your victory” (1 Corinthians 15:55)

Death is an enemy of mankind because the Bible say so (1 Corinthians 15:26). Death is also an enemy because it invokes fear in man, and this fear if not properly handled brings bondage (Hebrews 2:14-15).  People enter agreements with demonic entities just to stay alive for longer (Isaiah 28:14-15). The natural man is afraid of death because it signals the end to him/her; end of his achievements, of his existence, enjoyment and dreams.  More so, the degenerate man doesn’t know what to expect after dying. Death holds a mystery to him. Even those of us who are professed Christians who have the assurance of Heaven are still afraid of dying. Death is also a spoiler; it can dash dreams and shatter hopes. Untimely death of benefactors and helpers can negatively impact on beneficiaries destinies. However, the following are reminders about physical death:

Death is a spirit: Satan used the spirit of death to afflict man before Jesus’ advent (John 10:10).  There are angels of death, demonic entities peddling diseases, calamities and also deaths all over the earth. There are also angels of light, divine messengers who attend to righteous men and women in Christ when they die. Angels of death can be resisted by Christians who know their authority in Jesus (James 4:7)

Enlist in the school of faith, courage and Godly living: Many people die before their designated time because of reckless sinful lifestyles, fear, despondency and the like. Medical science reveals many sick people die more out of fear and hopelessness than the real ailment. Apostle Paul because of his godly lifestyle said: For me to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). He was not afraid of death.

Appointment with death can be altered: Just like we have designated times for appointments with our physicians, pastors, etc, so also it is with death. Just as you can cancel these appointments or alter them, so also appointments with death can be handled. Hezekiah deferred his appointment with death for extra 15 years. Absalom, the rebellious son of anointed King David brought his appointment closer because of rebellion.

There is victory in Christ Jesus over death: Jesus is the firstborn from the dead. He experienced death and came out of it. He interrupted death through His resurrection. He took the mystery and finality out of death, and brought life and immortality to light (2 Timothy 1:10). Through Jesus’ resurrection, the devil’s power over death was destroyed. Death no longer holds power over those who put their faith in Christ. Christians who die in the Lord shed this earthly body to take on a glorious one with Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:42-44).

Heaven and Hell is real: After death is judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Heaven and hell is not a figment of someone’s imagination as some make us believe. The highest and worst form of death is the second death (spiritual death) which is separation from Jesus for eternity. Accepting Jesus and a lifestyle of His cross is forsaking the second death.

CONCLUSION: Death’s power has been annulled through the cross of Christ.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN