“And the Lord said to Joshua, this day (year) I will begin to magnify you in the sight of all Israel, so they may know that as I was with Moses, so I will be with you” (Joshua 3:7).
The background to the above scripture is that Moses – the revered man of God died. Joshua took over from him and his assignment was to lead over 2 million Israelites to the Promised Land. The assignment looked bigger than Joshua and the people weren’t totally accepting his leadership. Moses, to the children of God was highly revered and next to God. When Moses died, God had to encourage Joshua to be strong, courageous and also to meditate on His Word day and night in order to have good success (Joshua 1:6-9). Following God’s specific directions, Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan and their perspective of him totally changed (Joshua 1:16-18). Joshua received honor from God and his leadership role was confirmed in the sight of all the Israelites.
The word honor means something highly valued and esteemed. It means something praiseworthy, respectable and admirable. It is possible for someone to prop up himself / herself by using the media and other PR techniques to enhance his / her value. Men, institutions, corporations, communities, churches, etc can also honor someone they feel has achieved so much, in other words men can honor another person. The reality is that God also honors people, and when God honors a person, it can never be compared to the honor of men, individuals and corporations.
The following is evident when God honors a man: He gives the man a great name like in the case of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3); He makes Him a joy to many generations, in other words, generations following the honored are blessed because of him; He helps the man supernaturally and begins to do impossible things through him like in the case of Joshua. He begins to make men obey this honored person by making sure his words do not fall to the ground, i.e his words come to pass, like Moses; The man God honors is promoted and lifted supernaturally like Joseph. The honored person enjoys open heavens provision, in other words, supplies flow to him ceaselessly from unsolicited and unexpected places; The honored person will have his superiors deferring to him like in the case of Joseph in the house of Potiphar; The person honored by God is not only blessed but anyone associated with him also becomes a partaker of his blessings. Divine honor is God enhancing the value of a mortal man and decorating and beautifying him / her.
The following is imperative for us to do to be honored by God:
1. Be truly born again: Every true child of God is honored by God. He / she already carry a measure of the honor of God. The Holy Spirit dwells within every child of God and the temple of God is honorable. Scripture reference: John 3:3, 6.
2. Walk with God: We walk with God by having confidence in Him and in His Word. We walk by faith and not by our physical senses. When we start esteeming His Word beyond our circumstances and earthly realities, we gain His pleasure and He is pleased with us (Hebrews 11: 5-6).
3. Celebrate Him: The popular axiom says you should go to where you are celebrated and not tolerated. This is also true of God, He resides where He is totally celebrated. He dwells in the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). If you can celebrate God in 2011 like David did who praised Him in high and low moments, in the palace and in the wilderness, in the mountain and in the valley, you will start experiencing divine honor in all its ramifications.
4. Fear Him: Prophet Eli lost his honor and produced a grandchild called Ichabod (the glory has departed) because he started to take God for granted. God’s instructions and injunctions didn’t mean much to him and his rebellious children. The honor bestowed on him as a priest of God became dishonor. Scripture reference: 1 Samuel 2: 27-36.
5. Give to His cause generously: If we say we honor God and fail to honor the men of God around us, we lie. The more value we place on God, the more valuable our gifts to the church and Christian ministers. Our view of God should be greatly enhanced in 2011 and this should be a motivation for giving generously, carefully and commensurately to His cause. Scripture reference: Malachi 1:6-14
6. Desire His Honor: Many seek the honor and applause of men and not the true honor that comes from God. Because divine honor is not always quickly evident and apparent, many do not seek it as they seek for the honor from men. Moses craved for God and cried and told Him to show him His glory and God granted his request (Exodus 33: 18-19).
7. Preach the Gospel: The Bible says the feet of them that preach the gospel are beautiful (Romans 10:15). In other words, God shines His light on their paths and on their ways. The surest way to be honored by God is to carry out the Great Commission which is His heartbeat. Signs and wonders always follow those who proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ because Heaven backs them and also considers them honorable. Scripture reference: Daniel 12:3
CONCLUSION: The word of the Lord to us in 2011 is that it is a year of double honor. As we carry out the aforementioned by the grace and enablement of God, we will experience divine liftings this year, more than we can ever imagine. God will honor you and everyone will see it. He shall anoint you with oil in the presence of your enemies and your cup shall run over with joy in Jesus name. Happy 2011.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN