"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”
A seed is simply defined as something that packs the power within itself to multiply and increase. The dictionary defines it as the beginning of something which continues to grow. The harvest (future) is contained in the seed, and without a seed there cannot be harvest. The seed principle governs God’s operation on the earth; God’s creation contains the DNA of reproduction and multiplication (Mark 4: 28-32).
In the above text, the importance of seedtime and harvest is clearly evident. The earth by God’s order operates in cycles, day and night, winter and summer, etc. And as surely as daytime will culminate into night time and vice versa, so also seedtime or planting time will eventually bring harvest and the harvest in turn produce substance and also more seeds to sow. Below are some truths to consider:
A seed must always be planted: Until a seed is planted, it remains a seed and cannot multiply. This is why the farmer’s existence revolves round planting seeds. A farmer that will not plant in the planting season will certainly have nothing to harvest in reaping season. Every farmer is also concerned about the soil (the environment) they are planting in as this determines in no small measure the quality of their yield.
Man is need conscious, God is seed conscious: While man always focuses on his/her needs and how to fulfill them, God’s preoccupation is always about planting seeds. Many times when a man is praying to God to meet his needs, God is saying plant a seed and meet somebody else’s needs, and I will organize the harvest for you that will meet your requested need(2 Corinthians 9:8-9).
God is sovereign: God determines the harvest. He makes things grow, which is why whole forests totally engulfed by fire will grow back after a few years. Not only does He allow every seed planted to reproduce after its kind, He also at times chooses to allow the harvest to take on another form and not necessarily the form of the seed planted (1 Corinthians 15: 36-38). The house of Levi sowed loyalty to Moses ministry and they reaped the harvest of priesthood. Money seeds planted at times may result in divine favor, generational blessing, health, divine interventions and other forms of miracles.
Seeds should be planted intentionally and strategically: Every reasonable farmer plants the seed of the crop he wants to harvest. A farmer that plans to harvest oranges plants orange seeds. In like manner too, we should be strategic in planting seeds. If you feel you want intercession and prayer cover, it will be wise to start praying for someone in need or urgent help. If you want to be excellent in your vocation, plant the seed of diligence.
Seeds must be guarded: Many times we fail to receive the requisite harvest because after planting, we don’t guard our seeds. No farmer plants and comes back to the farmland after one month to see how the seed is faring. Rather, he monitors what has been planted daily from predators. He clears the weed which also saps nutrients from the soil and competes with the good seed of the ground. Predators such as doubts, unbelief, bitterness, satanic attacks, wrong confessions must be taking care of daily by a serious minded seed planter. The farmer also regularly prays for rain to water the crops. Thanksgiving, praise and worship is the rain that waters the seeds that we plant (Psalm 67:5-7)
Conclusion: The Word of God is a seed. It is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). It can grow and prevail over adversity (Acts 19:20). The atmosphere for germination for the Word of God is the heart of men. If well cultivated, the seed of the Word planted will germinate and deliver results accordingly.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN