“The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying: ‘You have dwelt long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey, and go to the mountains of the Amorites, to all the neighboring places in the plain,...See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—to give to them and their descendants after them" -Deuteronomy 1:6-8 (NKJV)
Individuals, churches, corporations and communities are all seeking positive changes and improvements. Man isn't designed and created by God to stagnate and be in the same level year in and year out. In the above scripture, God was showing His displeasure at the children of Israel who after leaving Egypt were stagnating in Mount Horeb. He simply told Moses their leader that they should make progress. One major source of human frustration is lack of progress. People lapse into bad behavior quickly when they are frustrated and make little or no progress. The four words below if embraced with the grace of God can effect positive changes in our lives:
1) Desire: This is more than mere wishes. It is actually a strong longing that consumes the owner. This is a must have for a change in the positive direction. How badly do you desire the next level? Life will always test how badly we desire something. Blind Bartimaeus, the blind man in Mark 10:46-52 who was born blind couldn't be silenced when he heard Jesus was passing. He so much desired to have his eyes opened that every opposition gave way at the sight of his desire.
2) Aspire: The next level I'm desirous of is already being lived and enjoyed by someone. Human beings find it difficult to have a vision and a dream for their lives. God in His mercy will often plant a picture of that unknown future near us. That picture many times could be someone already living your aspirations. Apostle Paul helped Timothy find his bearing in life and ministry. Elijah was Elisha's picture for the future. Naomi was Ruth's picture for the future. The future you are unsure of could be seen in a mentor near you that you admire. Whose lifestyle, conduct, charisma, ministry, career, etc do you admire? Who are you aspiring to be like? Who is already living your next level? A careful observation and study of them can impact greatly on you.
3) Inspire: The word 'inspire' can be broken into 'in' and 'spire' or 'spirit'. This simply indicates inward energy, life, breath or motivation. It borders on ability to self motivate and self encourage even when the desired change isnt forthcoming or in view. Inspiration is energy. It is to stay fired up and upbeat about life. Elijah, the mighty man of God ran out of inspiration after the battle on Mount Carmel and Jezebel issued threats on his life. He lost motivation to continue on his destiny path and his ministry terminated shortly after (1 Kings 19). It is true that if you are not constantly inspired, you will soon expire. Inspiration also leads to innovativeness and creativity. The greatest motivational book ever written is the Word of God, the Holy Bible. The greatest source of inward energy on the earth is the Holy Spirit and we should make sure we allow Him to motivate us at all times(John 7:38-39).
4) Perspire: To perspire simply means to sweat. It means to work hard at something and sweat as a result. Jesus prayed so hard at the Garden of Gethsemane that He sweats of blood. Elisha worked so hard as Elijah's servant that he got his next level as a result. To enter one's next level it is necessary to take on the workload and responsibility of the next level. Many times, the next level also has to do more with mental perspiration. God gave human beings brain to function and also solve some human problems. The brain is like a muscle, it delivers only when it is exercised. Every invention, product or merchandise is called the brain child of the owner. What is your brain child? What has your brain delivered to warrant your next level?
Conclusion: Desire, Aspire, Inspire and Perspire are prerequisites to enter the next level. However, all these without the grace and favor of God don't guarantee the next level. Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is accepting the grace of God. Growing dynamically in Jesus is growing in the grace of God.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
On Eagles Wings (October 2011)
"You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself" Exodus 19:4 (NKJV)
The eagle is a high flier. The eagle can fly as high as 10000 feet and even higher. In the above text, God was reminding the Israelites of the mighty deliverance He wrought for them at the Red Sea. When their enemies, the Egyptians were drowning God literally carried His own people on eagles wings.
Because the Israelites were operating from God's frequency, the challenge that drowned their enemies became their own testimonies. Whenever we operate from God's frequency, we become high fliers in the Spirit and able & better equipped to handle daily pressures & challenges. We glide and ride over mountains & challenges as if they do not exist. When we operate from God's frequency, He Himself carries us on His wings over and above life challenges and problems. Below are ways to operate from God's frequency:
1) Feast on the Word of God: To feast means to have something in abundant measure. The converse of feasting is fasting when you deprive yourself of something pleasurable.Just like we do in buffet restaurants when you are allowed to take as much food as you can in relish & delight, we are to settle down with God's Word and take an abundant measure of it. By feasting on the Word, we are able to store an abundance of the Word in our hearts.
We live life from the inside out. When our spirit man is well fed & robust, we operate from a fortified heart and are able to counter the pressures of daily living with God's assistance. And when we are lean in our inner man, we are weak and unable to stand against life challenges and pressures. "The spirit of man will sustain him in sickness but a broken spirit who can bear" (Proverbs 18:14, Proverbs 17:22). Jesus also said His words produce life and spirit in us (John 6:63).
2) Waiting on the Lord: The waiter in a restaurant is focused on the customer; all his activities center around the customer. He is sensitive to the customer such that as he beckons, the waiter responds. To wait on God simply means having designated times all activities focus and center around Him. The more regularly we do this, the more our inner strength is renewed, the more equipped we become to battle and counter life's challenges (Isaiah 40:29-31). The eagle bird as it grows older retreats to high mountains where it sheds off it's weak feathers & waits for new ones to emerge. The way to avoid burn-outs, stress & depression that is due to life challenges is to regularly wait on the Lord.
3) Declare the Word of the Lord: Faith gets stronger as we boldly declare the Word of God and also get weaker as we declare our worries and fears. Our words emanate from our thoughts. The Bible enjoins us to think positively (Philippians 4:8). The Bible also tells us that right words are forceful, dynamic and able to effect changes (Job 6:25). The speech center of the brain is also called the motor center of the body, that is the words we speak can take us to a good or bad destination depending on how we channel our words. We command the movement of angels and demon spirits by the words we speak. For God to carry us on eagles wings, our words must align with His Word always.
CONCLUSION: The tires of an airplane are able to carry the enormous weight of the plane and also land the plane safely despite the incredible weight because they have pressure inside them. The load and weight you are able to carry successfully is determined by how much of the life of God you have in your heart. Allow more of the Spirit in you through the aforementioned and you will discover you are flying high and unmoved by the challenges and pressures of life. Have a blessed new month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
The eagle is a high flier. The eagle can fly as high as 10000 feet and even higher. In the above text, God was reminding the Israelites of the mighty deliverance He wrought for them at the Red Sea. When their enemies, the Egyptians were drowning God literally carried His own people on eagles wings.
Because the Israelites were operating from God's frequency, the challenge that drowned their enemies became their own testimonies. Whenever we operate from God's frequency, we become high fliers in the Spirit and able & better equipped to handle daily pressures & challenges. We glide and ride over mountains & challenges as if they do not exist. When we operate from God's frequency, He Himself carries us on His wings over and above life challenges and problems. Below are ways to operate from God's frequency:
1) Feast on the Word of God: To feast means to have something in abundant measure. The converse of feasting is fasting when you deprive yourself of something pleasurable.Just like we do in buffet restaurants when you are allowed to take as much food as you can in relish & delight, we are to settle down with God's Word and take an abundant measure of it. By feasting on the Word, we are able to store an abundance of the Word in our hearts.
We live life from the inside out. When our spirit man is well fed & robust, we operate from a fortified heart and are able to counter the pressures of daily living with God's assistance. And when we are lean in our inner man, we are weak and unable to stand against life challenges and pressures. "The spirit of man will sustain him in sickness but a broken spirit who can bear" (Proverbs 18:14, Proverbs 17:22). Jesus also said His words produce life and spirit in us (John 6:63).
2) Waiting on the Lord: The waiter in a restaurant is focused on the customer; all his activities center around the customer. He is sensitive to the customer such that as he beckons, the waiter responds. To wait on God simply means having designated times all activities focus and center around Him. The more regularly we do this, the more our inner strength is renewed, the more equipped we become to battle and counter life's challenges (Isaiah 40:29-31). The eagle bird as it grows older retreats to high mountains where it sheds off it's weak feathers & waits for new ones to emerge. The way to avoid burn-outs, stress & depression that is due to life challenges is to regularly wait on the Lord.
3) Declare the Word of the Lord: Faith gets stronger as we boldly declare the Word of God and also get weaker as we declare our worries and fears. Our words emanate from our thoughts. The Bible enjoins us to think positively (Philippians 4:8). The Bible also tells us that right words are forceful, dynamic and able to effect changes (Job 6:25). The speech center of the brain is also called the motor center of the body, that is the words we speak can take us to a good or bad destination depending on how we channel our words. We command the movement of angels and demon spirits by the words we speak. For God to carry us on eagles wings, our words must align with His Word always.
CONCLUSION: The tires of an airplane are able to carry the enormous weight of the plane and also land the plane safely despite the incredible weight because they have pressure inside them. The load and weight you are able to carry successfully is determined by how much of the life of God you have in your heart. Allow more of the Spirit in you through the aforementioned and you will discover you are flying high and unmoved by the challenges and pressures of life. Have a blessed new month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
The Goodness and Severity of God (September 2011)
“Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity, but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.” (Romans 11:22).
The above scripture reveals to us the two sides of God. God is love personified (1John 4:8), yet He is also a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God that was slain yet He is also the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. Many in our time view God from His goodness side and don’t think of His severe side. This write-up considers the 2 major sides of God.
Evidence of His goodness is revealed in:
His Love: The height of God’s love was demonstrated to mankind when Jesus went to the cross of Calvary to pay for the sins of mankind. The truth is that God is affectionate towards His creation and in particular mankind regardless of their religious affiliation, color, race, nationality, etc. His forgiving prowess is also a demonstration of His love for mankind. Any sinner no matter how grievous their sin that turns to God will be accepted and forgiven by Him. There is provision in the blood of Jesus to forgive sins and also to cleanse from sin.
His Mercy: God’s mercies transcends generations of those who fear Him to a thousand generations, in other words God keeps faith to a thousand generation to those who fear Him (Deuteronomy 7:9). He kept His mercy on Solomon and the line of David because of His relationship with King David. A delicate cargo or good that is to be shipped carries the tag, “Fragile, handle with care”. The Bible tells us God handles those who fear Him delicately, cautiously and with kid gloves (Psalm 103:11-14)
His Benevolence: God is disposed to doing good. His very essence is to extend generosity, kindness, favor, courtesy and blessing to all His creation. The Bible says in Matthew 5:45 that God makes the sun to shine on the evil and the good, and also makes the rain to fall on the just and on the unjust. His benevolence and kind nature is on all His creation and works (Psalm 145:9).
The other side of God is His severity. Some synonyms for severe are stern, authoritarian, tough, strict, hard, rigorous and heavy handed. God can be all these combined if He chooses to. Below are some evidences of His severity:
His Awesomeness: The word awesome means something/someone that inspires/invokes awe or fear or dread. The testimony of the Israelites on Mount Sinai when God gave them the 10 commandments and wanted to teach them His fear goes thus: “Now all the people witnessed the thundering, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking, and when the people saw it they trembled and stood afar off. Then they said to Moses,” you speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die. ” (Exodus 20:18-19).
His Judgments: The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a testament of how severe God’s judgments can be. Jesus was handed over to mortal men who flogged, ridiculed, spat, punished, ripped His body and crucified Him because God was judging Him for the sins of mankind He carried. The Bible says it pleased God to bruise Jesus and to put Him to grief (Isaiah 53:10). The punishment of hell fire is also a testament to how severe God can choose to be. God is not only to be reverenced but to be truly feared as someone will fear a burning fire or inferno.
His Holiness: Because of His holiness He cannot behold sin for too long. This is why every true child of God is clothed with the garment of righteousness (Romans 4:5-8, Isaiah 61:10). This is also the reason Jesus was dealt a big blow on the cross of Calvary. Any where sin is committed blatantly, perpetually, without remorse or regard for God will soon experience the wrath of God. He is simply of too pure eyes to behold iniquity.
CONCLUSION: Brethren, the choice is ours whether to see the good nature of God or His severe side. Anyone not born again is already under God’s condemnation (John 3:17-19). Make a wise decision today by fully surrendering to Jesus who is the only One that can save from the wrath of God.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
The above scripture reveals to us the two sides of God. God is love personified (1John 4:8), yet He is also a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God that was slain yet He is also the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. Many in our time view God from His goodness side and don’t think of His severe side. This write-up considers the 2 major sides of God.
Evidence of His goodness is revealed in:
His Love: The height of God’s love was demonstrated to mankind when Jesus went to the cross of Calvary to pay for the sins of mankind. The truth is that God is affectionate towards His creation and in particular mankind regardless of their religious affiliation, color, race, nationality, etc. His forgiving prowess is also a demonstration of His love for mankind. Any sinner no matter how grievous their sin that turns to God will be accepted and forgiven by Him. There is provision in the blood of Jesus to forgive sins and also to cleanse from sin.
His Mercy: God’s mercies transcends generations of those who fear Him to a thousand generations, in other words God keeps faith to a thousand generation to those who fear Him (Deuteronomy 7:9). He kept His mercy on Solomon and the line of David because of His relationship with King David. A delicate cargo or good that is to be shipped carries the tag, “Fragile, handle with care”. The Bible tells us God handles those who fear Him delicately, cautiously and with kid gloves (Psalm 103:11-14)
His Benevolence: God is disposed to doing good. His very essence is to extend generosity, kindness, favor, courtesy and blessing to all His creation. The Bible says in Matthew 5:45 that God makes the sun to shine on the evil and the good, and also makes the rain to fall on the just and on the unjust. His benevolence and kind nature is on all His creation and works (Psalm 145:9).
The other side of God is His severity. Some synonyms for severe are stern, authoritarian, tough, strict, hard, rigorous and heavy handed. God can be all these combined if He chooses to. Below are some evidences of His severity:
His Awesomeness: The word awesome means something/someone that inspires/invokes awe or fear or dread. The testimony of the Israelites on Mount Sinai when God gave them the 10 commandments and wanted to teach them His fear goes thus: “Now all the people witnessed the thundering, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking, and when the people saw it they trembled and stood afar off. Then they said to Moses,” you speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die. ” (Exodus 20:18-19).
His Judgments: The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a testament of how severe God’s judgments can be. Jesus was handed over to mortal men who flogged, ridiculed, spat, punished, ripped His body and crucified Him because God was judging Him for the sins of mankind He carried. The Bible says it pleased God to bruise Jesus and to put Him to grief (Isaiah 53:10). The punishment of hell fire is also a testament to how severe God can choose to be. God is not only to be reverenced but to be truly feared as someone will fear a burning fire or inferno.
His Holiness: Because of His holiness He cannot behold sin for too long. This is why every true child of God is clothed with the garment of righteousness (Romans 4:5-8, Isaiah 61:10). This is also the reason Jesus was dealt a big blow on the cross of Calvary. Any where sin is committed blatantly, perpetually, without remorse or regard for God will soon experience the wrath of God. He is simply of too pure eyes to behold iniquity.
CONCLUSION: Brethren, the choice is ours whether to see the good nature of God or His severe side. Anyone not born again is already under God’s condemnation (John 3:17-19). Make a wise decision today by fully surrendering to Jesus who is the only One that can save from the wrath of God.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Friday, August 5, 2011
Faith, Foolishness and Fantasy (August 2011).
These three concepts make the difference between answered and unanswered prayers, making spiritual progress vis a vis stagnating, etc. It is imperative to define and look closely at these three concepts because often times people interchange one for the other. For example, a man operating in fantasy may think he is demonstrating real faith. Showing what faith is not will also help us immeasurably to determine what real faith is.
Faith: The Bible in Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. The Message translation interpreted the latter part as our handle on what we can’t see. That handle or hold into the supernatural realm is the Word of God. It is demonstrating confidence in the Word of God, and holding the Word of God as the handle into the invisible and supernatural realm. For instance, the Bible declares that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed. A true believer in the Word of God will hold and grasp that scripture firmly until it delivers the required healing. Genuine faith is based entirely on the Word of God which is why it is a tangible force that has the capability of removing mountains (Mark 11:22-24). Real faith is also known by the action it generates in the person demonstrating it. Because Abraham believed God genuinely, he acted and his action completed and perfected the whole process of faith (James 2:21-24). Real faith holds the Word of God as final and also acts on the Word of God.
Foolishness: This is being out of the will of God and at the same time expressing confidence in Him. Paul defines foolishness in Romans 6:1-2 when he declared, “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!” A young lady who was living with her boyfriend approached a Pastor to ask for God’s intervention to conceive and have her own baby with her unmarried partner. She claimed to have some gynecological problems and said she believes if the Pastor join his faith with hers, God will heal her and she will have her baby even though unmarried. It’s amazing how many people are out of the will of God and still express confidence in Him. The Bible says God is not mocked, that whatever a man sows is what he will reap. Calling for divine intervention when we deliberately and consciously choose to operate out of the will of God is displaying folly. The only sensible prayer to pray when someone is out of the will of God is the prayer of repentance and mercy.
Fantasy: This is when a believer is confessing and claiming what hasn’t been promised to him. Some believers under the guise of you can have what you say operate out of lust to claim what hasn’t been promised to them and may actually belong to someone else. A particular brother many years ago in a college fellowship went ahead to print wedding invitation cards with a sister who was already engaged to someone else. The sister had told him repeatedly she was engaged, yet in the name of claiming it and having it forcefully, this brother acted presumptuously to claim what has not been promised to him. Another display of fantasy is also when someone is demonstrating faith in God without a corresponding action to back it up. A student who is just claiming success in an exam he/she is not preparing for is operating in Fantasy Island. The Bible says faith by itself, if it does not have works is dead. The Message translation of the Bible says God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense (James 2:17).
Conclusion: We are saved by grace through faith in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). Many non-believers in Christ will miss heaven because of their foolishness of not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (1 Corinthians 1:18). Many believers who think they are on their way to heaven but fail to keep God’s commands of forgiving others and living holy are also living in Fantasy Island(Hebrews 12:14). Are you operating genuine faith, foolishness or fantasy? Receive grace to operate genuine faith in God. Have a blessed month!
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Faith: The Bible in Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. The Message translation interpreted the latter part as our handle on what we can’t see. That handle or hold into the supernatural realm is the Word of God. It is demonstrating confidence in the Word of God, and holding the Word of God as the handle into the invisible and supernatural realm. For instance, the Bible declares that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed. A true believer in the Word of God will hold and grasp that scripture firmly until it delivers the required healing. Genuine faith is based entirely on the Word of God which is why it is a tangible force that has the capability of removing mountains (Mark 11:22-24). Real faith is also known by the action it generates in the person demonstrating it. Because Abraham believed God genuinely, he acted and his action completed and perfected the whole process of faith (James 2:21-24). Real faith holds the Word of God as final and also acts on the Word of God.
Foolishness: This is being out of the will of God and at the same time expressing confidence in Him. Paul defines foolishness in Romans 6:1-2 when he declared, “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!” A young lady who was living with her boyfriend approached a Pastor to ask for God’s intervention to conceive and have her own baby with her unmarried partner. She claimed to have some gynecological problems and said she believes if the Pastor join his faith with hers, God will heal her and she will have her baby even though unmarried. It’s amazing how many people are out of the will of God and still express confidence in Him. The Bible says God is not mocked, that whatever a man sows is what he will reap. Calling for divine intervention when we deliberately and consciously choose to operate out of the will of God is displaying folly. The only sensible prayer to pray when someone is out of the will of God is the prayer of repentance and mercy.
Fantasy: This is when a believer is confessing and claiming what hasn’t been promised to him. Some believers under the guise of you can have what you say operate out of lust to claim what hasn’t been promised to them and may actually belong to someone else. A particular brother many years ago in a college fellowship went ahead to print wedding invitation cards with a sister who was already engaged to someone else. The sister had told him repeatedly she was engaged, yet in the name of claiming it and having it forcefully, this brother acted presumptuously to claim what has not been promised to him. Another display of fantasy is also when someone is demonstrating faith in God without a corresponding action to back it up. A student who is just claiming success in an exam he/she is not preparing for is operating in Fantasy Island. The Bible says faith by itself, if it does not have works is dead. The Message translation of the Bible says God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense (James 2:17).
Conclusion: We are saved by grace through faith in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). Many non-believers in Christ will miss heaven because of their foolishness of not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (1 Corinthians 1:18). Many believers who think they are on their way to heaven but fail to keep God’s commands of forgiving others and living holy are also living in Fantasy Island(Hebrews 12:14). Are you operating genuine faith, foolishness or fantasy? Receive grace to operate genuine faith in God. Have a blessed month!
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Friday, July 1, 2011
Combating Fear (July 2011).
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7)
There are two major types of fear: real fear and imagined fear. Real fear occurs when there is a genuine reason to be afraid, for example if one is just diagnosed to have a terminal ailment. Imagined fear is when the fear exists in the mind and imagination of the victim, and when there is no genuine reason to fear. Imagined fear is False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR). Many people who fear have imagined fears!
There are different kinds of fear: The fear of death, fear of Satan and demons, fear of man, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the future, fear of judgment of wrong deeds done in the past, fear of heights, fear of cockroaches, fear of doctor’s report, etc
Fear is dangerous because it has the capacity to produce what is being feared. Job said: “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me” (Job 3:25). A former USA President, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “the only thing to fear is fear itself”. Fear is not just a disturbing emotion, it is also the spiritual force that governs the kingdom of darkness. It is the opposite of faith. Just like faith is the force of the Kingdom of God that attracts God’s blessings, fear is a force that attracts Satan’s curses and woes. The passage above identifies fear has a spirit, in other words, there are evil beings peddling and spreading fear in the world. The Bible says in 1 John 4:18 that fear has torment, afflicting its victim with pain and even death. The story was told of a man who was to be initiated into a cult, part of the initiation was to blindfold and tie him on a rail track. As he heard the sound of the train approaching, this man cried out to his friends to untie him, unknown to him, he was tied to a different rail track from the approaching train. Finally, as the train passed and his friends went to untie him, they found him stone dead. He had died of heart attack.
There are three major forces that help us combat and overcome fear when we realize we are inundated by it. These forces are love, power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7):
Love: The love of God is given to believers of Christ when they hand over their lives to Him as Lord and Savior (Romans 5:5). This love of God is perfect and should not ideally co-exist with fear in the heart of the believer (1 John 4:18). Apostle Paul prayed that believers will be well secured in the love of God which has the ability to remove every form of fear in the mind of the believer (Ephesians 3:18-19).
Power: Human beings are afraid because we feel powerless and helpless. When people lack control of a situation or circumstance, they feel powerless and are prone to be afraid of negative outcomes. Jesus came to give us control and power for living, and the Holy Spirit resident in the believer places him/her on a platform over and above satanic powers, sicknesses and destructions (Luke 10:19). The believer through a dynamic walk with God can operate as Christ did when He was here on earth.
Sound Mind: A sound mind is a mind that is anchored in the Word of God. A sound mind is stable even through the vicissitudes of life. Isaiah 26:3-4 says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock.” A sound mind is a mind full of courage, confidence, peace, hope and faith in God. It is the product of constant meditation and reflection on the word of God (Romans 10:17).
CONCLUSION: Jesus said, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). The only way to live fearlessly is to genuinely fear God. Once the fear of God is in place, there is nothing else to fear again.
Have a blessed new month and second half of 2011.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
There are two major types of fear: real fear and imagined fear. Real fear occurs when there is a genuine reason to be afraid, for example if one is just diagnosed to have a terminal ailment. Imagined fear is when the fear exists in the mind and imagination of the victim, and when there is no genuine reason to fear. Imagined fear is False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR). Many people who fear have imagined fears!
There are different kinds of fear: The fear of death, fear of Satan and demons, fear of man, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the future, fear of judgment of wrong deeds done in the past, fear of heights, fear of cockroaches, fear of doctor’s report, etc
Fear is dangerous because it has the capacity to produce what is being feared. Job said: “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me” (Job 3:25). A former USA President, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “the only thing to fear is fear itself”. Fear is not just a disturbing emotion, it is also the spiritual force that governs the kingdom of darkness. It is the opposite of faith. Just like faith is the force of the Kingdom of God that attracts God’s blessings, fear is a force that attracts Satan’s curses and woes. The passage above identifies fear has a spirit, in other words, there are evil beings peddling and spreading fear in the world. The Bible says in 1 John 4:18 that fear has torment, afflicting its victim with pain and even death. The story was told of a man who was to be initiated into a cult, part of the initiation was to blindfold and tie him on a rail track. As he heard the sound of the train approaching, this man cried out to his friends to untie him, unknown to him, he was tied to a different rail track from the approaching train. Finally, as the train passed and his friends went to untie him, they found him stone dead. He had died of heart attack.
There are three major forces that help us combat and overcome fear when we realize we are inundated by it. These forces are love, power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7):
Love: The love of God is given to believers of Christ when they hand over their lives to Him as Lord and Savior (Romans 5:5). This love of God is perfect and should not ideally co-exist with fear in the heart of the believer (1 John 4:18). Apostle Paul prayed that believers will be well secured in the love of God which has the ability to remove every form of fear in the mind of the believer (Ephesians 3:18-19).
Power: Human beings are afraid because we feel powerless and helpless. When people lack control of a situation or circumstance, they feel powerless and are prone to be afraid of negative outcomes. Jesus came to give us control and power for living, and the Holy Spirit resident in the believer places him/her on a platform over and above satanic powers, sicknesses and destructions (Luke 10:19). The believer through a dynamic walk with God can operate as Christ did when He was here on earth.
Sound Mind: A sound mind is a mind that is anchored in the Word of God. A sound mind is stable even through the vicissitudes of life. Isaiah 26:3-4 says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock.” A sound mind is a mind full of courage, confidence, peace, hope and faith in God. It is the product of constant meditation and reflection on the word of God (Romans 10:17).
CONCLUSION: Jesus said, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). The only way to live fearlessly is to genuinely fear God. Once the fear of God is in place, there is nothing else to fear again.
Have a blessed new month and second half of 2011.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
From Egypt to Canaan (June 2011).
In scriptures, Egypt typifies the world system, while Canaan typifies the Kingdom of God. The devil is the supreme ruler in Egypt while God Almighty is the one in charge in Canaan. Many people live in Egypt, but God’s will is to relocate and reposition us in Canaan.
Egypt is a place of darkness and ignorance of God, Canaan is a place of revelation and light; Egypt is a place of confinement and limitation while Canaan is a place of no limits and release; In Egypt, people only hear of God’s promises, in Canaan divine promises are handled and entered into; Egypt is a place of tribute and servitude, Canaan is a place of dominion and mastery; In Egypt, there is humiliation and shame, whereas Canaan is the place of honor and respect; The occupants of Egypt don’t have a voice, their words don’t matter but Canaanites have a voice that is respected on earth and in Heaven; Egypt is a place of conflict, while Canaan is a place of peace and harmony; Egypt is a place of doom while Canaan is the place of boom. The list goes on.
Between Egypt and Canaan is the wilderness, which is a place of preparation and pruning for those who have decided to take the journey from Egypt to Canaan. The wilderness is a must pass through. It is never intended by God to be the final destination but a transitory place. The wilderness is characterized by loneliness, visionlessness, desperation, confusion and temptation. The unfortunate thing about the Israelites who left Egypt for Canaan is that none of them except two, Joshua and Caleb made it to Canaan. To enter into your Canaan in a timely manner, the following factors are imperative to note:
The God Factor: When the Israelites left Egypt for Canaan, God purposely led them through a longer route via the Red Sea and not through the shorter route via the land of the Philistines (Exodus 13:17-18). God led them through a route it will be impossible for them to return to Egypt. King David said his times are in God’s hands (Psalm 31:15). God is the Architect behind the scenes designing our lives. A thorough understanding of this fact should engender more trust, patience and obedience from us to Him.
The Attitude Factor: Your attitude is the behavior you exhibit in times of pressure. The Israelites on the way to Canaan experienced many anxious moments in the wilderness. Their constant behavior was to complain, murmur and lash out on their leader – Moses. They constantly doubted and disbelieved God despite so many awesome testimonies. And because of a bad attitude, they were disqualified from Canaan. Job exhibited a very good attitude when he praised God and refused to curse Him in a time of immense pressure (Job 1:20-22).
The Obedience Factor: A man of God once said: “Every act of obedience brings you closer to your Canaan and every act of disobedience takes you farther away” The truth many fail to realize is that God tests us. That next temptation to lie, cheat, compromise and sin could just be your promotion exam. We are only able to overcome the enemies in our Canaan when our obedience is complete (2 Corinthians 10:6).
The Mindset Factor: A man of God said you cannot enter Canaan with the mentality of Egypt, neither can you become a king thinking like a peasant. The wrong mentality the Israelites had in the wilderness was their albatross. Joshua and Caleb were able to enter in because of a renewed mindset (Number 14:24). The journey from Egypt to Canaan is first and foremost an inward journey before it is outward. The word of God is the best mind detergent ever produced(Romans 12:2).
The Favor Factor: “For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arm save them, but it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance because You favored them” (Psalm 44:3). The Israelites in the quoted scripture enjoyed divine favor and entered their inheritance because they are God’s chosen people. Unmerited favor is exclusive preserve of God’s children while common grace is for His creation (Matthew 5:45). To enjoy divine, exclusive favor you must receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and actively cultivate a vibrant relationship with Him.
CONCLUSION: The Psalmist echoed the mind of God explicitly in Psalm 66:12, “Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads, we went through fire and water, but thou brought us out into a wealthy place.” The will of God for His children is not to remain in Egypt, nor to die in the wilderness, but His will is that we inherit and enter Canaan. See you in Canaan in Jesus name. Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Egypt is a place of darkness and ignorance of God, Canaan is a place of revelation and light; Egypt is a place of confinement and limitation while Canaan is a place of no limits and release; In Egypt, people only hear of God’s promises, in Canaan divine promises are handled and entered into; Egypt is a place of tribute and servitude, Canaan is a place of dominion and mastery; In Egypt, there is humiliation and shame, whereas Canaan is the place of honor and respect; The occupants of Egypt don’t have a voice, their words don’t matter but Canaanites have a voice that is respected on earth and in Heaven; Egypt is a place of conflict, while Canaan is a place of peace and harmony; Egypt is a place of doom while Canaan is the place of boom. The list goes on.
Between Egypt and Canaan is the wilderness, which is a place of preparation and pruning for those who have decided to take the journey from Egypt to Canaan. The wilderness is a must pass through. It is never intended by God to be the final destination but a transitory place. The wilderness is characterized by loneliness, visionlessness, desperation, confusion and temptation. The unfortunate thing about the Israelites who left Egypt for Canaan is that none of them except two, Joshua and Caleb made it to Canaan. To enter into your Canaan in a timely manner, the following factors are imperative to note:
The God Factor: When the Israelites left Egypt for Canaan, God purposely led them through a longer route via the Red Sea and not through the shorter route via the land of the Philistines (Exodus 13:17-18). God led them through a route it will be impossible for them to return to Egypt. King David said his times are in God’s hands (Psalm 31:15). God is the Architect behind the scenes designing our lives. A thorough understanding of this fact should engender more trust, patience and obedience from us to Him.
The Attitude Factor: Your attitude is the behavior you exhibit in times of pressure. The Israelites on the way to Canaan experienced many anxious moments in the wilderness. Their constant behavior was to complain, murmur and lash out on their leader – Moses. They constantly doubted and disbelieved God despite so many awesome testimonies. And because of a bad attitude, they were disqualified from Canaan. Job exhibited a very good attitude when he praised God and refused to curse Him in a time of immense pressure (Job 1:20-22).
The Obedience Factor: A man of God once said: “Every act of obedience brings you closer to your Canaan and every act of disobedience takes you farther away” The truth many fail to realize is that God tests us. That next temptation to lie, cheat, compromise and sin could just be your promotion exam. We are only able to overcome the enemies in our Canaan when our obedience is complete (2 Corinthians 10:6).
The Mindset Factor: A man of God said you cannot enter Canaan with the mentality of Egypt, neither can you become a king thinking like a peasant. The wrong mentality the Israelites had in the wilderness was their albatross. Joshua and Caleb were able to enter in because of a renewed mindset (Number 14:24). The journey from Egypt to Canaan is first and foremost an inward journey before it is outward. The word of God is the best mind detergent ever produced(Romans 12:2).
The Favor Factor: “For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arm save them, but it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance because You favored them” (Psalm 44:3). The Israelites in the quoted scripture enjoyed divine favor and entered their inheritance because they are God’s chosen people. Unmerited favor is exclusive preserve of God’s children while common grace is for His creation (Matthew 5:45). To enjoy divine, exclusive favor you must receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and actively cultivate a vibrant relationship with Him.
CONCLUSION: The Psalmist echoed the mind of God explicitly in Psalm 66:12, “Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads, we went through fire and water, but thou brought us out into a wealthy place.” The will of God for His children is not to remain in Egypt, nor to die in the wilderness, but His will is that we inherit and enter Canaan. See you in Canaan in Jesus name. Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Prayers That Avail Much (May 2011).
Prayer is communication with God. Prayer is an invitation to God and Heaven to intervene and invade our world, situations and communities. Prayer is not optional, it is necessary for the fulfillment of God’s purposes in the world and also in our individual lives. Prayer is man teaming up with God to accomplish divine purposes. Prayer is the primary way we exercise dominion over the earth and God’s creation. A man of God defines prayer as earthly license for heavenly interference. Oftimes, God will only respond to our prayers, in other words, much prayers mean more divine activity and less or no prayers mean little or no divine activity.The truth is that for God’s will to be carried out in our lives, prayer is essential. Prayer is the force that moves the Hand that moves the world.
Prayer is like the umbilical cord that transports food, oxygen and life to the embryo or unborn baby in the womb and in return removes waste from the baby back to the pregnant mother. In prayers, we exhale carnality and works of the flesh, and inhale the life and Spirit of God. The womb is cozy for the unborn baby through the instrumentality of the umbilical cord, for life to be bearable and cozy for us, it has to be through prayers to God. Many people pray and their prayer goes to waste because it isn’t prayed according to the will of God. This discourse intends to reveal how prayers can be effective and also to refresh memories of those who are already aware. The following are the prayers that avail much:
The Prayer of the Righteous: The Bible says the prayer of a righteous person avails much(James 5:16). The Righteous person before God is the one who has righteousness credited to him because of his faith in Jesus and His substitutionary work on the cross. By accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, the seed of God’s righteousness is implanted in him(1 John 3:9).Because of the seed implanted in him, he is able to bring forth fruits of righteousness with the help of the Spirit and a constant renewal of his mind. The prayer of a sinner is an abomination before God (Proverbs 15:8).
The Prayer of the Humble: Humility is not thinking less of oneself but thinking less of one’s achievements. The proud overestimates himself because of his perceived importance. The humble comes before God stripping himself of any credit, glory and entitlement. He approaches God with reverence and respect. The humble are also described as poor in spirit, a poor person is needy and he looks to his helper and benefactor with respect. The humble don’t have options other than the option of prayer. Approaching God with a sense of helplessness and dependence makes prayer avails much.
The Prayer of submission to the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit indwells every born again Christian. He is our Helper in prayers and in this world as we await the coming of Jesus. He is our most trusted Prayer Partner residing in us. He helps us to pray aright and also helps us against the weakness of the flesh in prayers(Romans 8:26). We have to be acutely conscious of Him in prayers. By allowing His leadership in prayers regularly, our prayers become extremely effective affecting not just ourselves but also the world in general.
The Prayer of Faith: This is the currency of Heaven. To bring stuff from the spiritual realm to the physical, confidence in God is a must. Driving a Rolls Royce or being a Harvard graduate don’t impress God but He is impressed by the use of our faith in prayers to Him. Faith impresses God and attracts Him to our prayers(Hebrews 11:6). Faith is agreeing with the Word of God and receiving the Word as one’s reality over and above contrary and overwhelming evidences. Faith is the ability to believe that something exists which you do not presently see.
The Prayer of the Persistent: The story is told of this small dog that was injured in a fight by a much bigger bulldog. On the day following the fight, the small dog returned to continue the fight. The small dog though injured and terribly bruised kept going back to the bulldog day in and day out to fight. On this particular day as the bulldog saw the small dog coming to fight again, it relented and backed away from the small dog. It is said that it is not the size of the dog in the fight that matters; it is the size of the fight in the dog. Those who will keep praying and not give up in prayers will have their prayers avail much(Matthew 7:7-8).
CONCLUSION: Receive grace and aid from the Holy Spirit today and always to be effective in prayers. Happy new month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Prayer is like the umbilical cord that transports food, oxygen and life to the embryo or unborn baby in the womb and in return removes waste from the baby back to the pregnant mother. In prayers, we exhale carnality and works of the flesh, and inhale the life and Spirit of God. The womb is cozy for the unborn baby through the instrumentality of the umbilical cord, for life to be bearable and cozy for us, it has to be through prayers to God. Many people pray and their prayer goes to waste because it isn’t prayed according to the will of God. This discourse intends to reveal how prayers can be effective and also to refresh memories of those who are already aware. The following are the prayers that avail much:
The Prayer of the Righteous: The Bible says the prayer of a righteous person avails much(James 5:16). The Righteous person before God is the one who has righteousness credited to him because of his faith in Jesus and His substitutionary work on the cross. By accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, the seed of God’s righteousness is implanted in him(1 John 3:9).Because of the seed implanted in him, he is able to bring forth fruits of righteousness with the help of the Spirit and a constant renewal of his mind. The prayer of a sinner is an abomination before God (Proverbs 15:8).
The Prayer of the Humble: Humility is not thinking less of oneself but thinking less of one’s achievements. The proud overestimates himself because of his perceived importance. The humble comes before God stripping himself of any credit, glory and entitlement. He approaches God with reverence and respect. The humble are also described as poor in spirit, a poor person is needy and he looks to his helper and benefactor with respect. The humble don’t have options other than the option of prayer. Approaching God with a sense of helplessness and dependence makes prayer avails much.
The Prayer of submission to the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit indwells every born again Christian. He is our Helper in prayers and in this world as we await the coming of Jesus. He is our most trusted Prayer Partner residing in us. He helps us to pray aright and also helps us against the weakness of the flesh in prayers(Romans 8:26). We have to be acutely conscious of Him in prayers. By allowing His leadership in prayers regularly, our prayers become extremely effective affecting not just ourselves but also the world in general.
The Prayer of Faith: This is the currency of Heaven. To bring stuff from the spiritual realm to the physical, confidence in God is a must. Driving a Rolls Royce or being a Harvard graduate don’t impress God but He is impressed by the use of our faith in prayers to Him. Faith impresses God and attracts Him to our prayers(Hebrews 11:6). Faith is agreeing with the Word of God and receiving the Word as one’s reality over and above contrary and overwhelming evidences. Faith is the ability to believe that something exists which you do not presently see.
The Prayer of the Persistent: The story is told of this small dog that was injured in a fight by a much bigger bulldog. On the day following the fight, the small dog returned to continue the fight. The small dog though injured and terribly bruised kept going back to the bulldog day in and day out to fight. On this particular day as the bulldog saw the small dog coming to fight again, it relented and backed away from the small dog. It is said that it is not the size of the dog in the fight that matters; it is the size of the fight in the dog. Those who will keep praying and not give up in prayers will have their prayers avail much(Matthew 7:7-8).
CONCLUSION: Receive grace and aid from the Holy Spirit today and always to be effective in prayers. Happy new month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Friday, April 1, 2011
Life is a Trade-off (April 2011).
“Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” (Matthew 13:45)
Value simply defined is the worth of a thing. The reality of life is that we value things differently due to our estimated or perceived worth of the thing. Life is all about trade-offs, in other words, people are willing to sacrifice and pay a high premium on something they consider valuable and the reverse is also true. In the scripture above, the merchant was willing to trade off all he had in order to purchase the kingdom of Heaven. Below are some truths to consider:
1. What Humans value is usually different from God: For instance, God holds the marriage institution in very high value, society and man is saying marriage is now old fashioned and don’t matter anymore. And as a result, the society is suffering as a whole because of the de-valuation of the marriage institution. God also holds His church in high esteem because His agenda in this world is mostly carried out by the church. i.e. the body of Christ. But these days, many are telling us the church is no longer relevant while atheists, secular humanists and others are pushing their agendas.
2. What you don’t value you will eventually lose: Esau lost his firstborn inheritance because he had no value for it. Demas, a co-worker of Apostle Paul didn’t value spiritual stuff and ministry and he backslid as a result (Colossians 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:10). Judas placed a ridiculous and mere value of 30 pieces of silver on Jesus and he lost his salvation as a result.
3. The value of something is what you are willing to pay to purchase the item: Man is so valuable to God that the blood of Jesus was shed by God to purchase man back to Himself. Economists tell us that the cost of a thing could also be the alternative you forego. Ministry and destiny was so crucial to Moses that he gave up the treasures and throne of Egypt as a result (Hebrews 11:25-26). Jacob placed a high premium on the first born inheritance that he started contesting for it from the womb. Do the things you cherish and are paying a high price for have a long term or eternal value?
4. God will not give you what you won’t value: Jesus said, "Do not give what is holy to dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet ...” (Matthew 7:6). Jacob got the first born inheritance over Esau because he placed a higher premium on it. Elisha got a double portion of Elijah’s anointing because he had serious value for it. The Greek woman in Mark 7:24-30 got her daughter delivered from demon spirits because she wouldn’t give up even after being insulted. The list is endless in the Bible of this fact and principle. God do not give truly valuable things to those that won’t appreciate it.
5. The most valuable things in life don’t carry a price-tag: Eternal salvation in Christ, the grace and anointing of God, ability to get results in prayers, ability to hear the voice of God, peace of mind, a good name, solid relationship with spouse and children, etc are valuable commodities that money cannot buy. Things that truly satisfy, fulfill and are of eternal value are priceless. Scripture reference: Isaiah 55:1-3.
CONCLUSION: Life is a trade-off. Many are giving up things of true and eternal value for worthless and ephemeral things. Many are bowing to Satan, sinful pleasures and temporal gains in exchange for their souls. Be careful the things you choose to value and those you choose not to value. It may mean the difference between heaven and hell. Receive divine wisdom to act wise and appropriately. Have a blessed new month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Value simply defined is the worth of a thing. The reality of life is that we value things differently due to our estimated or perceived worth of the thing. Life is all about trade-offs, in other words, people are willing to sacrifice and pay a high premium on something they consider valuable and the reverse is also true. In the scripture above, the merchant was willing to trade off all he had in order to purchase the kingdom of Heaven. Below are some truths to consider:
1. What Humans value is usually different from God: For instance, God holds the marriage institution in very high value, society and man is saying marriage is now old fashioned and don’t matter anymore. And as a result, the society is suffering as a whole because of the de-valuation of the marriage institution. God also holds His church in high esteem because His agenda in this world is mostly carried out by the church. i.e. the body of Christ. But these days, many are telling us the church is no longer relevant while atheists, secular humanists and others are pushing their agendas.
2. What you don’t value you will eventually lose: Esau lost his firstborn inheritance because he had no value for it. Demas, a co-worker of Apostle Paul didn’t value spiritual stuff and ministry and he backslid as a result (Colossians 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:10). Judas placed a ridiculous and mere value of 30 pieces of silver on Jesus and he lost his salvation as a result.
3. The value of something is what you are willing to pay to purchase the item: Man is so valuable to God that the blood of Jesus was shed by God to purchase man back to Himself. Economists tell us that the cost of a thing could also be the alternative you forego. Ministry and destiny was so crucial to Moses that he gave up the treasures and throne of Egypt as a result (Hebrews 11:25-26). Jacob placed a high premium on the first born inheritance that he started contesting for it from the womb. Do the things you cherish and are paying a high price for have a long term or eternal value?
4. God will not give you what you won’t value: Jesus said, "Do not give what is holy to dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet ...” (Matthew 7:6). Jacob got the first born inheritance over Esau because he placed a higher premium on it. Elisha got a double portion of Elijah’s anointing because he had serious value for it. The Greek woman in Mark 7:24-30 got her daughter delivered from demon spirits because she wouldn’t give up even after being insulted. The list is endless in the Bible of this fact and principle. God do not give truly valuable things to those that won’t appreciate it.
5. The most valuable things in life don’t carry a price-tag: Eternal salvation in Christ, the grace and anointing of God, ability to get results in prayers, ability to hear the voice of God, peace of mind, a good name, solid relationship with spouse and children, etc are valuable commodities that money cannot buy. Things that truly satisfy, fulfill and are of eternal value are priceless. Scripture reference: Isaiah 55:1-3.
CONCLUSION: Life is a trade-off. Many are giving up things of true and eternal value for worthless and ephemeral things. Many are bowing to Satan, sinful pleasures and temporal gains in exchange for their souls. Be careful the things you choose to value and those you choose not to value. It may mean the difference between heaven and hell. Receive divine wisdom to act wise and appropriately. Have a blessed new month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Unlocking The Mystery of Life (March 2011).
Life is a puzzle to many. Many humans wonder about the real essence of life. The Almighty God is the answer to this puzzle called life. Below are some truths about life and existence:
1. Life is a vapor: “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14). Life is incredibly brief and short. When a resource (e.g. money) is in short supply, there is need for a budget (areas of priority and focus). Because of the brevity of life, the wise prioritize life focusing on the important issues and leaving the less important unattended to. A wise man said the most important things in life aren’t things!
2. Life is vanity till one finds a purpose for it: Myles Munroe said when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Many abuse life because they simply lack the purpose for it. Purpose is simply the reason for existence which is sourced from one’s Creator. Do you know God’s reason for your existence? Until you devote your life for something noble and higher, you will live as a base person and continually travel the road of pleasure which leads to death.
3. Life is a script written out by God and acted out by men: It was written in God’s book that someone close to Jesus was going to betray Him. Judas Iscariot played out that script because of his covetous disposition. There are objects of wrath and objects of mercy. You can choose to play good roles in God’s plan by truly submitting to Him. What script are you playing out?
4. Life is a roller coaster: Just like the roller coasters in Disney World, Kenny Wood and other fun centers of the world throws us up and down, life is also a journey of ups and downs, valley experiences and mountaintop experiences, etc. The beautiful thing is that the Sovereign God ensures no condition is permanent. Though weeping may tarry for the night, joy surely will surface in the morning (Psalm 30:5).
5. Life is an adventure to be explored: If Christopher Columbus never ventured, the new world would never have been discovered. If Neil Armstrong and his crew never ventured into space and moon exploration, satellite technology would never have been discovered. If Abraham never ventured to an unfamiliar territory, the nation of Israel may not be in existence today. Life is a series of adventure and exploration and carries with it a measure of risk taking. What are you venturing to do now?
6. Life is giving and receiving: The Dead Sea stagnates and does not have life in it because it just simply only receives and takes. Humans give out carbon-dioxide to plants and receive oxygen back in return and life is sustained. Jesus Christ went on to state emphatically that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). Living and existence is enhanced, sustained and perpetuated because of givers and not just takers only.
7. Life is preparation for eternity: If I’m scheduled to travel to Africa from the USA, I prepare for my trip. I don’t just carry my stuff mindlessly and go off to Africa. Life is a journey that ends in eternity. The final destination of everyone is either heaven or hell. Are you presently well prepared for eternity? The visa to Heaven is Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit is the preparer of the born again Christian for eternal life.
CONCLUSION: Jesus came to give us life and life abundant (John 10:10). Because of Him, life is better, improved and enhanced. Without Christ, life is hopeless, sorrowful and meaningless. Have a blessed month in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
1. Life is a vapor: “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14). Life is incredibly brief and short. When a resource (e.g. money) is in short supply, there is need for a budget (areas of priority and focus). Because of the brevity of life, the wise prioritize life focusing on the important issues and leaving the less important unattended to. A wise man said the most important things in life aren’t things!
2. Life is vanity till one finds a purpose for it: Myles Munroe said when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Many abuse life because they simply lack the purpose for it. Purpose is simply the reason for existence which is sourced from one’s Creator. Do you know God’s reason for your existence? Until you devote your life for something noble and higher, you will live as a base person and continually travel the road of pleasure which leads to death.
3. Life is a script written out by God and acted out by men: It was written in God’s book that someone close to Jesus was going to betray Him. Judas Iscariot played out that script because of his covetous disposition. There are objects of wrath and objects of mercy. You can choose to play good roles in God’s plan by truly submitting to Him. What script are you playing out?
4. Life is a roller coaster: Just like the roller coasters in Disney World, Kenny Wood and other fun centers of the world throws us up and down, life is also a journey of ups and downs, valley experiences and mountaintop experiences, etc. The beautiful thing is that the Sovereign God ensures no condition is permanent. Though weeping may tarry for the night, joy surely will surface in the morning (Psalm 30:5).
5. Life is an adventure to be explored: If Christopher Columbus never ventured, the new world would never have been discovered. If Neil Armstrong and his crew never ventured into space and moon exploration, satellite technology would never have been discovered. If Abraham never ventured to an unfamiliar territory, the nation of Israel may not be in existence today. Life is a series of adventure and exploration and carries with it a measure of risk taking. What are you venturing to do now?
6. Life is giving and receiving: The Dead Sea stagnates and does not have life in it because it just simply only receives and takes. Humans give out carbon-dioxide to plants and receive oxygen back in return and life is sustained. Jesus Christ went on to state emphatically that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). Living and existence is enhanced, sustained and perpetuated because of givers and not just takers only.
7. Life is preparation for eternity: If I’m scheduled to travel to Africa from the USA, I prepare for my trip. I don’t just carry my stuff mindlessly and go off to Africa. Life is a journey that ends in eternity. The final destination of everyone is either heaven or hell. Are you presently well prepared for eternity? The visa to Heaven is Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit is the preparer of the born again Christian for eternal life.
CONCLUSION: Jesus came to give us life and life abundant (John 10:10). Because of Him, life is better, improved and enhanced. Without Christ, life is hopeless, sorrowful and meaningless. Have a blessed month in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Dealing with Guilt and Condemnation (February 2011)
The dictionary defines guilt as a feeling of self reproach from believing that one has done a wrong. The thesaurus dictionary has such words as doom, damn, pass sentence on, seal the doom of, find guilty as synonyms of condemnation.
It is noteworthy that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not that of condemnation to believers: “He who believes in Him is not condemned, but He who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3:18). Jesus was condemned on the cross so that sinners who put their trust and hope in Him will be justified and acquitted by God. It is true that many born again believers live in guilt and condemnation today.
Guilt and condemnation make victims of men resulting in a state of unworthiness before God. It makes a coward out of its victim. It produces a feeling of unforgiveness in its victim which in turn makes the fellow unable to receive the forgiveness of God. It also places a spiritual burden on its victim, weighs him / her down and keeps its victim in a condition of helplessness before God. Guilt and condemnation stops the genuine and sincere worship of God and nullifies faith and confidence in God. It also opens the door to further sins like unforgiveness, bitterness, immorality, etc. The victim feels since I’m already condemned then I may as well continue to indulge the flesh more. There is no motivation for right living. Guilt holds its victim hostage.
It is essential to emphasize here that guilt and condemnation comes from a guilty conscience and also from the devil that is called the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). It is also as a result of persistent failures and repeated sins in the life of a believer. It is also necessary to emphasise that the Holy Spirit of God never condemns but convicts. While condemnation focuses on the sin and wrong doing, conviction seeks to show the believer the way out of the problem via repentance, the destructive consequence of the sin, the blood of Jesus, the mercy and grace of God. And when the Holy Spirit succeeds in convicting the wrong doer to repent, the voice of accusation continues to loom loud and clear plunging the believer into guilt. Below are ways that guilt and condemnation can be dealt with:
1. Submit to Jesus: He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29, 35). Jesus was condemned on the cross by the wrath of God because the whole sin of mankind was placed on Him. Jesus was condemned so that whoever believes in Him will be acquitted and justified as seen by the example of the thief on His right hand on the day of His crucifixion (Luke 23:39-43). Receive Christ as Lord and Savior in order to be free from condemnation.
2. Confess your sins to God: “If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:8-9). It is noteworthy to state that this scripture was written to Christians and not non believers. Confession of sins is intended by God to ease the conscience of the believer, lighten his / her burdens and free him so as to continue to enjoy fellowship with God.
3. Confess your sins to another: In the case of repeated sinful practices or in the occasion where the sin is against another believer, the wrong-doer should confess the faults to another believer that is more mature and stable that could hold him accountable. Sin thrives in darkness and in secrecy, but once it is brought to the open, it is nipped in the bud. “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16a). Healing comes from the counsel and agreement prayer of a fellow mature believer. Ensure the person you are confessing to is mature enough to handle the gravity of the sin.
4. Have faith in the blood of Jesus: One of the many roles of the blood of Jesus is that it has the power to cleanse a guilty conscience. Under the Old Testament, the blood of bulls and goats were temporarily covering sins and justifying the wrong doer before God. “…….. how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" (Hebrews 9:14). The blood of Jesus was shed for the remission of sins.
5. Go and sin no more: The best antidote against guilt and condemnation remains a sinless, right living and obedient lifestyle before God. Righteous living is our worship to God. We are to present our bodies, minds, faculties and hearts to God as living sacrifices. Jesus told the adulterous woman after acquitting her to go and sin no more. The power of God is released by the Holy Spirit within us, and as we yield to the Spirit we gain the upper hand over the flesh and all its lusts (Galatians 5:16).
CONCLUSION: Refuse to remain in the dark valley of guilt and condemnation. Come out of the valley by focusing on the redemptive work of Christ on the cross.There is no sin grievous that is more than the blood of Jesus. Have a blessed new month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
It is noteworthy that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not that of condemnation to believers: “He who believes in Him is not condemned, but He who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3:18). Jesus was condemned on the cross so that sinners who put their trust and hope in Him will be justified and acquitted by God. It is true that many born again believers live in guilt and condemnation today.
Guilt and condemnation make victims of men resulting in a state of unworthiness before God. It makes a coward out of its victim. It produces a feeling of unforgiveness in its victim which in turn makes the fellow unable to receive the forgiveness of God. It also places a spiritual burden on its victim, weighs him / her down and keeps its victim in a condition of helplessness before God. Guilt and condemnation stops the genuine and sincere worship of God and nullifies faith and confidence in God. It also opens the door to further sins like unforgiveness, bitterness, immorality, etc. The victim feels since I’m already condemned then I may as well continue to indulge the flesh more. There is no motivation for right living. Guilt holds its victim hostage.
It is essential to emphasize here that guilt and condemnation comes from a guilty conscience and also from the devil that is called the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). It is also as a result of persistent failures and repeated sins in the life of a believer. It is also necessary to emphasise that the Holy Spirit of God never condemns but convicts. While condemnation focuses on the sin and wrong doing, conviction seeks to show the believer the way out of the problem via repentance, the destructive consequence of the sin, the blood of Jesus, the mercy and grace of God. And when the Holy Spirit succeeds in convicting the wrong doer to repent, the voice of accusation continues to loom loud and clear plunging the believer into guilt. Below are ways that guilt and condemnation can be dealt with:
1. Submit to Jesus: He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29, 35). Jesus was condemned on the cross by the wrath of God because the whole sin of mankind was placed on Him. Jesus was condemned so that whoever believes in Him will be acquitted and justified as seen by the example of the thief on His right hand on the day of His crucifixion (Luke 23:39-43). Receive Christ as Lord and Savior in order to be free from condemnation.
2. Confess your sins to God: “If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:8-9). It is noteworthy to state that this scripture was written to Christians and not non believers. Confession of sins is intended by God to ease the conscience of the believer, lighten his / her burdens and free him so as to continue to enjoy fellowship with God.
3. Confess your sins to another: In the case of repeated sinful practices or in the occasion where the sin is against another believer, the wrong-doer should confess the faults to another believer that is more mature and stable that could hold him accountable. Sin thrives in darkness and in secrecy, but once it is brought to the open, it is nipped in the bud. “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16a). Healing comes from the counsel and agreement prayer of a fellow mature believer. Ensure the person you are confessing to is mature enough to handle the gravity of the sin.
4. Have faith in the blood of Jesus: One of the many roles of the blood of Jesus is that it has the power to cleanse a guilty conscience. Under the Old Testament, the blood of bulls and goats were temporarily covering sins and justifying the wrong doer before God. “…….. how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" (Hebrews 9:14). The blood of Jesus was shed for the remission of sins.
5. Go and sin no more: The best antidote against guilt and condemnation remains a sinless, right living and obedient lifestyle before God. Righteous living is our worship to God. We are to present our bodies, minds, faculties and hearts to God as living sacrifices. Jesus told the adulterous woman after acquitting her to go and sin no more. The power of God is released by the Holy Spirit within us, and as we yield to the Spirit we gain the upper hand over the flesh and all its lusts (Galatians 5:16).
CONCLUSION: Refuse to remain in the dark valley of guilt and condemnation. Come out of the valley by focusing on the redemptive work of Christ on the cross.There is no sin grievous that is more than the blood of Jesus. Have a blessed new month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Thursday, January 20, 2011
2011: The Year of Double Honor.
“And the Lord said to Joshua, this day (year) I will begin to magnify you in the sight of all Israel, so they may know that as I was with Moses, so I will be with you” (Joshua 3:7).
The background to the above scripture is that Moses – the revered man of God died. Joshua took over from him and his assignment was to lead over 2 million Israelites to the Promised Land. The assignment looked bigger than Joshua and the people weren’t totally accepting his leadership. Moses, to the children of God was highly revered and next to God. When Moses died, God had to encourage Joshua to be strong, courageous and also to meditate on His Word day and night in order to have good success (Joshua 1:6-9). Following God’s specific directions, Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan and their perspective of him totally changed (Joshua 1:16-18). Joshua received honor from God and his leadership role was confirmed in the sight of all the Israelites.
The word honor means something highly valued and esteemed. It means something praiseworthy, respectable and admirable. It is possible for someone to prop up himself / herself by using the media and other PR techniques to enhance his / her value. Men, institutions, corporations, communities, churches, etc can also honor someone they feel has achieved so much, in other words men can honor another person. The reality is that God also honors people, and when God honors a person, it can never be compared to the honor of men, individuals and corporations.
The following is evident when God honors a man: He gives the man a great name like in the case of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3); He makes Him a joy to many generations, in other words, generations following the honored are blessed because of him; He helps the man supernaturally and begins to do impossible things through him like in the case of Joshua. He begins to make men obey this honored person by making sure his words do not fall to the ground, i.e his words come to pass, like Moses; The man God honors is promoted and lifted supernaturally like Joseph. The honored person enjoys open heavens provision, in other words, supplies flow to him ceaselessly from unsolicited and unexpected places; The honored person will have his superiors deferring to him like in the case of Joseph in the house of Potiphar; The person honored by God is not only blessed but anyone associated with him also becomes a partaker of his blessings. Divine honor is God enhancing the value of a mortal man and decorating and beautifying him / her.
The following is imperative for us to do to be honored by God:
1. Be truly born again: Every true child of God is honored by God. He / she already carry a measure of the honor of God. The Holy Spirit dwells within every child of God and the temple of God is honorable. Scripture reference: John 3:3, 6.
2. Walk with God: We walk with God by having confidence in Him and in His Word. We walk by faith and not by our physical senses. When we start esteeming His Word beyond our circumstances and earthly realities, we gain His pleasure and He is pleased with us (Hebrews 11: 5-6).
3. Celebrate Him: The popular axiom says you should go to where you are celebrated and not tolerated. This is also true of God, He resides where He is totally celebrated. He dwells in the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). If you can celebrate God in 2011 like David did who praised Him in high and low moments, in the palace and in the wilderness, in the mountain and in the valley, you will start experiencing divine honor in all its ramifications.
4. Fear Him: Prophet Eli lost his honor and produced a grandchild called Ichabod (the glory has departed) because he started to take God for granted. God’s instructions and injunctions didn’t mean much to him and his rebellious children. The honor bestowed on him as a priest of God became dishonor. Scripture reference: 1 Samuel 2: 27-36.
5. Give to His cause generously: If we say we honor God and fail to honor the men of God around us, we lie. The more value we place on God, the more valuable our gifts to the church and Christian ministers. Our view of God should be greatly enhanced in 2011 and this should be a motivation for giving generously, carefully and commensurately to His cause. Scripture reference: Malachi 1:6-14
6. Desire His Honor: Many seek the honor and applause of men and not the true honor that comes from God. Because divine honor is not always quickly evident and apparent, many do not seek it as they seek for the honor from men. Moses craved for God and cried and told Him to show him His glory and God granted his request (Exodus 33: 18-19).
7. Preach the Gospel: The Bible says the feet of them that preach the gospel are beautiful (Romans 10:15). In other words, God shines His light on their paths and on their ways. The surest way to be honored by God is to carry out the Great Commission which is His heartbeat. Signs and wonders always follow those who proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ because Heaven backs them and also considers them honorable. Scripture reference: Daniel 12:3
CONCLUSION: The word of the Lord to us in 2011 is that it is a year of double honor. As we carry out the aforementioned by the grace and enablement of God, we will experience divine liftings this year, more than we can ever imagine. God will honor you and everyone will see it. He shall anoint you with oil in the presence of your enemies and your cup shall run over with joy in Jesus name. Happy 2011.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
The background to the above scripture is that Moses – the revered man of God died. Joshua took over from him and his assignment was to lead over 2 million Israelites to the Promised Land. The assignment looked bigger than Joshua and the people weren’t totally accepting his leadership. Moses, to the children of God was highly revered and next to God. When Moses died, God had to encourage Joshua to be strong, courageous and also to meditate on His Word day and night in order to have good success (Joshua 1:6-9). Following God’s specific directions, Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan and their perspective of him totally changed (Joshua 1:16-18). Joshua received honor from God and his leadership role was confirmed in the sight of all the Israelites.
The word honor means something highly valued and esteemed. It means something praiseworthy, respectable and admirable. It is possible for someone to prop up himself / herself by using the media and other PR techniques to enhance his / her value. Men, institutions, corporations, communities, churches, etc can also honor someone they feel has achieved so much, in other words men can honor another person. The reality is that God also honors people, and when God honors a person, it can never be compared to the honor of men, individuals and corporations.
The following is evident when God honors a man: He gives the man a great name like in the case of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3); He makes Him a joy to many generations, in other words, generations following the honored are blessed because of him; He helps the man supernaturally and begins to do impossible things through him like in the case of Joshua. He begins to make men obey this honored person by making sure his words do not fall to the ground, i.e his words come to pass, like Moses; The man God honors is promoted and lifted supernaturally like Joseph. The honored person enjoys open heavens provision, in other words, supplies flow to him ceaselessly from unsolicited and unexpected places; The honored person will have his superiors deferring to him like in the case of Joseph in the house of Potiphar; The person honored by God is not only blessed but anyone associated with him also becomes a partaker of his blessings. Divine honor is God enhancing the value of a mortal man and decorating and beautifying him / her.
The following is imperative for us to do to be honored by God:
1. Be truly born again: Every true child of God is honored by God. He / she already carry a measure of the honor of God. The Holy Spirit dwells within every child of God and the temple of God is honorable. Scripture reference: John 3:3, 6.
2. Walk with God: We walk with God by having confidence in Him and in His Word. We walk by faith and not by our physical senses. When we start esteeming His Word beyond our circumstances and earthly realities, we gain His pleasure and He is pleased with us (Hebrews 11: 5-6).
3. Celebrate Him: The popular axiom says you should go to where you are celebrated and not tolerated. This is also true of God, He resides where He is totally celebrated. He dwells in the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). If you can celebrate God in 2011 like David did who praised Him in high and low moments, in the palace and in the wilderness, in the mountain and in the valley, you will start experiencing divine honor in all its ramifications.
4. Fear Him: Prophet Eli lost his honor and produced a grandchild called Ichabod (the glory has departed) because he started to take God for granted. God’s instructions and injunctions didn’t mean much to him and his rebellious children. The honor bestowed on him as a priest of God became dishonor. Scripture reference: 1 Samuel 2: 27-36.
5. Give to His cause generously: If we say we honor God and fail to honor the men of God around us, we lie. The more value we place on God, the more valuable our gifts to the church and Christian ministers. Our view of God should be greatly enhanced in 2011 and this should be a motivation for giving generously, carefully and commensurately to His cause. Scripture reference: Malachi 1:6-14
6. Desire His Honor: Many seek the honor and applause of men and not the true honor that comes from God. Because divine honor is not always quickly evident and apparent, many do not seek it as they seek for the honor from men. Moses craved for God and cried and told Him to show him His glory and God granted his request (Exodus 33: 18-19).
7. Preach the Gospel: The Bible says the feet of them that preach the gospel are beautiful (Romans 10:15). In other words, God shines His light on their paths and on their ways. The surest way to be honored by God is to carry out the Great Commission which is His heartbeat. Signs and wonders always follow those who proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ because Heaven backs them and also considers them honorable. Scripture reference: Daniel 12:3
CONCLUSION: The word of the Lord to us in 2011 is that it is a year of double honor. As we carry out the aforementioned by the grace and enablement of God, we will experience divine liftings this year, more than we can ever imagine. God will honor you and everyone will see it. He shall anoint you with oil in the presence of your enemies and your cup shall run over with joy in Jesus name. Happy 2011.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
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