“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, have dominion over the fish of the sea ….. and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Genesis 1:28).
In order for mankind to have dominion over the works of God, he must first and foremost be fruitful to do so. To be fruitful means to be productive and profitable. It means to add value to what has been given or offered one. To be fruitful also means to carry a seed to its ultimate expression; to grow into maturity. Being fruitful also means to maximize returns on what has been given (Matthew 25:20-28). It is to overflow and have something in excess. Fruitfulness will often result in multiplication. Quality will often produce quantity.
God has placed in mankind the ability to be fruitful. Our hands, spirits (energized by the Holy Spirit), wombs, mind and mouth are channels from which we can be fruitful. Below are some ways by which we can enhance fruitfulness:
Deliberate seed planting: You cannot be fruitful if you are not seed conscious. The farmer plants the particular seed of the crop he wants to harvest. He plants orange seeds to reap an orange tree. It is a deliberate act of his. A seed is also defined as the source from which something emanates and develops. The result or outcome or fruit I desire should determine the seed I plant. The source of the embryo growing in a woman’s womb is the seed implanted by the man. To be fruitful, I have to deliberately plant seeds of what I want to harvest.
Connection to the Vine: To bear fruit that will be pleasing and glorifying to God, it is imperative that one must abide in the Vine. Jesus called Himself the Vine in John 15:5-6. The vine is the trunk of a tree where nutrients move from the soil to the branches that shoot out the fruit. Without the vine, it is impossible for any tree to produce. The abundant life found in Christ becomes evident as fruit in the life of everyone who is properly attached to Him. To properly attach to the Vine is to appreciate in all areas of life, and not to properly attach is to depreciate. The sole aim of forces of darkness is to detach humans from the living and true Vine.
Be patient: Fruits don’t show up overnight. There is need to be patient and stay the course in every endeavor that one is expecting results. The Bible says the farmer waits for the rains, and also for his crops to yield (James 5:7). While waiting, he ensures the protection and security of his crops from weeds and other predators. Patience doesn’t mean passivity, but exercising staying power till one sees results. Exercising staying power helps us to build capacity in life’s assignments. Captain Sullenberger, the US Airways pilot that safely crash landed on Hudson River in January 15, 2009 attributed the 42 years of patiently doing the same thing to this heroic act that brought him out of obscurity into limelight. I also add to this the mercy of God that ensured the safety of the 155 people on board the aircraft. Many years of patiently flying brought out the courage and genius in this pilot when it was most needed.
Conclusion: God blessed man by pronouncing on him to be fruitful. The fruitfulness that will bring glory to God must be done in cooperation with Him. Jesus said, without Me you can do nothing (John 15:5). Team up with God today for you to make a difference in your world via fruit bearing.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN