“As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams” (Daniel 1:17)
Daniel was one of many Jewish captives in Babylon during the time of King Nebuchadnezzar. He was a Jew who operated as a top public servant for about 60 years in the organized world system of Babylon and Medo-Persia. He earned the respect of the 4 kings that he served as adviser and counselor because he solved very knotty problems for them. He rose from a chief administrator position in King Nebuchadnezzar’s cabinet to the third position in the entire country in King Belshazzar’s cabinet (Daniel 2:48; Daniel 5:29). He prospered in the reign of King Darius and King Cyrus of Medo-Persia (Daniel 6:28).
A Daniel corporation of our day is the fast food chain Chick-fil -A which was founded by Truett Cathy. It is the largest privately owned fast food chain in the USA with over 1600 branches in 39 states. The owners of this corporation are Christians who are resolutely upholding Biblical values, for example the restaurants don’t open on Sundays. This corporation is one of the envy of its industry with a sales figure of $4.5 billion in 2011. These days, God is set on raising Daniels in all spheres of life that will excel. Below are some vital points why Daniel excelled in Babylon.
1. Daniel didn’t forget his heritage: As a young trainee in King Nebuchadnezzar's palace he maintained his spiritual convictions and persuasions. The king’s strategy was to totally overhaul the young men’s thinking, language, diet and identity by teaching them for 3 years the Babylonian way. Though Daniel learned the culture of the Babylonians, he was never overtaken nor contaminated by it. He adjusted well to a foreign land and culture without compromising the law of his God. He demonstrated being in the world and not being a part of it.
2. Daniel had a prayer life: It was Daniel’s habit to kneel three times a day in prayers (Daniel 6:10). He carried his spirituality to the marketplace. He harnessed physical and spiritual resources to make a difference in Babylon. Though very intelligent, he went beyond his natural intelligence to employ spiritual resources to solve national problems (Daniel 2). Because of his prayerfulness, he carried God’s presence which became his glory and shield when thrown in the lion’s den.
3. Daniel had integrity: He stood as a powerful witness of God in the foreign heathen land of Babylon. When his detractors conspired against him, they could not find any fault in him (Daniel 6:4-5). His life was above reproach. He was a man of impeccable character. Another word for character is control; Daniel had control over his natural appetites and cravings.
4. Daniel modeled excellence: He attracted enemies in his workplace because he was extremely good on his job. As an old man on the job, he was still preferred over and above younger people because of his excellent spirit (Daniel 6:3). Because he was a problem solver for the kings he worked for, interpreting dreams and revealing God’s mind to them, he was not easily replaceable on his job which was why he lasted six decades as a top public servant in Babylon and Medo-Persia. Many who will like to boycott patronizing Chick fil A because of its Biblical values may not be able to because of their nice waffle fries and chicken sandwich. When you are very good in what you do, you become indispensable.
5. Daniel faced grave opposition: Because of his devotion for God, his favor with the powers that be and his influence, he was conspired against by his colleagues who plotted to throw him in the lion’s den (Daniel 6:4-5). The CEO of Chick-fil- A granted a recent interview where he stated his company’s belief in the Biblical traditional marriage of male and female. Mayors of major cities, corporations, politicians, gay rights activists, etc have risen up strongly against this Daniel Corporation.But Daniel triumph over his enemies because God was with him.
God is seeking to raise Daniels in this generation. Daniels are those believers that will be uncompromising in their convictions in the marketplace. Because of their resoluteness in standing for God, He will endow them supernaturally with problem solving skills and also promote them to positions of prominence and authority, so that they will be a voice and mighty witness for Him in a depraved and dark world. Dare to belong to this generation today and you will experience the glory of God in your life.
Ade(Gboyega) Esan