Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Finishing Strong

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness……” (2 Timothy 4: 7)
The above scripture was part of Apostle Paul’s valedictory speech. He was about to depart this world for heaven. Having planted churches, wrote epistles, mentored leaders, lived a godly life, Apostle Paul felt accomplished and assured in his last moments. John Maxwell, in summarizing this scripture, said Paul saw life as a race to be won, a battle to be fought, and a trust to be kept. Paul gave life his best shot, and finished strong as a result. As this year is gradually terminating, we can still finish this year with a sense of accomplishment like Apostle Paul. Below are some things that can help us to finish 2014 strong:
1) Stay In Faith: The Message Bible defines faith as our handle on what we can’t see (Hebrews 11:1). It is simply holding on to God’s promises for our situations till they are delivered. Because the delivery date depends on God, often times than not, patience, endurance and perseverance are needed to obtain the promise (Hebrews 6:12). Delay with God is no denial. The Bible says God crowns the year with His goodness (Psalm 65:11), and the end of a thing is better than the beginning (Ecclesiastes 7:8). These two scriptures are sufficient reasons to still believe God that He will come through for us before 2014 ends.
2) Thanksgiving: Regardless of whether you feel God has been fair or unfair to you, everyone reading this still owes God tons of gratitude. Many of God’s best gifts are free with no price tag, and it is easy to take such things for granted. The reason why things are not worse than they are presently is because of the grace of God. Thanksgiving entails thanking God for the past, present and future. The will of God is that we be thankful in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Thanksgiving is the receiving end of faith. Thanksgiving keeps us in that state of expectancy, hope, and rejoicing which moves God to act (Psalm 46:10).
3) Plan Prayerfully: A great part of finishing 2014 strongly is to start thinking ahead about 2015. Prayerful Preparations Prevents Poor Performance. A collaboration of the divine and humanity is necessary to have our dreams realized. It is in solitude and biblical meditation that we draw from God. We are also able to draw from our inner recesses and chart a course for 2015 as we take time in prayers, quietness and reflections (Proverbs 20:5). Someone said God is usually heard in the holy of holies and not in the noisy outer court. It is wisdom to take time out this month, have a date with yourself and reflect on the future.
4) Realize Your Location: The prodigal son, who went away from his father and squandered his inheritance through riotous living, was said to have come to his senses when he became hard pressed and seriously in need. He made a detour and went back home to his father (Luke 15:17).  One crucial essence for chronological time is for us to be able to evaluate where we are in the journey of life (Psalm 90:12). As the year begins to end, make time to evaluate yourself vis-à-vis the goals you set for yourself at the start of the year. Did you attain all your goals? If not, how severely did you fall short? What are you going to do differently in 2015?
Conclusion: It is true that God reserves the best till the last. God can compound the elusive blessings in 2014 and deliver them in December 2014 as you join hands by cooperating with Him. Give the remaining part of this year your best shot.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Power Of Planning

“Any enterprise is built by WISE PLANNING, becomes strong through COMMON SENSE and profits wonderfully by KEEPING ABREAST OF THE FACTS” (Proverbs 24:3-4, TLB)

The dictionary defines planning as a set of actions that have been thought of as a way to do or achieve something. Another definition says planning entails mental formulation and sometimes graphic representation as in a building plan.

While vision is having foresight about the future, planning is having forethought about the future. Planning involves thinking through a given task, it is brain work. Someone said if you aren’t committed to mental work, you will end up doing menial work. Planning is trying to solve tomorrow’s problems before tomorrow comes, it enables the planner secure the future (Proverbs 21:5). Planning helps to prevent wastes and dissipate resources; Jesus before miraculously feeding the 5000 men instructed them to be seated in groups of 50 and thereafter gathered up 12 baskets of leftovers (Luke 9:10-17). Planning also helps to conserve energy and to relieve tensions. Planning helps the planner chart the course which is necessary for the next level of accomplishment.

Nehemiah laid out a detailed and strategic plan before venturing to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and he was able to accomplish the daunting task in just 52 days.

To plan successfully, the following is expedient:

Pray: The first thing Nehemiah did on hearing about the ruins of the walls of Jerusalem was to go before God and pray. He confessed sins, purged himself through fasting, pleaded for mercy and reminded God of His covenant and promises to Israel (Nehemiah 1:4-11). This kind of sincere prayers will birth genuine vision, burden and a blueprint (plan) in the heart (James 1:5-6).

Look Inwards: A big part of planning is to evaluate one’s resources or what is within one’s disposal. What do I have to create my desire? Nehemiah, by the favor of God was able to get the maximum support of King Artaxerxes who wrote letters of consent on his behalf to the governors in the region. The king also detailed some of his security officials to him. Nehemiah knew what he needed for the job to be accomplished and he secured a major part of this from the king. Jesus said, “For which of you intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it” (Luke 14:28). Planning involves an objective evaluation of one’s resources.

Apply yourself mentally: Spirituality does not preclude strategic thinking (Ephesians 3:20). Planning, common sense and keeping abreast of the facts as stated in our main text (Proverbs 24:3-4) are all products of mental exertion. Thinking through a challenge could be a tough call; this is why it is prudent to always pray for wisdom and a blueprint.

Navigate through challenges: No matter how comprehensive one’s plan is, it will not reveal all the potential setbacks one may meet in the journey. Nehemiah never anticipated the fierce opposition he faced in Sanballat and Tobiah. However, he navigated through the opposition by creating a strategy and battle plan with which he overcame them hands down. He focused on the building of the wall and didn’t allow work to stop in spite of the opposition. Stick with your plan and vision till the end.

Conclusion: What are your plans towards eternity? Have you accepted Jesus? Are you navigating through the trials and temptations the enemy and cohorts are bringing your way? This is the time to start planning for 2015.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN



Friday, October 3, 2014

The Marks Of Spiritual Maturity

“Therefore leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith towards God” (Hebrews 6:1)
Maturity means growth. It means coming of age. It means being responsible and taking charge. The scripture above says we should go on or press on into maturity.
Spiritual maturity confers authority and dominion on the believer. The Roman centurion soldier told Jesus that he understands the authority and power He (Jesus) wields over sicknesses and diseases. He asked Jesus not to bother to come to his sick servant but just speak the word of healing concerning his situation and it shall be done. Jesus marveled at the faith of this centurion. This same authority Jesus has given to all believers, and we manifest it more as we mature spiritually (Matthew 8:5-12, Mark 16:17-18).    Spiritual maturity allows and make being led by the Holy Spirit possible. Sons are led by the Holy Spirit, not babies (Romans 8:14). Spiritual maturity also allows the believer to possess all that God has in store for him/her. Apostle Paul says the reason he is pressing forward is to lay hold of what Christ has already purchased for him through redemption (Philippians 3:12).
Below are some key points to note:
Spiritual maturity is not title; it is teachability: Jesus was said to learn obedience through what He suffered (Hebrews 5:8). Apostle Paul says he learnt to be content at all times (Philippians 4:11). Spiritually mature believers subject themselves to instructions from the scriptures. They are trained, tested and proven true. The badge of honor they carry are God given and not man-made decorations and adornment in titles, cassocks, and long robes, gold crosses in the neck, etc
Spiritual maturity is not charisma; it is character: The Corinthian church were said to be enriched in everything, they came short in no gift (1 Corinthians 1:4-7), yet Apostle Paul called them babies (1 Corinthians 3:1-3). They were charismatic and gifted but very carnal. They had strife, envy, divisions, etc in their midst. Apostle Paul said he could only feed them with milk and not solid food. Spiritual maturity is consistently demonstrating Godly character.
Spiritual maturity is not emotional gymnastics; it is being established in the faith: When I newly became a Christian, it was drummed in me that my walk with God had little to do with my feelings, whether low or high. It had to do with the word of God and the Holy Spirit. The Bible says we should be rooted, built up in Christ and established in the faith (Colossians 2:7). Spiritual maturity/growth doesn’t come on the believer automatically. It is a matter of personal decision and responsibility.
Spiritual maturity is not a destination; it is a process: Physically, as people advance in age their bones stop growing in length, thus their height stops increasing. This is not so spiritually, the end result of spiritual growth is reaching the measure of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). This will only happen when we make it to heaven. You cannot max out your spiritual life like some people max out credit cards. There is always a higher level to attain.
Conclusion: As we mature spiritually, more grace and divine enablement is added to us. Even Jesus, the God-incarnate had to go through some growth process while here on earth (Luke 2:52). Receive grace today by making a quality decision of going all the way with God and walking in obedience to the Lord. You will be amazed at the turnaround you will start experiencing. Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

The Enemy Called Death

O death where is your sting, O grave where is your victory” (1 Corinthians 15:55)

Death is an enemy of mankind because the Bible say so (1 Corinthians 15:26). Death is also an enemy because it invokes fear in man, and this fear if not properly handled brings bondage (Hebrews 2:14-15).  People enter agreements with demonic entities just to stay alive for longer (Isaiah 28:14-15). The natural man is afraid of death because it signals the end to him/her; end of his achievements, of his existence, enjoyment and dreams.  More so, the degenerate man doesn’t know what to expect after dying. Death holds a mystery to him. Even those of us who are professed Christians who have the assurance of Heaven are still afraid of dying. Death is also a spoiler; it can dash dreams and shatter hopes. Untimely death of benefactors and helpers can negatively impact on beneficiaries destinies. However, the following are reminders about physical death:

Death is a spirit: Satan used the spirit of death to afflict man before Jesus’ advent (John 10:10).  There are angels of death, demonic entities peddling diseases, calamities and also deaths all over the earth. There are also angels of light, divine messengers who attend to righteous men and women in Christ when they die. Angels of death can be resisted by Christians who know their authority in Jesus (James 4:7)

Enlist in the school of faith, courage and Godly living: Many people die before their designated time because of reckless sinful lifestyles, fear, despondency and the like. Medical science reveals many sick people die more out of fear and hopelessness than the real ailment. Apostle Paul because of his godly lifestyle said: For me to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). He was not afraid of death.

Appointment with death can be altered: Just like we have designated times for appointments with our physicians, pastors, etc, so also it is with death. Just as you can cancel these appointments or alter them, so also appointments with death can be handled. Hezekiah deferred his appointment with death for extra 15 years. Absalom, the rebellious son of anointed King David brought his appointment closer because of rebellion.

There is victory in Christ Jesus over death: Jesus is the firstborn from the dead. He experienced death and came out of it. He interrupted death through His resurrection. He took the mystery and finality out of death, and brought life and immortality to light (2 Timothy 1:10). Through Jesus’ resurrection, the devil’s power over death was destroyed. Death no longer holds power over those who put their faith in Christ. Christians who die in the Lord shed this earthly body to take on a glorious one with Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:42-44).

Heaven and Hell is real: After death is judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Heaven and hell is not a figment of someone’s imagination as some make us believe. The highest and worst form of death is the second death (spiritual death) which is separation from Jesus for eternity. Accepting Jesus and a lifestyle of His cross is forsaking the second death.

CONCLUSION: Death’s power has been annulled through the cross of Christ.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Pleading Your Case

 (Isaiah 43:26); “Present your case, says the Lord. Bring forth your strong reasons, says the King of Jacob” (Isaiah 41:21).

From the aforementioned scriptures, it is clear that God wants us to plead our case before Him. King Hezekiah pleaded his case before God and got his life extended for another 15 years; he overruled a death sentence passed on him (2 Kings 20:1-6). David never lost a battle in his entire lifetime because he was master in pleading his case before God.  Apostle Paul pleaded his case so intelligently before King Agrippa that the king confessed he would have set him free had he not appealed to Caesar (Acts 26:32). The following are some ways we can plead our case in the courts of Heaven:
Praise, worship and offer thanksgiving: “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name” (Psalm 100:4). In praise we acknowledge God’s greatness, in worship we acknowledge His holiness and worthiness, and in thanksgiving we acknowledge His goodness. This trio softens the ground for us as we embark on pleading our case.
Leverage on the Blood: The blood of Jesus is our merit before God not our righteousness or our good deeds. Every born again child of God has a credit charged to his account in heaven by reason of the blood of Jesus. We activate our credit in Heaven by pleading the blood of Jesus. The blood has a voice and every time we approach God pleading the blood of Jesus, we procure for ourselves mercy, forgiveness, justification, and pardon. Scripture reference: Hebrews 10:19-23.
Enlist the assistance of the Holy Spirit:  It is true every Christian without exception needs the help of the Holy Spirit to pray aright. Our Wisdom and Enabler in pleading our case before a just God is the Holy Spirit which is resident in every believer. The Holy Spirit adds flair and flavor to our prayers. He knows the mind of God and He pleads on our behalf (as we allow Him) in harmony with God’s will (Romans 8:26-27).
Advocate with the Word: The Word of God is a personality (Revelation 19:11-14) and a powerful voice in pleading our case. Jesus is the Living Word; the scriptures are the written Word. We invoke the name of Jesus (the Living Word) in prayers and we quote relevant scriptures in pleading our case. God said bring your strong reasons that you may be justified (Isaiah 41:21).
Declare His faithfulness in the past: Note that what God has done before He is able and willing to do again. Testimonies are prophetic. King David was fond of always recounting past victories thereby declaring God’s faithfulness to him and his nation. He often used this as a basis for God to perform again, and this strategy always worked for him. His faith always received a boost in the process of recounting.
CONCLUSION: To plead our case appropriately before God, a humble disposition is mandatory.  We must be willing to submit to the will of God. Non-Christians should submit to Jesus wholeheartedly while Christians must also submit every area of their lives to God. It is our month of new beginnings in Jesus name as we plead our case in the place of prayer.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Come To The Throne

“Let us have confidence, then, and approach God’s throne where there is grace. There we will receive mercy and find grace to help us just when we need it” (Hebrews 4:16, GNB).
God’s throne where He dispenses His grace and mercy is the throne of grace. Below are some salient truths about this throne:
1) The throne of God is the seat of God:  It is the seat of His omnipotence and majesty and His dwelling. Surrounding this throne are 24 elders, 4 living creatures and angelic hosts who worship continuously because of the splendor, glory and majesty emanating from the throne. Also proceeding from the throne are thunders, lightnings and voices which further display the majesty of God (Revelation 4:1-11).  In earthly monarchies you don’t approach the throne of a king casually. When the Queen of England sits on her throne, even her husband cannot approach her casually. This throne is the mercy seat of God; It is also His judgment seat.  We are to approach His throne always with reverence, regard and repentance from our sins.
2) The throne of God is the center of Heaven: Everything in heaven emanates from the throne and everything gravitates around the throne.  God’s throne is His personal space preceding the creation of heaven and earth. Psalm 93:2 says “Your throne is established from of old, You are from everlasting”. The throne is also the center of the universe.  Everything is relative around the throne. Everything in the universe is measured vis a vis their proximity or otherwise to the throne.  This is the center that holds everything together. The farther away you are from the throne, the more vulnerable you are. The closer you are to the throne, the more secure you become.  Issues and challenges of life are nothing when they are viewed from the perspective of the throne. 
3) The throne of God is the most powerful place in the universe: The buck always stops at someone’s table. The buck stops at the power house!  US President Harry Truman kept a sign on his desk with the inscription - the buck stops here, meaning the final decision on a matter ends here. The throne of God is where final decisions are made. It is the power base of the universe. God is the Final Arbiter on every issue pertaining to the universe. When any decree is issued from His throne, it is settled. In human societies, everybody wants to be close to power. People leverage on those who are close to power. We have lobbyists today in the USA who make a living because of people’s perceived notion that they are close to power. Abraham, because of his closeness to the ultimate power which resides in God was able to rescue his nephew Lot and family from the disaster of Sodom and Gomorrah.
CONCLUSION: There is an open invitation to come to the throne of God.  It is from this throne that mercy is dispensed to us and also judgment is served to all enemies of our wellbeing. We are asked to approach boldly because Jesus Christ our High Priest is there seated pleading on our behalf.  You only qualify for the intercession of Jesus if you have surrendered totally to Him.
Have a blessed month!
Adegboyega ESAN

Friday, June 27, 2014

Awaken The Giant Within

You are of God little children and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4)

Born-again christians are dual personalities; we are God’s sheep and also His battle-axe. We relate with God as sheep, tender, pliable and obedient to Him. And we relate to satanic entities and the challenges of life by the lion nature in us. While sheep travails (or struggles), lion prevails (conquer). A woman in labor is travailing, when she delivers the baby, she has prevailed. To really fulfill our potential in Christ, it is not enough to travail, we also have to prevail. For Jacob to become Israel, he both travailed and prevailed (Genesis 32:22-32). On the cross of Calvary, Jesus travailed. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He travailed (agonized) in prayers, but as resurrected Christ He prevailed over death, hell and the forces of darkness.
It is God’s will that the giant(s) in us is awakened. We need the giant nature to prevail and fulfill His purposes here on earth. The following are the giants we have to awaken in order to represent God appropriately on the earth:

The Giant of Revelation: Revelation simply defined is having a divine perspective. Until Gideon had a revelation of who he was, he couldn’t manifest his destiny. When he heard what the enemy thought about him, the giant in him rose up and every reluctance and hesitancy in him about his assignment disappeared (Judges 7:9-15). When we have God’s perspective on the issues of our lives, courage will rise within us and faith will automatically be imparted. The scriptures say by the anointing of God within every born again believer in Christ, we can know things supernaturally concerning ourselves, family, assignment, etc (1 John 2:20, 27). This anointing within must be stirred up for us to be beneficiaries of its wonders.

The Giant of Compassion: Divine love/compassion is a potent force that defines God. The force of love is as the force of death (Songs of Solomon 8:6). It is irresistible and also compelling. Every time Jesus was moved with compassion, great miracles ensued (Matthew 14:14; Mark 1:41). Divine love is a giant force because anyone who truly loves manifests God (or brings God to the scene). We will see more divine manifestations as we are motivated by the love of God.  It was God’s love for mankind that moved Him to offer His son (Jesus) as sacrifice for the sins of mankind. We are to stir up the bowels of compassion within us which is deposited in us by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).

The Giant of Righteousness: God’s throne is established on righteousness and justice (Psalm 97:2). The Bible says righteousness exalts and sin is a reproach. Habitual sinners don’t win the battles of life, they do not prevail. Righteousness is an implanted seed (potential) or force within the spirits of born again believers (1 John 3:9). When this seed is properly nurtured, protected and cultivated, it germinates into fruits of righteousness. Kindly note that God is always on the side of the righteous, fighting for them and making them prevail over adversities. The force of righteousness will outlive falsehood and wickedness every time. Truth always prevails. We are told to awake to righteousness and sin not (1 Corinthians 15:34)
CONCLUSION:  For us to really prevail and operate the supernatural in our lives and ministries, these trio giants of revelation, compassion and righteousness have to be awakened again in our lives. These giants can only be awakened as we recognize the Lordship of Jesus and cooperate with the Holy Spirit resident within us.  Have a blessed month!

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Borrowing Tomorrow's Troubles

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes” (Matthew 6:34, MSG).
Borrowing tomorrow’s troubles is simply worrying over the future. It is being obsessed with what could go wrong in the future. Will I live to a ripe old age? Will I be able to buy the car and house of my dreams?  Will my contract be renewed? Singles worry about who they will marry. Unemployed youths are concerned and worry whether they will ever clinch the job of their dreams. Many near retirement worry about sustenance after retirement, etc. Worry takes the mind on a roller-coaster ride, and this lead to turmoil, unrest and loss of inner peace. This in turn could have devastating effects physically on us.
Jesus said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own troubles” (Matthew 6:34, NKJV). It seems natural for humans to worry about the future, and unnatural not to do so. But Jesus said we should not borrow tomorrow’s trouble and bring it to today. Below are some thoughts to consider:
1) Make God Priority:  Jesus said that the Gentiles or non-believers are greatly concerned about things i.e. what to put on, what to drive, what to eat, etc. Things determine their moods. They are ecstatic when they have things, depressed when they don’t have things, and are anxious when it appears things may elude them. In other words, these people live for things. As believers, God knows we need things in this earthly realm but it is wrong for things to become our focus and what we exist for. God should be our center of existence, and giving Him His rightful place in our lives guarantees He takes care of us (Scripture reference: Matthew 6:30-33).
2) God has you covered:  Hundreds of years before King Herod massacred children two years and below in Bethlehem and its regions, God had spoken through Prophet Jeremiah to comfort the wailing mothers, and also to assure them they will be comforted and that there is hope in their future (Jeremiah 31:15-17). As children of God, our lives are already written out scripts. Cooperating with God through faith, trust and obedience guarantees the glorious future we carry within us and delivers our destinies to us.
3) Lend a hand towards tomorrow: Rather than keep borrowing tomorrow’s troubles, better to lend a hand towards tomorrow. We lend a hand towards tomorrow by solving part of tomorrow’s challenges today even before tomorrow comes. We can solve part of tomorrow’s financial challenges by investing part of our income today. We can study hard at school so as to be prepared for the job of our dreams.  We can cultivate a God fearing lifestyle so as to be prepared for our marriage partner when the time comes. Planning is both a human and spiritual activity. Someone said, God gave us brains to think that we might give Him some time to rest. “A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences” (Proverbs 22:3, TLB).
CONCLUSION: Someone said worry is a pagan’s prayer. Jesus said it is an indication of little faith in God (Matthew 6:30). Receive grace to replace your worries with rest and certainty about the future in Jesus name. There is hope in your future!
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ye Are Gods

I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High” (Psalm 82:6)
Born again believers are not just human beings, they are primarily spirit beings (John 3:6); They are seated in the heavenly realms together with Christ (Ephesians 2:6); They are predestined by God to conform to Christ’s image and also to be glorified together with Him (Romans 8:29-30); They are the body of Christ with all things in subjection to them (Ephesians 1:22-23); They are the salts of the world, upholding the sanity and sanctity of it (Matthew 5:13); They are joint inheritors with Christ (Romans 8:17).
God is always seeking to fill ordinary folks with His Spirit to do extraordinary things. God made Moses to be a god to Pharaoh (Exodus 7:1); Apostle Paul was called a god after he survived a fatal snake attack on the Island of Patmos (Acts 28:3-8); Joshua commanded the sun to remain for 24 hours in Gibeon and it was so (Joshua 10:12-14).
Below are attributes of Christians who will operate as gods in this world:
Godly: At times, the best way to know the true meaning of something is to check the converse. The converse of being Godly is to be worldly. Worldliness is opposed to Godly living. Worldliness is loving pleasure more than God, wild partying, self-centeredness, revenge, greed, unhealthy rivalry, sexual perversions, etc. You cannot be worldly and be Godly at the same time. Pursuing God wholeheartedly will make us more Godly and have more of His Spirit.
Overcomers: Jesus said this world is full of troubles but that we should be cheerful because He has overcome for us (John 16:33). We don’t fight for victory rather we fight from a position of victory. The victory of Jesus over sin, Satan and the grave is for us – born again believers.  “And who is he that overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God” (1 John 5:5). Our faith in Christ and His finished work is the victory that overcomes sin, sicknesses, poverty, death, etc
Dominating: Believers in Christ are to rule, govern, control and master. With the rod in Moses hand, the whole kingdom of Egypt bowed to the Israelites. While the rod wreaked havoc on Egypt, it brought deliverance to the Israelites. When they were hemmed in at the Red sea, it was the rod that was lifted for the sea to part. God told Moses, “And you shall take this rod in your hand, with which you shall do signs” (Exodus 4:17). That rod of Moses is a type of Jesus! Is Jesus effective in your life and ministry?
Servant leaders: Jesus said to be great in His kingdom is to be the servant of all (Mark 10:43-44). King David became the greatest king over Israel because he served his generation according to the will of God (Acts 13:36). Whenever God sees willingness and submission to His will, He discharges His power to that vessel making him/her a worthy representative of Heaven.
Conclusion:  It is God’s will for us to operate as gods in this earthly realm.  Receive grace and become adept at doing the aforementioned. The result is that Heaven will respond more to your prayers, requests and wishes. Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fight The Good Fight (March 2014)

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:12)

A good fight is a fight with a favorable outcome. Apostle Paul referred to the fight the Christian is engaged in as a good fight. This is so because the outcome of our conflict - with sin, Satan, the world and every battle the Christian is involved in - is already predetermined in our favor. “But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph (as trophies of Christ’s victory)….” (2 Corinthians 2:14, AMP). We are also in a good fight because we have Strong Allies on our side. Jesus Christ, our Big Brother and Intercessor is our Defense Attorney. The Holy Spirit – the Mobilizer and Executor of the Godhead is working assiduously for us, while our Father, the Almighty God Himself remains the Final Arbiter on our behalf. The scriptures say who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifies (Romans 8:33).

King David was reputed to have never lost any external battles. How did King David (though under the old covenant) able to win all the time? Below are some crucial points that will enable us to win all the time:

1)  Fight the opposition: “…. See, I have given into your hand Sihon the Amorite… and his country. Begin to take possession of it and engage him in battle” (Deuteronomy 2:24). God told the Israelites here that in order to possess their possessions they have to engage the opposition in battle. Stop singing “que sera sera” (whatever will be, will be!).

2)  Intimacy with God: One thing King David had going for him at all times was the presence of God. He knew how to access God and hear him because of his addiction to praise. This made him win all the time. Getting back to Ziklag, and realizing he had lost all he had, he let out all emotions by crying till he could cry no more. Afterwards, he encouraged himself and called for a praise and worship session in order to hear God tell him what next. He invariably recovered all – his wives, children, valuables, his servants families and treasures. (Reference: 1 Samuel 30)

3)  Grow in Grace:  The grace of God is His divine ability working in His children. David grew to become a giant killer by the grace of God (Psalm 144:1), ditto Apostle Paul and every giant of faith (1 Corinthians 15:10). To grow in grace also means to grow in the art of spiritual warfare. The knowledge of God causes His grace to multiply in every area of life including spiritual warfare (2 Peter 1:2). “… and as long as King Uzziah sought the Lord, God made him to prosper. And he went forth and warred against the Philistines, and brake down the wall of Gath, the wall of Jabneh…” (2 Chronicles 26:5-7).

4)  Have a plan : In 1990/91 during the Gulf war, the first strategy by the Allied forces against Iraq was Operation Desert Storm which was later revised to Operation Desert Sabre. The battle plan was to first shock and awes the Iraqis with massive airstrikes bombardments to be accompanied by massive ground assault. The enemy always has a strategy against every child of God. If you are an observant Christian, you will know how Satan tries to trip you all the time. Arise with counter plans to his strategies.

5)  Team up with others:  David had his strong men.  He conquered Jerusalem with the help of his strongmen. There are some breakthroughs you cannot singlehandedly gain. You need Other People’s Prayer, Other People’s Anointing, Other People’s Revelation, etc . “Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him, and a threefold cord is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12, NIV). The Bible enjoins us not to forsake the assembly of other believers as the Day of The Lord approaches (Hebrews 10:25).

CONCLUSION:  The Bible enjoins us to FIGHT the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12); be strong in the Lord and in His power (Ephesians 6:10);wage a good warfare (1 Timothy 1:18); not to give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27); Submit to God and resist the devil (James 4:7); subdue the flesh (1 Corinthians 9:27). Brace up today and continue the fight in Jesus name. Victory is guaranteed!! 

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Seed Principle (February 2014)

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”
A seed is simply defined as something that packs the power within itself to multiply and increase. The dictionary defines it as the beginning of something which continues to grow. The harvest (future) is contained in the seed, and without a seed there cannot be harvest. The seed principle governs God’s operation on the earth; God’s creation contains the DNA of reproduction and multiplication (Mark 4: 28-32).

In the above text, the importance of seedtime and harvest is clearly evident. The earth by God’s order operates in cycles, day and night, winter and summer, etc. And as surely as daytime will culminate into night time and vice versa, so also seedtime or planting time will eventually bring harvest and the harvest in turn produce substance and also more seeds to sow. Below are some truths to consider:

A seed must always be planted: Until a seed is planted, it remains a seed and cannot multiply. This is why the farmer’s existence revolves round planting seeds. A farmer that will not plant in the planting season will certainly have nothing to harvest in reaping season. Every farmer is also concerned about the soil (the environment) they are planting in as this determines in no small measure the quality of their yield.

Man is need conscious, God is seed conscious: While man always focuses on his/her needs and how to fulfill them, God’s preoccupation is always about planting seeds. Many times when a man is praying to God to meet his needs, God is saying plant a seed and meet somebody else’s needs, and I will organize the harvest for you that will meet your requested need(2 Corinthians 9:8-9).

God is sovereign: God determines the harvest. He makes things grow, which is why whole forests totally engulfed by fire will grow back after a few years. Not only does He allow every seed planted to reproduce after its kind, He also at times chooses to allow the harvest to take on another form and not necessarily the form of the seed planted (1 Corinthians 15: 36-38). The house of Levi sowed loyalty to Moses ministry and they reaped the harvest of priesthood. Money seeds planted at times may result in divine favor, generational blessing, health, divine interventions and other forms of miracles.

Seeds should be planted intentionally and strategically: Every reasonable farmer plants the seed of the crop he wants to harvest. A farmer that plans to harvest oranges plants orange seeds. In like manner too, we should be strategic in planting seeds. If you feel you want intercession and prayer cover, it will be wise to start praying for someone in need or urgent help. If you want to be excellent in your vocation, plant the seed of diligence.

Seeds must be guarded: Many times we fail to receive the requisite harvest because after planting, we don’t guard our seeds. No farmer plants and comes back to the farmland after one month to see how the seed is faring. Rather, he monitors what has been planted daily from predators. He clears the weed which also saps nutrients from the soil and competes with the good seed of the ground. Predators such as doubts, unbelief, bitterness, satanic attacks, wrong confessions must be taking care of daily by a serious minded seed planter. The farmer also regularly prays for rain to water the crops. Thanksgiving, praise and worship is the rain that waters the seeds that we plant (Psalm 67:5-7)

Conclusion: The Word of God is a seed. It is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). It can grow and prevail over adversity (Acts 19:20). The atmosphere for germination for the Word of God is the heart of men. If well cultivated, the seed of the Word planted will germinate and deliver results accordingly.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN


Maximizing 2014 (January 2014)

To maximize something is to use it in a manner so as to get the best out of it. This year 2014 will be operated in such a manner that it will deliver the best to us in Jesus name. Below are vital truths:

Begin Afresh: It seems that God allows chronological time to be divided into calendars because He gives opportunity for us to begin afresh. Every New Year is an opportunity to appraise the past, make amends and begin afresh. God has the ability to grant new beginnings by totaling wiping off the ugly memories of the past, but for Him to do so, He needs our total cooperation. Because Joseph had this attitude of letting go the pains, hurts, disappointments, failures, etc of the past, it was easy for God to grant him new starts often.  His firstborn son was called Manasseh because…,”God had made me forget all my toil and my entire father’s house”.  A wise man said our imagination of the future must far surpass our memories of the past. Write out your goals for this year and trust God for their fulfillment.

Focus on God: Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). He is the Source and Perfecter of our faith. As we focus on Him via prayers, Bible meditation, worship, regular church attendance, etc.  He opens our understanding, giving us direction such that we are able to know what path to travel in. This is essential in making the most of 2014.
Daily renew your mind:  We live life from the inside out (Matthew 12:35). Our lives gravitate towards our predominant thoughts, and our thoughts are real entities in the spirit realm. We achieve results not just through our prayers but also through our thoughts (Ephesians 3:20). Our mind is our garden, allowing weeds such as doubts, worries, lust, small-mindedness, etc. to fester therein is reducing the capabilities of it. A sanctified mind on the other hand is creative, open to God, alert, strong and able.

Number your days: The Psalmist said God should teach him to number his days that he may apply his heart to wisdom (Psalm 90:12). Days, not weeks nor months nor years are to be numbered! If we don’t make each day count, the weeks, months and even the year will slip by with nothing to show for it. Maximize each day in 2014 by living deliberately, purposefully and soberly (Ephesians 5:15-17)

Enhance your value: The value of something is the worth of it. It is not unusual to see people in the same profession doing similar things earning differently. The reason usually is the worth of each individual, what they know and the results they generate. In 2014, enhance your value by learning more, doing things differently, working harder and trying to make yourself indispensable on your job. How easily are you replaceable? Become a better   person, better employer and better employee in 2014.

Be Action-oriented: Many goals, aspirations and dreams are not fulfilled simply because there is no action backing it up. Faith without corresponding action is like a body without the spirit, dead (James 2:26). A man of God said that faith is hope wearing working gloves. Our actions are the price we pay for our written down goals and aspirations to be accomplished. The process of faith is completed by the actions that accompany it. Be more of an actor this year than a talker!

Serve others: Our lives aren’t measured by the duration of it but by the donation of it. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20: 35). The world is blessed today by generous people who give time, talent and treasures to worthy causes. Real fulfillment is not found in things, it is found in serving God and also mankind. Whatever thing you make happen for others, God will make same happen to you (Ephesians 6:8). We are recreated in Christ Jesus in order for us to do good works.

Conclusion: The grace of God is given to us to do the seemingly impossible things. Harness the grace of God in 2014 to maximize the year and bring pleasure to your maker. It is your year of distinction and great occurrences in Jesus name.

Happy new year!

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

The Wonders Of Praise (December 2013)

"Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?” (Exodus 15:11).
Being caught in rush hour traffic in a bustling North Eastern city of the USA some time ago, I noticed that despite the gridlock involving 5 to 6 lanes on the general highway in which I was, the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane was moving smoothly. Only vehicles with more than one person are authorized to travel the HOV lane. As I was musing over this, the Lord opened my understanding that the general lanes I was is like the incessant petition, requests, and supplications of the people of this world to Heaven. My understanding was further quickened to realize that the HOV lane is the praise and worship lane which very few people travel on. And surely, this is the lane that will get us to our destination fast. Below are some spiritual truths about praising God:
Praise Refreshes God: Praise is refreshing to God. Genuine praise of God from sanctified lips and hearts arouses God and pleases Him. The one certain way His creation blesses Him is by offering Him praise and worship. He created us to give Him pleasure (Revelation 4:11). The Bible says that the generous person will prosper, and whoever refreshes others will be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25, NIV). We are refreshed as we refresh God with our praise. Our hearts, families, communities, and our entire existence are touched by Heaven as we effusively and continuously praise God.
Praise Precedes Victory: Praise is one of the weapons of warfare of the Christian which Apostle Paul says is not carnal or ordinary (2 Corinthians 10:4). King Jehoshaphat and Judah were besieged by three powerful kings who were determined to totally annihilate them. On seeking the Lord, He gave them an unconventional battle plan - that singers praising Him should lead the soldiers to the war. An army to be led by a choir! The result goes thus: “And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, which were come against Judah and they were smitten” (2 Chronicles 20:21-22). Praise stirs God to action to fight on behalf of those praising Him.
Praise Accelerates Victory: Praise in the spiritual realm can be likened to the autobahn in Germany. The autobahn is a highway in Germany where drivers are free to drive with no enforceable speed limits except in few designated areas. It isn’t unlikely to see German produced 500 horsepower BMWs and Mercedes’ cruising at 130miles per hour and more. Incessant and continuous praise accelerates response from heaven. Switching to praise after a heart rending supplication to God opens the heaven over the believer. Do you have unfulfilled dreams, goals and aspirations in 2013? If yes, designate this last month of December your month of praise. As you begin to wholeheartedly praise the Almighty, you will notice remarkable changes in your circumstances.
Praise Releases His Glory: The glory of God is His manifest presence. It was that glory that came into the jail cell where Paul and Silas were praising God even though they were bound in shackles. This glory caused an earthquake that left the prison doors open and everyone’s chains loosed (Acts 16:25-27).  It was this same glory that was shown to Moses after God hid him in the cleft of the rock. The residues of this glory after it clears amongst several other wonderful things are always signs, wonders and miracles. The glory of God is synonymous to His goodness (Exodus 33:18-19). May you experience that glory in this season in Jesus name!
CONCLUSION: To experience the wonders of God, praise which is the atmosphere of heaven must be present in our mouths, homes, churches, communities, etc in an increasing degree and measure. This praise oozing from hearts that has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus will rise up as a sweet smelling savor to God. For anything to be acceptable in the courts of heaven, it has to be wrapped in the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 10:19-21). Are you washed by the blood of Jesus? If no, accept Him into your heart today as Lord and Savior.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Total Liberation (November 2013)

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…..  Therefore if the son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:32, 36)

The dictionary meaning of liberation is the act or process of freeing something from another’s control. Liberation, in essence is freedom. Mankind has an archenemy which is Satan and his cohorts. The aim of this enemy is to have the entire mankind in his control through sin, tyranny, sickness, affliction, anguish, poverty, shame, death, etc. But Jesus Christ was revealed to destroy the works of darkness and break this control over mankind (1 John 3:8).

Because this enemy is stubborn, relentless and persistent, liberation at times may be gradual requiring full cooperation of the victim. When God, through Moses demanded the release of the Israelites from the tyrannical reign of Pharaoh (Satanic agent), he was adamant and refused the request of Moses. When it was becoming more difficult to keep the Israelites in bondage because of the plagues, this satanic agent began to negotiate with Moses (Exodus 8:25,28; Exodus 10:10-11,24). The enemy is shrewd and will do everything possible to keep his victim. Below are some vital truths that will bring total liberation:

Seek the Truth: Jesus said emphatically that He is the Truth (John 14:6). As we open up our hearts to Him in genuine repentance of our sins, and also a deliberate invitation of Him into our hearts, the work of liberation begins in earnest.

Seek Knowledge of the Truth: The Knowledge of Jesus brings light. Light dispels and nullifies darkness (ignorance) which is one of the main weapons of Satan and his cohorts. As we make concerted efforts to seek the truth of the word of God which enlightens (Psalm 19:8), the hold and control of Satan is destroyed.

Seek fellowship of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. One of His major roles is to reveal, uncover and unravel to us who we are as born again believers of Christ. He imparts and impresses on our hearts the truth of the Word of God. He is also the Anointer. As long as Samson was anointed, he was shredding off ropes that was used to bind him like mere threads (Judges 16:12). The anointing of the Holy Spirit is a mighty tool of liberation for the believer.

Act boldly and courageously: David was able to liberate the Israelites from forty days of oppression in the hands of Goliath. He ran towards Goliath and didn’t run away from him. You can only conquer what you confront. After the Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln, many slaves remained in the servitude of their slave masters because they couldn’t summon courage to start life after the slave trade abolition. They remained slaves and captives because they were unable to act courageously. Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32b)

Take responsibility for your liberation: Satan is always on the trail of those who have found liberty through Jesus Christ.  Many are not living liberated lives because shortly after Jesus makes them free, they refuse to take responsibility and entangle themselves again by hobnobbing with sin and satan. The Bible in Galatians 5:1 says “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (NIV).

CONCLUSION: At conversion for every born again child of God, power changes hands. The power of the grave (death) which is peddled by Satan gives way to the power of resurrection which is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Every child of God who is in bondage or affliction over a protracted time should arise and take charge of what Jesus wrought on Calvary cross. You are liberated in Jesus name.

Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN