Friday, April 2, 2010

The Crux of Christianity (April 2010).

The crux of something is the basic, central and critical point of the thing. Crux also refers to the heart, the core and the essence of something. To encapsulate crux in one word or phrase, it means the main theme or issue. The main issue of Christianity is the cross of Jesus Christ. Satan and his many cohorts are mad at Christians and Christianity today because of the cross of Jesus Christ. Without the cross, there wouldn’t have been the resurrection and according to the words of Apostle Paul: “But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen , and if Christ is not risen then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty ….. And if Christ is not raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins, then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished” (1 Corinthians 15:13-14,17-18). Paul underscored in these verses the importance of the resurrection which is a consequence of Jesus’death on the cross. As we celebrate Easter, it is right for us to remember the main issue which is the cross:

1. The cross is the place of ultimate sacrifice: The ultimate price for sin was paid on the cross. The son of God became the offering needed for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind. Jesus suffered in the flesh: His body was mangled and torn so that our bodies will be mended. His blood was shed and made to flow so that mankind will be reconciled to God through the forgiveness of sin. Scripture references: Isaiah 53, 1 Peter 2:21-25

2. The cross is the place of final surrender to the will of God the Father: Jesus submitted to the Father in Heaven by not claiming equality with God. He further surrendered to the Father when He accepted to leave His exalted throne, become a man to accomplish the will of the Father. The high point of His submission to God the Father came when He carried His obedience to the extreme of death by choosing to die on the cross. Scripture references: Philippians 2:5-8, John 10:17-18.

3. The cross is the place of salvation: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:14-15). The Israelites were cured of snakebites (a type of sin) in the wilderness as they look up to the bronze serpent God instructed Moses to erect. In like manner, we are saved from the devastating effects of sin as we look and hang our faith in the cross of Jesus. Further references: Numbers 21:8-9. Acts 4:12.

4. The cross is the place of the revelation of God’s nature: God showed His anger and indignation on His only beloved, sinless son when He laid on the cross. Jesus was dealt a big and cruel blow because upon Him (Jesus) was laid the sins of mankind. On the other hand, the cross also revealed the compassion of God on undeserving and sinful Man when the innocent Christ was exchanged for guilty Man. The anger of God towards sin, and also His compassion to mankind was revealed at the cross. God is both Love and a Consuming Fire. Scripture references: 1 John 4:8, Hebrews 12:29.

5. The cross is the place of total victory: Without the cross, there wouldn’t be resurrection from the grave. We celebrate Easter today because Jesus rose from the grave demonstrating His supremacy over hell, death and sin. That power was handed over to us on His ascension to Heaven and further consolidated at Pentecost. References: Mark 16:15-20, 1 Corinthians 2:7-8, Acts 2:1-4.

CONCLUSION: All Christians are enjoined to follow the example of Jesus and embrace the cross of Jesus as typified in the above. The closer we are to the cross, the further the world and Satan is to us and vice versa. The way of the cross is the path to true Christianity. The cross teaches self denial, surrender to God, commitment, forgiveness and pardon, and also victory. For you to inherit eternal life and for Jesus' death, burial and resurrection not to be in vain, you have to embrace the cross of Christ by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior today if you haven't done so.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN