Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Celebrate Your Uniqueness (October 2013).

“For you formed my inward parts….. I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are Your works (Psalm 139:13-14).

The USP (Unique Selling Point) is a marketing term about what differentiates a brand or product from others. Every good product or brand has unique and sterling qualities with which it differentiates itself in the marketplace. These unique qualities are what the manufacturer of the product displays in the marketplace with the intention of having a competitive advantage over rival brands. For example, one of the unique features of Apple computers is that it is less prone to hackers than other brands.
God has created every human being with distinct and peculiar characteristics. The intention of God is that we discover our uniqueness, glorify Him with it, serve mankind and profit by them. Often times, we don’t appreciate our uniqueness, because we are always comparing ourselves with other people who appear to be better endowed, gifted and talented. The scripture above affirms to us that as creatures of God, we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Unfortunately, many don’t believe this truth about themselves; rather, they live their life far below their potentials and capabilities. The following truths are necessary for us to digest in order to celebrate our uniqueness:

Realize your true identity in God: Everyone who has received Jesus as Lord and Savior is said to be born again or spiritually reborn, and therefore he/she is a child of God (John 1:12-13). Every child of God is celebrated and blessed. We enjoy this honorable status because of whose we are, through acceptance into God’s family based on Jesus Christ. Manasseh and Ephraim, both sons of Joseph (a type of Christ) were elevated from grandchildren status to children status by Jacob their grandfather (Genesis 48:5-6). They became direct inheritors of Israel’s and had their own share of Israel’s land as a result even though they were second generation of Jacob.  This happened to them because of Joseph’s faithfulness and walk with God. As Christians, we are celebrated, exalted, honored, and promoted by our Father God just because of Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:13-14). This honor bestowed on us by God is one reason we should raise our heads high on this earth.

Realize your uniqueness: Out of over 7 billion people in the world today, no two person’s fingerprints are the same. This is because God wired us separately, and everyone’s distinction is in their uniqueness.  To become successful and make an impact in life, one has to know what he/she has being given, unravel it and serve with it as a gift to mankind. The challenge we all have is that we think we are not good enough and try to be like someone else, and in the process become a cheap imitation. Joel Osteen, the pastor of the largest church in America inherited a church from his fiery, scripture quoting preacher Dad. Shortly after taking over the church, he tried to preach like his dad, but realized he just couldn’t. He tried to conform to people’s expectations of him who thought for him to succeed he had to do it like his dad did it.  With the help of God, he was able to rediscover himself and decided to do it his own way, and the result is that Lakewood church became the largest church in America. Discovering oneself regardless of what one perceive as personal handicap and becoming the best me I can be will guarantee success in this life. Joel Osteen by his friendly manner of teaching affirmed to us that everyman’s distinction lie in his/her uniqueness.

Yield to the Holy Spirit: One of the vital functions of the Holy Spirit aside from maturing us spiritually and emotionally is also to hone and activate our gifts and talents. As we yield to Him in obedience, prayer, Bible study and other spiritual disciplines, He develops our personalities making us attractive with the glory of God. Our self-confidence and competence in our gifting grows as we bask in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Conclusion: Please note that the ministry of Paul was different from that of Peter which was in turn different from that of John the Beloved. They were all wired separately by God to fulfill His purpose and counsel. They were not intimidated by each other; they were inspired by each other. Regardless of which industry you are, you can become the best you and rise to the top by accepting who you are, being comfortable with yourself, harnessing your latent qualities and going ahead to serve mankind.
Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Blessings Of Dwellers (September 2013).

“One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord….to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple” (Psalm 27:4).
It was King David’s utmost desire to build the ark of God a house, and also for him to dwell in God’s temple. To dwell means to remain in a place as a resident. This is different from visiting a place. A green card holder in the USA is called a permanent resident, and this is different from a visiting status or a visitor. As a green card holder, there are benefits and privileges he/she has that a mere visitor into the USA isn’t entitled to. King David wanted to dwell or be planted in the house of God (Psalm 92:13), which is different from nomadic living. Cattle rearers in Africa are mostly nomads who have no permanent home but move about constantly in search of pasture for their cattle. Nowadays, we have so called believers who are spiritual nomads because they have no church home, but are busy wandering and visiting places of worship in search of supposed green pastures. The scripture above, and several others make us to realize there are blessings for those who are dwellers in God’s house that spiritual nomads or uncommitted visitors will not have access to. Below are some of the blessings of dwellers:
Dwellers partake of His goodness: In Psalm 65:4, the Bible says there is goodness in the house of the Lord. The beauty of the Lord is made manifest in His house because praise, worship, glory is accorded Him there; the atmosphere and environment of worship is right for Him to manifest His beauty. The scripture above tells us King David longed to dwell in God's house in order to behold His beauty therein. Also, God’s faithfulness is feasted on in His house (Psalm 37:3). Testimonies, sermons, hymns, spiritual songs and exhortations about His workings are all pointers of His faithfulness, and this engenders Him to further prove faithful to dwellers.
Dwellers enjoy divine covering: Whenever a lion is pursuing a herd of antelopes, his main aim is to isolate one antelope out of the pack and then descend on that one. It is almost impossible to break into two a bundle of twenty pencils using your hands. One isolated pencil  by itself is easily broken. Dwellers enjoy protective cover or corporate anointing that casual, non-residents in the house of God don’t enjoy.
Dwellers receive solutions to the nagging questions of life: One of the reasons David wanted to dwell in the house of God was to inquire in His temple. The same David was in dilemma when he saw the wicked and the ungodly prospering, the answer to his dilemma was revealed to him in the house of God (Psalm 73:17). If someone dwells long enough in the house of God, his/her nagging questions will be answered and his problems will be resolved. This is true because God rewards diligent seekers (Hebrews 11:6). Someone said patience with others is love, patience with oneself is hope, and patience with God is faith. Be patient where God has planted you and He will surprise you there. Moving from church to church is like transplanting oneself every time (James 1:6-8).
Dwellers enjoy support: Every local church or assembly is a family unit. There are numerous ways  a church family renders support to its members. Spiritual/prayer support, emotional, financial, marital, physical, etc. are some of the numerous blessings dwellers enjoy in a church setting.  Church assemblies in westernized cultures have served as a buffer to many immigrants from developing countries that would have been swallowed up by the complexities in these societies. Many scientific polls on longevity, relieving stress and living fulfilled lives   point to regular church attendance as a factor in handling life challenges and pressures. The Bible enjoins us not to forsake the assembly of the brethren as we see the day of the Lord approaching (Hebrews 10:25).
CONCLUSION: There are several other blessings that are bestowed on dwellers other than the aforementioned. We honor God with our presence when we come into His house, and those that honor Him, He honors back (1 Sam 2:30).  The Bible says those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God (Psalm 92:13). There are nutrients in the house of God that those who are planted and rooted there partake of. Have a blessed month.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

The Power Of Sacrifice (August 2013).

“Gather My saints together to Me, Those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.” -Psalms 50:5 (NKJV)
Simply defined, a biblical sacrifice is offering something precious and costly to God. It is forgoing or surrendering something for the simple reason of wanting to please God and doing His will. It is giving up some benefits, pleasure and privileges in order to attain something better.
The Bible is replete of people who made sacrifices to God.  Enoch paid the price of habitual, close intimacy with God and he was raptured even before the forthcoming rapture was ever mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 5:24). David offered praises to God always when convenient and inconvenient, and God testified of him and honored him by making him an eternal dynasty (Jeremiah 33:19-22). Apostle Paul surrendered all, his pedigree, his Judaism position, his accomplishments, etc that he might gain Christ, and power was released to him (Philippians 3:7-10). Elisha gave up his lucrative family business for ministry sake, became Elijah’s servant and at his death, the anointing in his bones resurrected a dead man (1 Kings 19:19-21). The old lady named Anna was always in the temple in Jerusalem where she served God daily and nightly in fastings and prayers, and the result was that she saw Jesus before she died (Luke 2:36-38). Pastor Adeboye of the RCCG gave all his retirement benefits as a college professor to ministry work when he was called to full time ministry, the result is a worldwide impactful ministry. The Holy Ghost congresses which he hosts have the largest single congregation in the world today. Jesus left His glory in Heaven, chose to become a man, died for mankind, made Himself of no reputation, and He was lifted and giving a name above all names as a result. He also offered mankind the antidote for the complex issue of sin. The following are some truths worthy of note about making sacrifices to God:
Sacrifices though costly is a free will offering: God is fascinated by a cheerful giver. Jesus wasn't compelled to offer Himself as sacrifice for mankind. He willingly laid down His life. Abraham offered Isaac willingly and not because he was coerced. Peter and the apostles left all to follow Jesus willingly. For a sacrifice to be acceptable, it has to be willingly offered. Yes, God make demands on His people, but He wants His people to willingly surrender and give up.
Sacrifices commit God and release His power: The anchor scripture above talks about saints who cut covenant with God by their sacrifice. A covenant simply defined is God’s promises backed by an oath. After God made promises to Abraham, he further went ahead to swear to Abraham after he attempted to sacrifice Isaac, his son (Genesis 22:15-18). He made him the father of nations through whom the nations of the earth will be blessed.  The new covenant of grace was signed, sealed and delivered to mankind because of the sacrifice of Calvary. A worthy sacrifice offered in faith to God will always provoke Him to commit irrevocably to the person who made the sacrifice.
Sacrifices release the next level or season: God Almighty is the controller of times and seasons. He determines when a season ends and a new one occurs. A new season started for Solomon when he sacrificed a thousand cows as burnt offering to God. In order to enter a new season of life, to make a sacrifice is imperative. Many experience delays in season because they aren't willing to make any sacrifices. God loves revolutionaries and risk takers who will risk all for Him. To go up with God, you have to give up.  
Conclusion: Believers of nowadays know little or nothing about sacrifice. This is why the church seems to be powerless. What is God asking you to surrender for His cause and His Kingdom? What is that precious thing God is asking you to give up? Though it may be big deal to you, but it will result into blessings unimaginable and unfathomable for you and your offspring. The new covenant of grace in Christ didn’t obliterate making sacrifices to God.
Have a blessed new month in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) Esan

Appropriating God's Promises (July 2013).

“…. By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2 Peter 1:4).

Apostle Peter calls God’s promises great and precious. Through these promises, we partake in His divine nature ruling and dominating the earthly sphere where we currently occupy. His promises for His children span across health, mercy, prosperity, peace, restoration, a circumcised heart, angelic ministration, etc. Below are some ways of appropriating His promises for our lives:

Appropriating by Knowledge: Knowledge is power and knowledge is light! Knowledge is revelation which is having intimate understanding of something. There are two basic types of knowledge God will want us to have and these are heart knowledge of Him and experiential knowledge. The Psalmist said the entrance of the word of God produces light (Psalm 119:130). Every time the word of God penetrates deep into the soul of someone, it enlightens and a miracle occurs (Psalm 19:7-10). The second type of knowledge, the experiential knowledge is what David displayed when he confronted the challenge of Goliath. David recounted that God delivered him from the bear and the lion, and will do same with Goliath. David knew by experience that what God has done once in his life, He will do again a second time. An earnest desire to know God is a must have in order to appropriate His promises!

Appropriating by Obedience: Almost all of God’s promises have conditions attached to them. A few are unconditional, for example He says He will pour His Spirit on all saints at the last days (Acts 2:17). Though Jesus purchased all of God’s benefits and promises for us (2 Corinthians 1:20), there are still conditions attached to them for the simple reason of personal responsibility. For example, the scriptures say “the secret of the Lord are with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant (Psalm 25:14). This scripture reveals that the condition for downloading specialized information from heaven is the fear of God. Once the conditions are fulfilled, the promises are ready to be received. The wonderful truth is that the promises of God are more than worth paying the price of obedience for.

Appropriating by Faith: The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 1:20 that “For all the promises of God in Christ Jesus are Yes, and in Him also Amen, to the glory of God through us”. The promises of God are only accessible through Jesus Christ. Faith in the finished works of Christ is the platform for receiving God’s promises. Many do not doubt God’s ability to deliver His promises, but many are not sure of His willingness towards them. But God’s willingness to deliver is also Jesus Christ who was rejected by God on the cross of Calvary, so that those that believe on Him might be qualified and made partakers of God’s promises.

Conclusion: There are God’s promises for now and also for the hereafter. One of the promises for life after now is that those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars in the Kingdom of God (Daniel 12:3). God’s plan is that we enjoy all of His earthly promises now and also be a partaker of His eternal promises. This is your portion in Jesus name!
Have a blessed new month.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Friday, June 7, 2013

Breaking Limitations (June 2013)

“Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, for he was of a short stature. So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him…….” (Luke 19:2-6)

A limitation is defined by the dictionary as something that confines, restrains or bounds. In the journey of life, limitations will come and say to you thus far you can go, and no further. Limitations, if not challenged will lead to stagnancy, frustration and non-achievement of dreams and aspirations. For the Israelites to possess their promised land, they had to break limitations set for them by their enemies. Below are some ways to deal with limitations:

Be determined: In the above scripture, Zacchaeus’ height was his handicap of achieving his goal of seeing Jesus, but because he was determined, he fashioned out the way of climbing the sycamore tree. He realized his dream despite his limitation. When there is a will, there will always be a way.

Gain insight: Zacchaeus name means purity in Hebrew. As at the time he was desperate to see Jesus, Zacchaeus, a tax collector was a sinner and even labeled sinner by the society (Luke 19:7). He must have had some insight about his name, identity and destiny that propelled him to seek Jesus. God doesn't deal with us based on our conditions but rather based on our conclusions. What insight do you have about your destiny, potentials, abilities and purpose in life? Gaining insight by being born again, and taking time to enquire about you from the Holy Spirit will turn you to a barrier breaker. Zacchaeus also had insight about his abilities. He could run and also dexterous in climbing trees. He ran ahead and climbed the sycamore tree. He used his gifts and talents to overcome his handicap. Scripture reference: Ephesians 1:15-21

Engage prayer: Persistent prayer is like boiling water in a pan on a stove. Initially, no feasible change occurs but as long as the water remains on the stove, the temperature starts changing. By the time the temperature hits 212 degrees, the water expands and turns to steam. The first power engines were powered by this phenomenon. Prayer when engaged through the word of God and persistently is powerful. The Bible says it is a dynamic force (James 5:16-18, Amplified). The man Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 broke limitations set over him by prayers.

Network Appropriately: We don’t succeed in isolation. We need other people’s resources, wisdom, connections, efforts, etc to break limitations. A very sick paralyzed man was brought to Jesus and couldn’t gain access to Him because of the mammoth crowd surrounding Him. His friends who brought him on a stretcher overcame this barrier by breaking the roof of the house Jesus was and lowered him right in front of Jesus. Because of a network (or community) of good friends, this guy overcame. The Bible says it’s better to have a partner than do it alone (Ecclesiasates 4:9-11, Message).

Trust in God’s Mercy: “So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy” (Romans 9:16). To break limitations, divine assistance is a must. And God will give assistance to those who trust in His mercy, and desires to glorify Him and not themselves.

CONCLUSION: Zacchaeus and his household received mercy because he sought the Lord Jesus (Luke 19:8-10). Anyone who is being marvelously helped by God is enjoying His mercy.
As we embrace Jesus and choose to grow in Him, we become barrier breakers through Him (Psalm 18:28-29).

Have a blessed new month.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Be Fruitful (May 2013)

“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, have dominion over the fish of the sea ….. and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Genesis 1:28).

In order for mankind to have dominion over the works of God, he must first and foremost be fruitful to do so. To be fruitful means to be productive and profitable. It means to add value to what has been given or offered one. To be fruitful also means to carry a seed to its ultimate expression; to grow into maturity. Being fruitful also means to maximize returns on what has been given (Matthew 25:20-28). It is to overflow and have something in excess. Fruitfulness will often result in multiplication. Quality will often produce quantity.

God has placed in mankind the ability to be fruitful. Our hands, spirits (energized by the Holy Spirit), wombs, mind and mouth are channels from which we can be fruitful. Below are some ways by which we can enhance fruitfulness:

Deliberate seed planting: You cannot be fruitful if you are not seed conscious. The farmer plants the particular seed of the crop he wants to harvest. He plants orange seeds to reap an orange tree. It is a deliberate act of his. A seed is also defined as the source from which something emanates and develops. The result or outcome or fruit I desire should determine the seed I plant. The source of the embryo growing in a woman’s womb is the seed implanted by the man. To be fruitful, I have to deliberately plant seeds of what I want to harvest.

Connection to the Vine: To bear fruit that will be pleasing and glorifying to God, it is imperative that one must abide in the Vine. Jesus called Himself the Vine in John 15:5-6. The vine is the trunk of a tree where nutrients move from the soil to the branches that shoot out the fruit. Without the vine, it is impossible for any tree to produce. The abundant life found in Christ becomes evident as fruit in the life of everyone who is properly attached to Him. To properly attach to the Vine is to appreciate in all areas of life, and not to properly attach is to depreciate. The sole aim of forces of darkness is to detach humans from the living and true Vine.

Be patient: Fruits don’t show up overnight. There is need to be patient and stay the course in every endeavor that one is expecting results. The Bible says the farmer waits for the rains, and also for his crops to yield (James 5:7). While waiting, he ensures the protection and security of his crops from weeds and other predators. Patience doesn’t mean passivity, but exercising staying power till one sees results. Exercising staying power helps us to build capacity in life’s assignments. Captain Sullenberger, the US Airways pilot that safely crash landed on Hudson River in January 15, 2009 attributed the 42 years of patiently doing the same thing to this heroic act that brought him out of obscurity into limelight. I also add to this the mercy of God that ensured the safety of the 155 people on board the aircraft. Many years of patiently flying brought out the courage and genius in this pilot when it was most needed.

Conclusion: God blessed man by pronouncing on him to be fruitful. The fruitfulness that will bring glory to God must be done in cooperation with Him. Jesus said, without Me you can do nothing (John 15:5). Team up with God today for you to make a difference in your world via fruit bearing.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Turning Dreams Into Realities (April 2013)

“……. For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery? Says the Lord” (Isaiah 66:8-9).

Dreams are desirable occurrences of the future. It can come by association (Proverbs 27:17), divine revelation (Genesis 37:5-10), observation (Elisha dreamt of a glorious future by observing Elijah), prophecy, study and meditating on the Word, burden for a desired outcome, etc
There are three main stages dreams pass through before they become manifestations:

Conception: As it is in the natural, so it is in the spriritual. For conception to take place in the natural, a seed must be planted in the womb of a woman. The word of God is called an incorruptible seed (1 Peter 1:23); it cannot be destroyed nor contaminated. The Bible is not just a moral book, it is also a dream book containing several dream seeds. An intimate and consistent relationship with the Word of God will make a dreamer out of anyone, anyday and anytime. When the word of God (seed) connects with the egg (faith) in our spiritual wombs, a conception takes place (Hebrews 4:2). Every time someone is fascinated by a particular promise in the Bible, and claims it in faith, he or she is conceiving a divine idea.

Maturation: After a woman conceives, the baby begins to develop in her womb, major changes occur in her body which automatically calls for life adjustments. If she had been involved with destructive habits, she is advised to stop such. If she had been a lean eater prior, her body begins to ask for more food, etc. In like manner, divine dreams call for adjustments in the life of the carrier so as to avoid a miscarriage. Also, the baby becomes the life and existence of the potential mother, her life now centers on the pregnancy. A compelling dream literally takes over the life of the carrier; his waking and sleeping moments, his conversations, associations, etc now has to do with what he/she is carrying. David had this compelling desire to dwell in the house of the Lord always and that became the center of his existence (Psalm 27:4). What adjustments have you made or are you making to ensure smooth delivery of your dreams? How regularly do you consider your dreams?

Delivery: This happens when the pregnancy has been carried to full term. Any attempt to deliver the baby before time threatens it and comes with consequences. Many who have attempted to birth their dreams before time have suffered grave consequences; many marriages don’t last because they were consummated too soon and there was not enough time in the courtship period for the couple to know themselves. When the fullness of time comes for a baby to be born, natural processes occur that begins to push the baby out. The dream must be processed and brought to maturity before delivery takes place. Also, it is true that no labor, no delivery (Isaiah 66:8). The pain of labor usually results in the joy of delivery. Prayer, discipline, hard work, perseverance, and patience are just examples of the labor we have to endure before bringing forth. God asked Isaiah, “Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” The sure gynecologist who ensures and guarantees a smooth delivery when the conditions are right is the Almighty Himself.

Conclusion: What are you carrying that will benefit the world and your community? The dream can be realized and is a possibility. As it is in the positive, so also it is in the negative. You shall not bring forth for sorrow in Jesus name (Isaiah 65:23).

Have a blessed new month.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN



Friday, March 1, 2013

The Finished Work of Christ (March 2013)

“So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit” (John 19:30)

Welcome to this Easter month of resurrection. There are four basic ills plaguing and bedeviling mankind. They are the issue of sin, sickness, poverty and death. Below are ways how Christ offered real solutions via dying on the cross to these maladies

Sin: “We know that our old (unrenewed) self was nailed to the cross with Him in order that our body (which is the instrument) of sin might be made ineffective and inactive for evil, that we might no longer be the slaves of sin” (Romans 6:6, AMP). Our evil Adamic nature was crucified with Jesus on the cross, and by putting our faith in Christ and His finished work, we begin to experience mastery over fleshy desires and cravings. As we look up to Christ, we are also saved from the penalty of sin which is eternal death (John 3:14-15).

Sickness: A recent edition of Charisma magazine featured the story of how a lady Bishop named Mickie Winborn overcame ovarian cancer and breast cancer. She was giving six months to live after the first diagnosis of ovarian cancer which later spread to her breasts. She had whole congregations, anointed men of God and community of believers praying for her. Her real deliverance came when God opened her eyes to see that she had been trusting in her past good works as basis for her divine healing. She had a revelation that the source of healing is the finished work of Christ on Calvary. Jesus’ body was crushed that our bodies might be mended and receive healing (Isaiah 53:4-7). She has been cancer free for 30 years after she was miraculously healed after the revelation experience.

Poverty: This is a result of the curse that was released on mankind when Adam fell in the Garden of Eden(Genesis 3:17-19). The Roman soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head which pierced His scalp and made blood to flow freely from His head. This crown of thorns signifies a curse on His head, and since the head of a man represents his/her destiny, Christ was accursed for our sake and redeemed us from the curse of poverty. The word redemption from where redeem derives is also a commercial term which means to buy back something by making full payment for it. Jesus bought Christians back from poverty by suffering the shame of poverty. Scripture reference: Galatians 3:13-14

Death: Jesus came to unravel the mystery of death to mankind. When the truth about something is discovered, that thing loses most of its power! By Jesus death and resurrection, He became the first to rise from the grave and thereby making a mockery of death. Death has no more dominion and power over Him. And everyone who puts genuine faith in Him has conquered the fear of death, and also death. Those who die in Christ are said to fall asleep because theirs is not a final, eternal death (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14).

CONCLUSION: The body of sin was destroyed on the cross, the affliction called sickness was also dealt a big blow by Jesus. The shame called poverty was removed and the mystery of death was resolved. Believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross and these evils plaguing mankind will hold no impact on you in Jesus name. Have a blessed month!

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Understanding will make you outstanding (February 2013)

“….. of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred, and all their brethren were at their command“ (1 Chronicles 12:32)

Understanding simply defined is knowing how something works or functions. Because the sons of Issachar had superior knowledge of the time and season they were in, they became outstanding and also became the commander of their brethren.

Understanding is fitting together the puzzle called life like when you make an object out of jig saw puzzles that are scattered. The Bible says in all your getting, get understanding (Proverbs 4:7). It is being interested in the process and not just the product or outcome. Moses took time to understand the ways of God unlike the Israelites who were just concerned about the outcomes (Psalm 103:7). Moses became honorable and worthy of respect because of his superior knowledge of God.

There is need to know how life which is a mystery and puzzle works. The Bible, which is the word of God provides the requisite answer about how God works, Satan and demon spirits work, the economy of God and man work, marriage work, how prayers work, how salvation works, and the list goes on. The acronym for the BIBLE is Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. The word of God was given to mankind to understand this time and season we live in. The Bible becomes irrelevant once we leave this planet earth. Below are further truths to consider about understanding:

Understanding is Light: Jesus said “I am the light of the world, he who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12). When someone accepts Jesus into his/her life, light comes and beams into such a life. This light begins to dispel the darkness of ignorance, shame, confusion, sin, sorrow, sickness, etc. Suddenly, a new dawn arising from new knowledge, new awareness and new empowerment of the Holy Spirit causes a transformation and turnaround in such a life (2 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Corinthians 4:4,6).

Understanding is divine intelligence: Apostle Paul prayed for the church that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened (Ephesians 1:18-20). There is a divine intelligence and also mental intelligence. A spiritual person engages the eyes of his heart in addition to his physical eyes. Having spiritual understanding is being able to unravel mysteries concerning our personal lives. It is the ability to judge things spiritually and correctly(1 Corinthians 2:14-16). There is a knowledge and understanding that goes beyond the mental and intellectual.

Understanding requires effort: Learning the ropes about any subject in life requires effort and also patience. The scriptures say in Proverbs 25:2 that it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. The process of seeking understanding brings out the kingship in us. We start dominating as we begin to unravel mysteries. As we seek to know the truth, we are set free and also gain mastery over issues and circumstances (John 8:32,36).

Conclusion: The knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10). To know so much about varied subjects is good but a true knowledge of God is invaluable. It makes the difference between heaven and hell, joy and sorrow, etc. Receive the grace to seek God and His ways in Jesus name. Have a blessed month in Jesus name.

Keys To Unlocking 2013 (January 2013)

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth, shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Below are some keys to unlocking 2013:

1) Overcome the past: Many have a picture of past hurts, offences, disappointments, sins, mistakes,etc. like a movie playing in their minds. God says in the scripture above to forget the past. Focusing on the past impacts on the present and also carries the potential of locking one out of future blessings. The Israelites never entered their promised land during Moses time because they perpetually kept remembering their slave days in Egypt. We cannot change our past but we can change living in the past. In what ways are you chained to the past? Scripture reference: 2 Corinthians 5:17

2) Focus on God: One of the attributes of God is His ability to change our minds and thinking patterns when we focus on Him. What we focus on in life is always magnified to us. The closer you are to an object, the bigger it becomes to you. The Word of God is given us to transform our thinking to heaven’s kind of thinking. Success with God is a function of how well our thinking aligns with His thinking. Scripture reference: Romans 12:1-2

3) Define the year: To define means to make distinct, clear, or detailed especially in outline. The Bible in Habakkuk 2:2-4 enjoins us to write down the vision, make it plain on tablets that the reader may be motivated by it. What are you aspiring to become, do and even have in 2013? By faith, make plain and clear what you want 2013 to be for you! One of the ways we are made in God’s likeness is our ability to dream.

4) Execute the plan: After establishing your working plan in 2013, the next crucial thing is execution. The plan is not all up to God nor all about your ability to accomplish. It is a collaborative effort between God and us. Virtually, all the people Jesus healed in the gospels had to comply with some instructions before they fully realized their miracles. To the paralytic man who had been lying down for 38 years, Jesus told him, “rise, take up your bed and walk” (John 5: 1-9). The human element to our breakthrough is obedience to divine instruction.

5) Be genuinely fulfilled: Money, attainments, possessions, titles, breakthroughs, etc only give temporary satisfaction. Real success cannot be measured by them. Towards the tail end of last year, the pitiable lifestyle of a great IT security inventor was exposed. After making so much money, the guy retired to a Caribbean country living beside the beach and frolicking with women and wine. Not too long, his frivolous lifestyle caught up with him and he is presently facing a murder charge. The Bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). Genuine fulfillment comes when we start living not just for ourselves but for others as well. In 2013, make up your mind to live a life of significance and not just personal success!

Conclusion: With the aforementioned keys being fully adhered to by us, we will be living under an open heaven all through 2013. We will open the heavens and cause an avalanche of divine intervention in our affairs. Have a blessed 2013 in Jesus name!

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN