Capacity simply defined is the ability to receive, absorb and contain. And what we are able to absorb determines our output, that is what we are able to give out or produce. Our capacity determines how much we can handle or the maximum we can hold per time. A water tank with a thousand gallon capacity will serve better than a water tank with a hundred gallon capacity. Many times, if not all of the times, we attain the next level of our lives not just by prayer, but by prayer and preparation. Someone said, God does not always give us what we pray for, but what we are prepared for. God does not make overnight successes; He makes men and women successful over many nights.
For Jesus – our God and model – to fulfill His destiny, He had to develop more capacity. "And the child grew and became strong in Spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him."(Luke 2:40). “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52). It becomes imperative for us to develop more capacity in the following four major areas in order to attain the next level of our lives, and to realize our God given destinies.
1. Spiritual Capacity: This simply infers more intimacy with God through Jesus Christ. Without intimacy, there cannot be conception, and without conception there cannot be delivery. For a woman to produce normally, she has to be intimate with a man. Intimacy with God through meditation in His Word, personal and corporate prayers, regular church attendance, and other spiritual disciplines enhances our capacity to produce and invariably makes us rule, govern and dominate our world. Spiritual capacity means more anointing (God’s power) ; more spiritual understanding, insight and revelation ; the ability to get prayers answered; more Godly character and discipline. Daniel was able to excel in Babylon as a top public servant because of an enlarged spiritual capacity. Intimacy with God is the foundation or bedrock of success in life, and also of all other capacities needed for accomplishment and success in life. Scriptural references: Jude 20, Romans 8:5-6.
2. Mental / Intellectual Capacity: This is the ability to exercise the mind clearly and constructively. It is the ability to think creatively and imaginatively. It is often said that ideas rule the world. Wonderful inventions, innovations and discoveries have proceeded from the minds of men with enlarged mental capacities which have made the world a much better place to live. “As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom ; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” (Daniel 1:17). God equipped Daniel and his friends with brain power so that they will rule in Babylon as foreigners and carry out His will and purpose in that country. The Bible says we should ask God for wisdom by faith, and we shall receive from Him (James 1:5-8). An enlarged spiritual capacity as seen in the lives of Daniel, Joseph, David, Jesus, Peter, etc was the platform of their exploits in their respective callings. To grow and develop mentally, education and information is key. Our potentials and hidden abilities are realized as we grow and develop mentally.
3. Social Capacity: This is simply the ability to make friends and also to retain them. It is the ability to make true and reliable friendships out of acquaintances. This is having relational and people’s skill. It is often said that one’s network determines one’s networth. It is true that the quality of friendship one has determines the quality of his life (Proverbs 13:20). Jesus grew in favor with God and also with men. In order to have an enhanced social capacity, one must seek true friendship with God and also with men ; one must be a giver and not just a taker; and one must be free of pretence and superficiality. Mr Les Brown said there are four kinds of relationships: one that divides , subtracts, add and multiply. It is wisdom to seek friendships that add and multiply value to us, and shun relationships that subtracts and divides us. A wise man once said if your net isn’t working, it is time to seek out new ones. Is your network working?
4. Emotional Capacity: This is simply developing more positive emotions(fruit of the Spirit) than negative emotions(works of the flesh). Our feelings affect us more than we think. We are able to produce more in life when we have more positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, peace, hope, optimism, contentment, etc as against negative emotions such as bitterness, unnecessary anger, unforgiveness, anxiety, envy, despair, depression and the like. We should be motivated by the Word of God over and above negative feelings and emotions. A stable emotional life is necessary to be able to cope with challenges that life will throw at us, having mood swings and allowing negative emotions rule and dictate our relationships will leave us greatly unhappy and unfulfilled in life. Apostle Paul was so stable emotionally that he was the same person when he had much and when he had nothing(Philippians 3:11-13). He overcame been governed by his circumstances and also his negative emotions.
CONCLUSION: Brethren, for us to produce more, we have got to be more. Life does not give us what we want but it does give us who we are. Let us create time daily in our lives to develop and grow in these aforementioned areas. If Jesus - God incarnate - had to grow to fulfill His destiny, then it behooves on us who are desperate to fulfill our God given destinies to also grow and develop more capacity. Receive grace to do just that in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN