“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His son born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive adoption as sons.” (Galatians 4:4)
The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes that to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. God is an orderly, methodical God and He is a great planner. The fullness of time in scriptures refers to the appropriate time for something to occur. It is God’s ordained time for a miracle or breakthrough. In the above text, Paul was referring to the set time of Jesus’ birth.
Fullness of time refers to divine / destiny moments. It was a destiny moment for David when he encountered Goliath in the valley of Elah. The stage was set for David to manifest all he had been learning and trained for at the back side of the wilderness.
The Bible says God makes everything beautiful in His own time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). The word beautiful there means harmonious and organized, for example when the fullness of time comes for a woman to deliver a baby, everything begins to work harmoniously for the woman to deliver: her body goes into contraction, her water breaks and the baby begins to try to work itself out of her body. At the fullness of time, everything works harmoniously and automatically to produce the desired outcome.
Fullness of time also refers to when a thing matures or peak or when something is brought to focus. At that material point in time of maturity, thanking God for answered prayer is the expedient thing to do. For example, when winter comes, it is no longer necessary for clothiers to wish that their jackets and sweaters and long coats will be sold because they will certainly be sold.
It’s important for us to know there are set times for some things in our lives to occur (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Before the set time arrives, our best efforts at achieving may seemingly not result into favorable or desirable outcomes. Having this knowledge will free us from unnecessary worry and agitation. At this time of the year when 2010 is reaching its fullness, peaking and maturing, people usually look back to assess the year. Many may conclude due to unfulfilled desires, that the year was a failure. It is noteworthy to affirm that if you have trusted God for a blessing, done your own part in obedience to His will and the blessing still is not fulfilled, it may just be that the fullness of time hasn’t yet come.
The following are some notable truths about the fullness of time:
1. It can be accelerated or brought close: The first miracle Jesus performed in His ministry was in a wedding in Cana of Galilee when He turned water into wine. When Mary, His mother approached Him to bail out the wedding people who ran out of wine. He responded to Mary thus; “……..My hour has not come.” (John 2:4). In other words, Jesus said the fullness of time for ministry isn’t now. Mary subtly insisted and persisted on Him by asking the wedding people to obey whatever He asks them to do. Jesus ended up performing a notable miracle of turning water into wine. This is a clear Biblical evidence that the fullness of time can be adjusted by God; it can be brought close or it can be delayed or postponed. A man of God once said that everyday is God’s day and the day you dare to believe is your own day.
2. It can be delayed or postponed: God once spoke to Abraham – the patriarch of the Israel nation that the nation will be in tribute and servitude for 400 years in Egypt (Genesis 15:13-14). The set time for their deliverance was after 400 years, but the Israelites eventually used 430 years in Egypt, adding an extra 30 years. Bible scholars tell us this was so because Moses - the deliverer - stepped out ahead of the set time to kill an Egyptian, and he had to be sent to the wilderness and ministry of Jethro to be well discipled, prepared and trained for the task ahead. When we run ahead of God and try to birth miracles carnally, we may suffer consequences that would result in delays.
3. It can be aborted: It’s impossible for God’s sovereign plan to be aborted, but it is possible for God to set apart His purposes for individuals who will not respect His laws and principles. Elisha served Elijah and eventually entered his shoes by becoming the prophet to Israel. Gehazi ministered to Elisha and would have likely taken over from him. However, Gehazi blew it big time because he was greedy and interested in immediate gains. Elisha couldn’t transfer the anointing he had to anyone and had to carry it to the grave. Gehazi failed because he cut corners. He refused to wait on God’s timing to be enriched, he short-circuited the maturing process that would have made him a great man of God and he was set apart.
CONCLUSION: Brethren, as we enter the last month in 2010, be rest assured that God is mindful of you. As we gratefully thank Him for our fullness of time, believing Him against all odds, wait on Him and refuse to birth things carnally, and also refuse to cut corners and run ahead of Him, the God that reserves the best till the last will suddenly surprise us. The God that brought Joseph from prison to the palace in 24 hours can do much more in approximate 720 hours that we have left in 2010.
Have a blessed month in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
God of Restoration (November 2010).
Restoration as defined by the dictionary is bringing something back to its original position, status, state, rank, glory, etc. It also means getting back something which was once stolen or lost. Restoration in the Bible means whatever has been lost, stolen or taken away must be brought back in greater quantity, quality or kind. Under the old covenant, if a man stole money, he had to pay back seven fold. It also encompasses bringing something into God’s original purpose and intention. The Bible is a book of restoration. God Almighty is in the business of restoration. The whole essence of Jesus Christ coming to the earth was to restore mankind back to God, and also to its original position of authority, dignity, honor, etc. before the fall of Man. Everything Adam and Eve lost due to disobedience in the Garden of Eden, God is restoring to mankind through Jesus Christ.
Examples abound in the Bible of restoration: Esau and Jacob had their battered relationship restored back after several years (Genesis 33:1-17). Nebuchadnezzar the king was restored back to his throne after 7 years of insanity (Daniel 4: 28-37). Manoah - Samson’s father - had 2 lost opportunities of divine encounter with an angel restored back to him (Judges 13:2-21). Samson’s hair began to grow again, his anointing was restored back to him after he fell into the hands of the Philistines (Judges 16:21-22). King David had his strained relationship with God and the joy of His salvation restored to him; God further testified of Him as a man after His heart (Acts 13:22). Job had the material goods that he lost restored two fold back to him; He got double for his trouble. He also had all his children – seven sons and three daughters restored to him. Job’s latter end was blessed than his beginning (Job 42:12-17). Moses had his original divine assignment and calling restored back after 40 years (Exodus 3). The woman with the issue of blood for 12 years suddenly had her failed health restored (Mark 5:25-34). Abraham and Sarah had their youthful vitality restored to them in their old age so as to be able to father a child (Hebrews 11:11-12). The prodigal son was restored back to fellowship and to the loving arms of his father after wandering away (Luke 15:11-32).
Examples of restoration abound in the Bible because God’s preoccupation is to restore. Satan’s main preoccupation is to steal, take, decrease, diminish, divide, etc while God’s main deal is to restore, give, add, multiply, increase, etc. The nation of Israel had their territory and sovereignty restored back in 1948 after being a stateless nation for many centuries. We have seen God take prisoners and make them presidents of nations. For with God, nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37).
Note that every miracle of restoration is a cooperation with God. For God to stretch His hand towards you and cause restoration to occur, the following is imperative:
Repent and be converted: “So, repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return to God, that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, and of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19, AMP). The Bible also refers to repentance from dead works, which are unproductive activities we are engage in that don’t deliver results. Repentance from willful sin and also from dead works is a must for restoration to occur.
Forgive those who have hurt you: “And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before" (Job 42:10). Job’s friend had accused him wrongly of secret sins when his calamities befell him in one day. Even though they hurt him, Job had to forgive and pray for them first in order to receive his restoration. Who are you holding in the prison of your heart? You have to release them before restoration takes place.
Believe: God’s wisdom, power, might and glory is revealed when He turns impossible and hopeless situations around. Many believe God’s ability but they doubt His willingness to act in their behalf. Do you believe God is willing to intervene for you? He is willing to bring restoration to you so that Christ’s redemptive work will be meaningful in your life, and others who don’t believe will be won to Him as a result of His dealings in your life.
Declare restoration boldly: In Isaiah 42:22, the Bible shows us how the Israelites remained in their sorry and pitiful situations because none of them declared restoration. The Bible enjoins us to boldly declare the Lord is my helper (Hebrews 13:6). Bold declarations of restoration over time will result in manifestations of restoration.
CONCLUSION: As 2010 begins to wind up, look up to the God of restoration. Are you anxious already thinking that your expectations for this year have been largely unmet? In one day, Joseph was brought from the prison to the palace. In one swoop, Pharaoh and his army were destroyed in the Red Sea. As you cooperate with God, He will restore all in His time. Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Examples abound in the Bible of restoration: Esau and Jacob had their battered relationship restored back after several years (Genesis 33:1-17). Nebuchadnezzar the king was restored back to his throne after 7 years of insanity (Daniel 4: 28-37). Manoah - Samson’s father - had 2 lost opportunities of divine encounter with an angel restored back to him (Judges 13:2-21). Samson’s hair began to grow again, his anointing was restored back to him after he fell into the hands of the Philistines (Judges 16:21-22). King David had his strained relationship with God and the joy of His salvation restored to him; God further testified of Him as a man after His heart (Acts 13:22). Job had the material goods that he lost restored two fold back to him; He got double for his trouble. He also had all his children – seven sons and three daughters restored to him. Job’s latter end was blessed than his beginning (Job 42:12-17). Moses had his original divine assignment and calling restored back after 40 years (Exodus 3). The woman with the issue of blood for 12 years suddenly had her failed health restored (Mark 5:25-34). Abraham and Sarah had their youthful vitality restored to them in their old age so as to be able to father a child (Hebrews 11:11-12). The prodigal son was restored back to fellowship and to the loving arms of his father after wandering away (Luke 15:11-32).
Examples of restoration abound in the Bible because God’s preoccupation is to restore. Satan’s main preoccupation is to steal, take, decrease, diminish, divide, etc while God’s main deal is to restore, give, add, multiply, increase, etc. The nation of Israel had their territory and sovereignty restored back in 1948 after being a stateless nation for many centuries. We have seen God take prisoners and make them presidents of nations. For with God, nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37).
Note that every miracle of restoration is a cooperation with God. For God to stretch His hand towards you and cause restoration to occur, the following is imperative:
Repent and be converted: “So, repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return to God, that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, and of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19, AMP). The Bible also refers to repentance from dead works, which are unproductive activities we are engage in that don’t deliver results. Repentance from willful sin and also from dead works is a must for restoration to occur.
Forgive those who have hurt you: “And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before" (Job 42:10). Job’s friend had accused him wrongly of secret sins when his calamities befell him in one day. Even though they hurt him, Job had to forgive and pray for them first in order to receive his restoration. Who are you holding in the prison of your heart? You have to release them before restoration takes place.
Believe: God’s wisdom, power, might and glory is revealed when He turns impossible and hopeless situations around. Many believe God’s ability but they doubt His willingness to act in their behalf. Do you believe God is willing to intervene for you? He is willing to bring restoration to you so that Christ’s redemptive work will be meaningful in your life, and others who don’t believe will be won to Him as a result of His dealings in your life.
Declare restoration boldly: In Isaiah 42:22, the Bible shows us how the Israelites remained in their sorry and pitiful situations because none of them declared restoration. The Bible enjoins us to boldly declare the Lord is my helper (Hebrews 13:6). Bold declarations of restoration over time will result in manifestations of restoration.
CONCLUSION: As 2010 begins to wind up, look up to the God of restoration. Are you anxious already thinking that your expectations for this year have been largely unmet? In one day, Joseph was brought from the prison to the palace. In one swoop, Pharaoh and his army were destroyed in the Red Sea. As you cooperate with God, He will restore all in His time. Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Let My People Go (October 2010).
“Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, thus says the Lord God of Israel: Let My people go that they may serve Me in the wilderness” (Exodus 5:1)
The Israelites were in bondage in Egypt. A new king that didn't know Joseph had arisen and made life difficult for them. They were put to forced labor with no commensurate pay. They built the supply cities of Pithom and Ramses for Pharaoh and they were serving Pharaoh with rigor.
The modern day Pharaoh of our time is the complex economy of Western civilization. They put people to labor and pay just enough to enable them afford a decent life which is paid for by long man-hours, running 2 jobs, through credit cards, etc. The moment the person loses his/her job, he/she is in trouble, and his/her existence is greatly threatened. This world system is the Egyptian system of our time with Pharaoh (capitalism) holding sway.
God wanted His people out of the system so that they will have time to serve Him. A system that will not allow God's people show up in worship centers on Sundays, or midweek services and will not allow them give for the furtherance of God's Kingdom is simply not acceptable to Him. Moses' difficult task was to get these people out of the Egyptian system in order to serve the living God. The main intention of God was to get them out in order to give them a land flowing with milk and honey where they will not have to do herculean labor before they eat, and also where they will give their whole attention to Him in worship.
The message to Pharaoh was let my people go. By the time Moses delivered this message to Pharaoh, the Israelites were tired of Egypt and were willing to opt out. To escape from the jaws of Pharaoh, the following is imperative:
1. Cry unto the Lord: Note the Lord responded to the cry of the Israelites by sending them a deliverer. They were tired of their taskmaster and their ordeal in Egypt and this made them cry to Jehovah God. Are you tired of the tyranny of Egypt and his taskmasters? Or are you not even aware of the economic bondage you are in?
2. Wean yourself out of the world's system: In order to wean a sucking child, the mother begins to gradually reduce the breast milk intake and begin to introduce solid food. There is need to begin to think and plan on how to disengage yourself from this ungodly system. As you begin to engage God actively in prayers and also with sincerity of heart, He will show you the path that leads to your Canaan (your promised land that flows with milk and honey).
3. Cultivate a new mindset: Shake off the lie of the devil that your present employment is your destiny particularly if it fits the description of Egypt. The Bible says as a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Where the mind goes, so does the entire person. Begin to develop new mindsets of entrepreneurship and management because with our God nothing shall be impossible. Nothing says you cannot move to a management cadre in your corporation. It is also true that according to your faith, it shall be done to you(Mark 9:23). Faith is a product of our thinking patterns.
4. Discover what is in your hand: God asked Moses in Exodus 4:2, “What is that in your hand”. Moses answered a rod. With that same rod Moses did signs and wonders in Egypt and ultimately got the Israelites out of bondage. Prophet Elisha asked the widow woman, “Tell me what do you have in your house?”, she responded: “your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil”(2 Kings 4:1-7). The jar of oil she despised later became a business. There is a tool of greatness in your hands. My prayer is that God will let you see it and use it appropriately.
5. Live within your means: Many so called children of God are daily selling their future by accumulating things and living beyond their means with the use of credit cards. They are buying liabilities and not assets with borrowed funds. This makes it more difficult for them to call it quits with the world system. They are putting themselves and children into bondage. The Bible says the borrower is slave of the lender (Proverbs 22:7, ESV). Determine to end this slavery by learning to live within your means. Learn not to consume all that comes your way and start saving something for the future. Also, always give God His dues in tithe and offerings so that He can bless your finances.
CONCLUSION: Pharaoh will not let go easily. With God's help, right focus and right belief systems we will overcome and enter our promised land in Jesus name. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria @ 50! Nigeria will be liberated from the tyrannies of internal and external Pharaohs and enter into her promised land in Jesus name!
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
The Israelites were in bondage in Egypt. A new king that didn't know Joseph had arisen and made life difficult for them. They were put to forced labor with no commensurate pay. They built the supply cities of Pithom and Ramses for Pharaoh and they were serving Pharaoh with rigor.
The modern day Pharaoh of our time is the complex economy of Western civilization. They put people to labor and pay just enough to enable them afford a decent life which is paid for by long man-hours, running 2 jobs, through credit cards, etc. The moment the person loses his/her job, he/she is in trouble, and his/her existence is greatly threatened. This world system is the Egyptian system of our time with Pharaoh (capitalism) holding sway.
God wanted His people out of the system so that they will have time to serve Him. A system that will not allow God's people show up in worship centers on Sundays, or midweek services and will not allow them give for the furtherance of God's Kingdom is simply not acceptable to Him. Moses' difficult task was to get these people out of the Egyptian system in order to serve the living God. The main intention of God was to get them out in order to give them a land flowing with milk and honey where they will not have to do herculean labor before they eat, and also where they will give their whole attention to Him in worship.
The message to Pharaoh was let my people go. By the time Moses delivered this message to Pharaoh, the Israelites were tired of Egypt and were willing to opt out. To escape from the jaws of Pharaoh, the following is imperative:
1. Cry unto the Lord: Note the Lord responded to the cry of the Israelites by sending them a deliverer. They were tired of their taskmaster and their ordeal in Egypt and this made them cry to Jehovah God. Are you tired of the tyranny of Egypt and his taskmasters? Or are you not even aware of the economic bondage you are in?
2. Wean yourself out of the world's system: In order to wean a sucking child, the mother begins to gradually reduce the breast milk intake and begin to introduce solid food. There is need to begin to think and plan on how to disengage yourself from this ungodly system. As you begin to engage God actively in prayers and also with sincerity of heart, He will show you the path that leads to your Canaan (your promised land that flows with milk and honey).
3. Cultivate a new mindset: Shake off the lie of the devil that your present employment is your destiny particularly if it fits the description of Egypt. The Bible says as a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Where the mind goes, so does the entire person. Begin to develop new mindsets of entrepreneurship and management because with our God nothing shall be impossible. Nothing says you cannot move to a management cadre in your corporation. It is also true that according to your faith, it shall be done to you(Mark 9:23). Faith is a product of our thinking patterns.
4. Discover what is in your hand: God asked Moses in Exodus 4:2, “What is that in your hand”. Moses answered a rod. With that same rod Moses did signs and wonders in Egypt and ultimately got the Israelites out of bondage. Prophet Elisha asked the widow woman, “Tell me what do you have in your house?”, she responded: “your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil”(2 Kings 4:1-7). The jar of oil she despised later became a business. There is a tool of greatness in your hands. My prayer is that God will let you see it and use it appropriately.
5. Live within your means: Many so called children of God are daily selling their future by accumulating things and living beyond their means with the use of credit cards. They are buying liabilities and not assets with borrowed funds. This makes it more difficult for them to call it quits with the world system. They are putting themselves and children into bondage. The Bible says the borrower is slave of the lender (Proverbs 22:7, ESV). Determine to end this slavery by learning to live within your means. Learn not to consume all that comes your way and start saving something for the future. Also, always give God His dues in tithe and offerings so that He can bless your finances.
CONCLUSION: Pharaoh will not let go easily. With God's help, right focus and right belief systems we will overcome and enter our promised land in Jesus name. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria @ 50! Nigeria will be liberated from the tyrannies of internal and external Pharaohs and enter into her promised land in Jesus name!
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Friday, September 10, 2010
Running Your Own Race (September 2010).
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run (your race) that you may lay hold (of the prize) and make it yours. Now every athlete that goes into training conducts himself temperately and restricts himself in all things. They do it to win a wreath that will soon wither, but we (do it to receive a crown of eternal blessedness) that cannot wither. Therefore, I do not run uncertainly (without definite aim). I do not box like one beating the air and striking without an adversary. But (like a boxer) I buffet my body (handle it roughly, discipline it by hardships) and subdue it, for fear that after proclaiming to others the Gospel and things pertaining to it, I myself should become unfit (not stand the test, be unapproved and rejected as a counterfeit)” 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 AMP.
Apostle Paul in the above scripture was telling us that the Christian journey is a race and each believer has his / her path or course set before them (Ephesians 1:11). He emphasized running with purpose, vision, pace, discipline, diligence, focus, and steadfastness. These essential qualities are developed in us as we embrace the spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible study and meditation, worship and obedience to God. When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, every single one of them crossed over including the slow, old and very young. Each person ran his own race and made it to the other side.
Apostle Paul also mentioned the chance of being disqualified if we don’t run lawfully according to the rules. A athlete that runs contrary to the rules e.g running in the wrong lane will be disqualified. A Pittsburgh Steeler quarterback has been suspended from important upcoming games for violation of the leagues personal conduct policy. His off field conduct resulted in him being benched for important games during the upcoming football season, even though no criminal charges are being pressed. A disqualified athelete is benched, sidelined or disallowed from further participation. Encumbrances, weights and besetting sins may stop us from participating in our divine race. Moses was disqualified from entering the Promised Land because he struck the rock in anger. Gehazi, Elisha’s servant was disqualified from taking over from his master and also suffered grave consequences because of greed. The underlisted are some races each individual believer is expected to run and obtain a prize from:
1. The Race to Heaven: This is the most crucial race before each believer. Jesus died to make us inherit eternal glory. Eternal life and salvation in Christ is a free gift but it has to be maintained and not taken for granted. Apostle Paul says we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12) . Jesus said not all that call me Lord, Lord shall enter Heaven but only those who do the will of God (Matthew 7:21-23).
2. The Race of Destiny: Our God is a God of purpose. Every born again believer is called by God to fulfill an assignment in the world. Many realize this divine destiny and run with it, while many more never realize it. We discover our divine purpose as we become purposeful, and begin to impact our world seeking the glory of God in all our endeavors. Scripture references: Ephesians 1:11, Matthew 6:33.
3. The Race to actualize God’s blessing: Apostle Peter wrote that God has given us great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4). There are numerous promises in the Bible that has to do with our physical, material, financial, family, spiritual wellbeing. These promises are to be inherited here on earth and not when we get to heaven. We are to lay hold of that which Christ has already purchased for us (Philippians 3:12).
CONCLUSION: Let us imbibe Paul’s invaluable advice in Hebrews 12:1-2 of stripping off encumbrances, weights and besetting sins that we engage in that makes us run very slow and many times even stop us altogether from running. Receive abundant grace to finish strong in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Apostle Paul in the above scripture was telling us that the Christian journey is a race and each believer has his / her path or course set before them (Ephesians 1:11). He emphasized running with purpose, vision, pace, discipline, diligence, focus, and steadfastness. These essential qualities are developed in us as we embrace the spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible study and meditation, worship and obedience to God. When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, every single one of them crossed over including the slow, old and very young. Each person ran his own race and made it to the other side.
Apostle Paul also mentioned the chance of being disqualified if we don’t run lawfully according to the rules. A athlete that runs contrary to the rules e.g running in the wrong lane will be disqualified. A Pittsburgh Steeler quarterback has been suspended from important upcoming games for violation of the leagues personal conduct policy. His off field conduct resulted in him being benched for important games during the upcoming football season, even though no criminal charges are being pressed. A disqualified athelete is benched, sidelined or disallowed from further participation. Encumbrances, weights and besetting sins may stop us from participating in our divine race. Moses was disqualified from entering the Promised Land because he struck the rock in anger. Gehazi, Elisha’s servant was disqualified from taking over from his master and also suffered grave consequences because of greed. The underlisted are some races each individual believer is expected to run and obtain a prize from:
1. The Race to Heaven: This is the most crucial race before each believer. Jesus died to make us inherit eternal glory. Eternal life and salvation in Christ is a free gift but it has to be maintained and not taken for granted. Apostle Paul says we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12) . Jesus said not all that call me Lord, Lord shall enter Heaven but only those who do the will of God (Matthew 7:21-23).
2. The Race of Destiny: Our God is a God of purpose. Every born again believer is called by God to fulfill an assignment in the world. Many realize this divine destiny and run with it, while many more never realize it. We discover our divine purpose as we become purposeful, and begin to impact our world seeking the glory of God in all our endeavors. Scripture references: Ephesians 1:11, Matthew 6:33.
3. The Race to actualize God’s blessing: Apostle Peter wrote that God has given us great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4). There are numerous promises in the Bible that has to do with our physical, material, financial, family, spiritual wellbeing. These promises are to be inherited here on earth and not when we get to heaven. We are to lay hold of that which Christ has already purchased for us (Philippians 3:12).
CONCLUSION: Let us imbibe Paul’s invaluable advice in Hebrews 12:1-2 of stripping off encumbrances, weights and besetting sins that we engage in that makes us run very slow and many times even stop us altogether from running. Receive abundant grace to finish strong in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Monday, August 2, 2010
Four lessons from the little four (August 2010)
There are four things which are little on the earth but they are exceedingly wise. The ants are a people not strong yet they prepare their food in the summer; the rock badgers are a feeble folk, yet they make their homes in the crags; the locusts have no king, yet they advance in ranks; the spider skillfully grasps with its hands and it is in kings’ palaces. (Proverbs 30:24-28, NKJV).
In the safari in South Africa, you have the big five. These are big and humongous animals that are at the top of their rank and file. They are the most difficult to hunt down, and all over South Africa, you have their pictures in souvenirs, carvings, billboards, posters, etc. The big five are the lion, the elephant, the rhinoceros, the buffalo and the leopard, and they are a must see for visitors to the safari in South Africa. Until you see these animals, you are not considered to have visited the safari.
As human beings, we usually focus on big and mighty things. We normally equate big as great, and often times this is not usually the case with God. Those things that are greatly esteemed before men may not be so in the eyes of God, and those things lightly valued before men may be of great prize to God. God, in teaching us wisdom and His ways did not instruct us to go observe the big five, but rather the little four: the ant, the rock badger, the locust and the spider. Below are four virtues of these creatures and the vital lessons we can learn from them:
1. The Ant: “Go to the ant you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise, which having no captain, overseer or ruler, provides her supplies in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest.” (Proverbs 6:6-8). In this scripture, the sluggard is asked to go to the ant and learn. The main feature of the ant is its ability to gather grain or food during summer. While others are enjoying the summer period, the little ants are relentlessly working, gathering tons of grain to store for winter. The ant is busy creating the future, while others are focused about the pleasures of the present. The main lesson God wants us to learn from the ant is PREPARATION. Life is defined as preparation for eternity. What we do today or refuse to do affect our tomorrow and eternity. Are you preparing for eternity? Are you preparing for retirement? Are you preparing for that most desired promotion? Are you preparing for marriage? Are you preparing for the unborn baby? Are you preparing for that examination? ,etc. Ruth prepared to meet Boaz; Joseph prepared to meet King Pharaoh; Apostle Paul prepared to meet Caesar in Rome; Noah prepared for the flood by building the ark, and the list goes on. People fail in life for lack of adequate preparation. Many end up in hell for lack of preparation for eternity by refusing to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior (John 3:14-18).
2. The Rock Badgers: They are curious little animals that live in the cleft of rocks. Though feeble and weak, it has ability in its legs that makes it dexterous on the rocks. It’s almost impossible to hunt down the rock badger because anytime a predator tries to attack it; it quickly disappears into the clefts of the rock. The lesson we learn from the rock badger is that of POSITIONING. The Bible says the wise man builds his house on the rock which is the Word of God as against the foolish man who builds on sand and superficiality (Matthew 7:24-27). The rock badger properly positions itself inside rocks where predators cannot reach it. Jesus is the Rock of Ages; He is also the Rock of salvation for all those who believe in Him; He is also the Rock of offence. Because King David was well positioned in God, he overcame all his enemies and challenges and reigned as a king. Are you well secure like the rock badger? Are you building on the Rock of the Word of God? Are you positioning yourself for the future?
3. The Locusts: They have no king yet they advance in ranks and march in formation. A single locust all by itself is harmless and insignificant, but they are devastating, formidable and fearsome when together. They are harmonious creatures, though having no king they are organized and have a very voracious appetite. They work very well together as a team. The Bible gives a vivid description of them in Joel 2: 1-25. In ancient times they were called the armies of God due to their rampaging effect. The lesson God is trying to tell humans is the power of team work or PARTNERING and staying in agreement. If we can pull resources together as a team in agreement, we will achieve more than when we are trying to do it all alone. The Bible says two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). This is why a good marriage is desirable. The modern world talks about synergy where the sum of the parts is greater than the individual parts alone. The big question is who are you partnering with in prayers, in your academics, in ministry, in business, in your career, etc . Kindly note that the greatest partner of all time is the Holy Spirit.
4. The Spider: The Bible says it grasps skillfully with its hands and it’s in kings palaces. They spin webs which can be found anywhere including palaces. The webs (or cobweb) they produce is an evidence of the ingenuity of their hands. The spider produces its web by a thread or spider silk which is usually stored in its abdomen. The spider reaches within itself to bring out the silver silk with which it produces its web. The amazing thing about it is also the speed, skill and resilience with which it produces its web. When you bring down a cobweb, before you realize it the spider has produced another. The lesson we learn from this is that of PRODUCTIVITY. God has deposited in us all everything we need to be accomplished and productive in life. The Bible says a man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men (Proverbs 18:16). If we can reach within ourselves and prayerfully bring out the treasures God has deposited in us, and diligently and creatively work these gifts, then we will stand in the palaces of this world (Proverbs 20:5 ; 22:29).
CONCLUSION: Receive grace to begin to live out the four lessons from the little four which are Preparation, Positioning, Partnering and Productivity. Have a blessed month in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
In the safari in South Africa, you have the big five. These are big and humongous animals that are at the top of their rank and file. They are the most difficult to hunt down, and all over South Africa, you have their pictures in souvenirs, carvings, billboards, posters, etc. The big five are the lion, the elephant, the rhinoceros, the buffalo and the leopard, and they are a must see for visitors to the safari in South Africa. Until you see these animals, you are not considered to have visited the safari.
As human beings, we usually focus on big and mighty things. We normally equate big as great, and often times this is not usually the case with God. Those things that are greatly esteemed before men may not be so in the eyes of God, and those things lightly valued before men may be of great prize to God. God, in teaching us wisdom and His ways did not instruct us to go observe the big five, but rather the little four: the ant, the rock badger, the locust and the spider. Below are four virtues of these creatures and the vital lessons we can learn from them:
1. The Ant: “Go to the ant you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise, which having no captain, overseer or ruler, provides her supplies in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest.” (Proverbs 6:6-8). In this scripture, the sluggard is asked to go to the ant and learn. The main feature of the ant is its ability to gather grain or food during summer. While others are enjoying the summer period, the little ants are relentlessly working, gathering tons of grain to store for winter. The ant is busy creating the future, while others are focused about the pleasures of the present. The main lesson God wants us to learn from the ant is PREPARATION. Life is defined as preparation for eternity. What we do today or refuse to do affect our tomorrow and eternity. Are you preparing for eternity? Are you preparing for retirement? Are you preparing for that most desired promotion? Are you preparing for marriage? Are you preparing for the unborn baby? Are you preparing for that examination? ,etc. Ruth prepared to meet Boaz; Joseph prepared to meet King Pharaoh; Apostle Paul prepared to meet Caesar in Rome; Noah prepared for the flood by building the ark, and the list goes on. People fail in life for lack of adequate preparation. Many end up in hell for lack of preparation for eternity by refusing to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior (John 3:14-18).
2. The Rock Badgers: They are curious little animals that live in the cleft of rocks. Though feeble and weak, it has ability in its legs that makes it dexterous on the rocks. It’s almost impossible to hunt down the rock badger because anytime a predator tries to attack it; it quickly disappears into the clefts of the rock. The lesson we learn from the rock badger is that of POSITIONING. The Bible says the wise man builds his house on the rock which is the Word of God as against the foolish man who builds on sand and superficiality (Matthew 7:24-27). The rock badger properly positions itself inside rocks where predators cannot reach it. Jesus is the Rock of Ages; He is also the Rock of salvation for all those who believe in Him; He is also the Rock of offence. Because King David was well positioned in God, he overcame all his enemies and challenges and reigned as a king. Are you well secure like the rock badger? Are you building on the Rock of the Word of God? Are you positioning yourself for the future?
3. The Locusts: They have no king yet they advance in ranks and march in formation. A single locust all by itself is harmless and insignificant, but they are devastating, formidable and fearsome when together. They are harmonious creatures, though having no king they are organized and have a very voracious appetite. They work very well together as a team. The Bible gives a vivid description of them in Joel 2: 1-25. In ancient times they were called the armies of God due to their rampaging effect. The lesson God is trying to tell humans is the power of team work or PARTNERING and staying in agreement. If we can pull resources together as a team in agreement, we will achieve more than when we are trying to do it all alone. The Bible says two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). This is why a good marriage is desirable. The modern world talks about synergy where the sum of the parts is greater than the individual parts alone. The big question is who are you partnering with in prayers, in your academics, in ministry, in business, in your career, etc . Kindly note that the greatest partner of all time is the Holy Spirit.
4. The Spider: The Bible says it grasps skillfully with its hands and it’s in kings palaces. They spin webs which can be found anywhere including palaces. The webs (or cobweb) they produce is an evidence of the ingenuity of their hands. The spider produces its web by a thread or spider silk which is usually stored in its abdomen. The spider reaches within itself to bring out the silver silk with which it produces its web. The amazing thing about it is also the speed, skill and resilience with which it produces its web. When you bring down a cobweb, before you realize it the spider has produced another. The lesson we learn from this is that of PRODUCTIVITY. God has deposited in us all everything we need to be accomplished and productive in life. The Bible says a man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men (Proverbs 18:16). If we can reach within ourselves and prayerfully bring out the treasures God has deposited in us, and diligently and creatively work these gifts, then we will stand in the palaces of this world (Proverbs 20:5 ; 22:29).
CONCLUSION: Receive grace to begin to live out the four lessons from the little four which are Preparation, Positioning, Partnering and Productivity. Have a blessed month in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Enlarge Your Capacity (July 2010).
Capacity simply defined is the ability to receive, absorb and contain. And what we are able to absorb determines our output, that is what we are able to give out or produce. Our capacity determines how much we can handle or the maximum we can hold per time. A water tank with a thousand gallon capacity will serve better than a water tank with a hundred gallon capacity. Many times, if not all of the times, we attain the next level of our lives not just by prayer, but by prayer and preparation. Someone said, God does not always give us what we pray for, but what we are prepared for. God does not make overnight successes; He makes men and women successful over many nights.
For Jesus – our God and model – to fulfill His destiny, He had to develop more capacity. "And the child grew and became strong in Spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him."(Luke 2:40). “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52). It becomes imperative for us to develop more capacity in the following four major areas in order to attain the next level of our lives, and to realize our God given destinies.
1. Spiritual Capacity: This simply infers more intimacy with God through Jesus Christ. Without intimacy, there cannot be conception, and without conception there cannot be delivery. For a woman to produce normally, she has to be intimate with a man. Intimacy with God through meditation in His Word, personal and corporate prayers, regular church attendance, and other spiritual disciplines enhances our capacity to produce and invariably makes us rule, govern and dominate our world. Spiritual capacity means more anointing (God’s power) ; more spiritual understanding, insight and revelation ; the ability to get prayers answered; more Godly character and discipline. Daniel was able to excel in Babylon as a top public servant because of an enlarged spiritual capacity. Intimacy with God is the foundation or bedrock of success in life, and also of all other capacities needed for accomplishment and success in life. Scriptural references: Jude 20, Romans 8:5-6.
2. Mental / Intellectual Capacity: This is the ability to exercise the mind clearly and constructively. It is the ability to think creatively and imaginatively. It is often said that ideas rule the world. Wonderful inventions, innovations and discoveries have proceeded from the minds of men with enlarged mental capacities which have made the world a much better place to live. “As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom ; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” (Daniel 1:17). God equipped Daniel and his friends with brain power so that they will rule in Babylon as foreigners and carry out His will and purpose in that country. The Bible says we should ask God for wisdom by faith, and we shall receive from Him (James 1:5-8). An enlarged spiritual capacity as seen in the lives of Daniel, Joseph, David, Jesus, Peter, etc was the platform of their exploits in their respective callings. To grow and develop mentally, education and information is key. Our potentials and hidden abilities are realized as we grow and develop mentally.
3. Social Capacity: This is simply the ability to make friends and also to retain them. It is the ability to make true and reliable friendships out of acquaintances. This is having relational and people’s skill. It is often said that one’s network determines one’s networth. It is true that the quality of friendship one has determines the quality of his life (Proverbs 13:20). Jesus grew in favor with God and also with men. In order to have an enhanced social capacity, one must seek true friendship with God and also with men ; one must be a giver and not just a taker; and one must be free of pretence and superficiality. Mr Les Brown said there are four kinds of relationships: one that divides , subtracts, add and multiply. It is wisdom to seek friendships that add and multiply value to us, and shun relationships that subtracts and divides us. A wise man once said if your net isn’t working, it is time to seek out new ones. Is your network working?
4. Emotional Capacity: This is simply developing more positive emotions(fruit of the Spirit) than negative emotions(works of the flesh). Our feelings affect us more than we think. We are able to produce more in life when we have more positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, peace, hope, optimism, contentment, etc as against negative emotions such as bitterness, unnecessary anger, unforgiveness, anxiety, envy, despair, depression and the like. We should be motivated by the Word of God over and above negative feelings and emotions. A stable emotional life is necessary to be able to cope with challenges that life will throw at us, having mood swings and allowing negative emotions rule and dictate our relationships will leave us greatly unhappy and unfulfilled in life. Apostle Paul was so stable emotionally that he was the same person when he had much and when he had nothing(Philippians 3:11-13). He overcame been governed by his circumstances and also his negative emotions.
CONCLUSION: Brethren, for us to produce more, we have got to be more. Life does not give us what we want but it does give us who we are. Let us create time daily in our lives to develop and grow in these aforementioned areas. If Jesus - God incarnate - had to grow to fulfill His destiny, then it behooves on us who are desperate to fulfill our God given destinies to also grow and develop more capacity. Receive grace to do just that in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
For Jesus – our God and model – to fulfill His destiny, He had to develop more capacity. "And the child grew and became strong in Spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him."(Luke 2:40). “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52). It becomes imperative for us to develop more capacity in the following four major areas in order to attain the next level of our lives, and to realize our God given destinies.
1. Spiritual Capacity: This simply infers more intimacy with God through Jesus Christ. Without intimacy, there cannot be conception, and without conception there cannot be delivery. For a woman to produce normally, she has to be intimate with a man. Intimacy with God through meditation in His Word, personal and corporate prayers, regular church attendance, and other spiritual disciplines enhances our capacity to produce and invariably makes us rule, govern and dominate our world. Spiritual capacity means more anointing (God’s power) ; more spiritual understanding, insight and revelation ; the ability to get prayers answered; more Godly character and discipline. Daniel was able to excel in Babylon as a top public servant because of an enlarged spiritual capacity. Intimacy with God is the foundation or bedrock of success in life, and also of all other capacities needed for accomplishment and success in life. Scriptural references: Jude 20, Romans 8:5-6.
2. Mental / Intellectual Capacity: This is the ability to exercise the mind clearly and constructively. It is the ability to think creatively and imaginatively. It is often said that ideas rule the world. Wonderful inventions, innovations and discoveries have proceeded from the minds of men with enlarged mental capacities which have made the world a much better place to live. “As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom ; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” (Daniel 1:17). God equipped Daniel and his friends with brain power so that they will rule in Babylon as foreigners and carry out His will and purpose in that country. The Bible says we should ask God for wisdom by faith, and we shall receive from Him (James 1:5-8). An enlarged spiritual capacity as seen in the lives of Daniel, Joseph, David, Jesus, Peter, etc was the platform of their exploits in their respective callings. To grow and develop mentally, education and information is key. Our potentials and hidden abilities are realized as we grow and develop mentally.
3. Social Capacity: This is simply the ability to make friends and also to retain them. It is the ability to make true and reliable friendships out of acquaintances. This is having relational and people’s skill. It is often said that one’s network determines one’s networth. It is true that the quality of friendship one has determines the quality of his life (Proverbs 13:20). Jesus grew in favor with God and also with men. In order to have an enhanced social capacity, one must seek true friendship with God and also with men ; one must be a giver and not just a taker; and one must be free of pretence and superficiality. Mr Les Brown said there are four kinds of relationships: one that divides , subtracts, add and multiply. It is wisdom to seek friendships that add and multiply value to us, and shun relationships that subtracts and divides us. A wise man once said if your net isn’t working, it is time to seek out new ones. Is your network working?
4. Emotional Capacity: This is simply developing more positive emotions(fruit of the Spirit) than negative emotions(works of the flesh). Our feelings affect us more than we think. We are able to produce more in life when we have more positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, peace, hope, optimism, contentment, etc as against negative emotions such as bitterness, unnecessary anger, unforgiveness, anxiety, envy, despair, depression and the like. We should be motivated by the Word of God over and above negative feelings and emotions. A stable emotional life is necessary to be able to cope with challenges that life will throw at us, having mood swings and allowing negative emotions rule and dictate our relationships will leave us greatly unhappy and unfulfilled in life. Apostle Paul was so stable emotionally that he was the same person when he had much and when he had nothing(Philippians 3:11-13). He overcame been governed by his circumstances and also his negative emotions.
CONCLUSION: Brethren, for us to produce more, we have got to be more. Life does not give us what we want but it does give us who we are. Let us create time daily in our lives to develop and grow in these aforementioned areas. If Jesus - God incarnate - had to grow to fulfill His destiny, then it behooves on us who are desperate to fulfill our God given destinies to also grow and develop more capacity. Receive grace to do just that in Jesus name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Monday, June 7, 2010
The benefits of seeking God are enormous: The seeker will find Him, he will experience a divine encounter that will forever remain indelible (Jeremiah 29:13-14); The seeker is transformed, his weaknesses are replaced with divine strength (2 Corinthians 3:18); The seeker knows real peace in the midst of turmoil, storms and trouble (Psalm 46:1-5); The love of God is perfected in the heart of the seeker driving out the love of other mundane, worldly things(Romans 5:5); The Holy Spirit will plant dreams of the future in the seekers heart(John 16:13-14); The seeker will not lack any good thing (Psalm 34:10); The seeker’s influence increases with God, he becomes an influencer of events around him because the favor of God rests on him.
Seeking God is important for a variety of reasons. One of the foremost reasons is that God is seeking for worshippers, for hearts that are longing and panting after Him (John 4:23-24). Secondly, God is the only true treasure that can satisfy, fulfill and delight. Jesus said: “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and He who believes in Me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35, NKJV).
Below are life changing truths on how to seek God:
1. Seek Him diligently: The Bible says God rewards diligent seekers and not just casual, indifferent and occasional seekers (Hebrew 11:6). The dictionary defines diligence as persevering and careful in work. Such words as alertness, quickness, vigor, intensity are synonyms of the word `diligence’. To seek God diligently, the born again believer requires the enablement and help of the Holy Spirit.
2. Seek Him early: King David, a diligent seeker of God was fond of seeking God early(Psalm 63:1). Seeking God early means giving Him the prime of day, and also the prime of life. The prime of something is the best part. Young people and young adults are instructed to remember God and serve Him in their youths before the difficult days come (Ecclesiastes 12:1).
3. Seek Him in Spirit and in Truth: Genuine seeking of God must be done by the help of the Holy Spirit who is the go-between between Man and God. People tire out in their search for God because they employ human efforts in doing so. Also, we are enjoined to draw near to God with a true heart devoid of hypocrisy and self deceit. Scripture references: John 4:23-24. Hebrews 10: 19-22.
4. Seek His face and not just His hand: Many so called seekers today just like in Jesus’ day are just seeking the gifts and not the Giver of the gifts. Many are just after what God can do for them and are not at all interested in cultivating a vibrant and dynamic relationship with Jesus. Scripture references: Psalm 27:8, Psalm 105:4.
5. Seek Him despite your weaknesses, failings, frailties and doubts: God made provision for failing Man to approach Him through the blood of Jesus. The blood of Christ was shed for the forgiveness of sins. God is not looking for sinless and perfect people but for sincere and honest believers that will make Him a priority. Scripture references: Hebrew 10:19-22, Hebrews 4:14-16.
6. Seek Him decisively: Joshua said: “…..As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15). We can by the act of our will choose to seek and honor the Lord. God always honor such decisiveness by blessing the decision maker with the inner strength and resolve to carry through.
7. Seek Him wholeheartedly: “And you shall seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity.” (Jeremiah 29:13-14). Our inner world: our motives, attitudes, thoughts, inclinations, desires,dreams,etc should be focused on God everytime we appear before Him.
CONCLUSION: “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” (Hebrews 12:28). The only enduring and unshakeable constant in life is God and His kingdom. Are you truly connected to that kingdom? Are you an occasional or regular seeker of God? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Seeking God is important for a variety of reasons. One of the foremost reasons is that God is seeking for worshippers, for hearts that are longing and panting after Him (John 4:23-24). Secondly, God is the only true treasure that can satisfy, fulfill and delight. Jesus said: “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and He who believes in Me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35, NKJV).
Below are life changing truths on how to seek God:
1. Seek Him diligently: The Bible says God rewards diligent seekers and not just casual, indifferent and occasional seekers (Hebrew 11:6). The dictionary defines diligence as persevering and careful in work. Such words as alertness, quickness, vigor, intensity are synonyms of the word `diligence’. To seek God diligently, the born again believer requires the enablement and help of the Holy Spirit.
2. Seek Him early: King David, a diligent seeker of God was fond of seeking God early(Psalm 63:1). Seeking God early means giving Him the prime of day, and also the prime of life. The prime of something is the best part. Young people and young adults are instructed to remember God and serve Him in their youths before the difficult days come (Ecclesiastes 12:1).
3. Seek Him in Spirit and in Truth: Genuine seeking of God must be done by the help of the Holy Spirit who is the go-between between Man and God. People tire out in their search for God because they employ human efforts in doing so. Also, we are enjoined to draw near to God with a true heart devoid of hypocrisy and self deceit. Scripture references: John 4:23-24. Hebrews 10: 19-22.
4. Seek His face and not just His hand: Many so called seekers today just like in Jesus’ day are just seeking the gifts and not the Giver of the gifts. Many are just after what God can do for them and are not at all interested in cultivating a vibrant and dynamic relationship with Jesus. Scripture references: Psalm 27:8, Psalm 105:4.
5. Seek Him despite your weaknesses, failings, frailties and doubts: God made provision for failing Man to approach Him through the blood of Jesus. The blood of Christ was shed for the forgiveness of sins. God is not looking for sinless and perfect people but for sincere and honest believers that will make Him a priority. Scripture references: Hebrew 10:19-22, Hebrews 4:14-16.
6. Seek Him decisively: Joshua said: “…..As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15). We can by the act of our will choose to seek and honor the Lord. God always honor such decisiveness by blessing the decision maker with the inner strength and resolve to carry through.
7. Seek Him wholeheartedly: “And you shall seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity.” (Jeremiah 29:13-14). Our inner world: our motives, attitudes, thoughts, inclinations, desires,dreams,etc should be focused on God everytime we appear before Him.
CONCLUSION: “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” (Hebrews 12:28). The only enduring and unshakeable constant in life is God and His kingdom. Are you truly connected to that kingdom? Are you an occasional or regular seeker of God? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Harnessing Divine Grace
The grace of God is the lubricant of the Christian journey and race. Divine grace is to Christianity what engine oil is to the engine of a car. The engine oil reduces frictions among the metal surfaces of the car engine; it improves efficiency of the engine and reduces wear and tear thereby prolonging the lifespan of the car. A car with an engine oil leak to the point that the oil finishes in the engine will soon suffer an engine breakdown. Believers who make shipwrecks of their faith are those who stop harnessing and enjoying the grace of God. Our Christian experience is enhanced, prolonged and enjoyable when we understand how divine grace functions and take steps to latch onto this grace.
We stand by grace (Romans 5:2) ; We are ultimately saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9) ; Our destinies are fulfilled by grace (1 Corinthians 15:10) ; We are justified by His grace (Romans 3:24) ; The nation of Israel are God’s elect by grace (Romans 11:5) ; We are instructed and trained in righteousness by grace (Titus 2:11-13) ; Our hearts are established in God’s righteousness by grace (Hebrews 13:9); We overcome sin and our carnal desires by grace (Romans 6:14) ; We receive His blessings and inheritance by grace (John 1:16) ; We excel and are able to labor diligently by grace (1 Corinthians 15:10).
Below is a brief summary of what divine grace is and what it is not:
1. Divine grace is divine impartation: Grace is the power and force behind holy living. The power of grace is activated in individual believers by the Holy Spirit when they come to salvation through Jesus Christ. It is God’s power working in a believer making him willing to do God’s pleasure (Philippians 2:13).
2. Divine grace is spiritual endowment: “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us …”(Romans 12:6). The word grace in this context is the word charis in the Greek from where the English word charisma emanates from. The ability to perform a task excellently and creditably well is the work of divine grace. Grace and gifts are often used interchangeably in the New Testament.
3. Divine grace is an accomplisher of difficult tasks and assignments: When faced with the overwhelming task of building the temple in Jerusalem, the word of the Lord came to Zerubbabel that the work will be finished and accomplished by grace alone (Zechariah 4:6-8). The people were instructed to shout Grace, Grace at the site of the building! Are you feeling very weary to the point of quitting? Take the advice of the angel to Zerubbabel by singing ‘Amazing Grace’.
4. Divine grace is a lifter of men: Grace is God saving unregenerate man and putting him in a position of sonship and authority. Grace calls the unqualified and qualifies the called. Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, and grandson of Saul was relocated from a place called Lodebar (pastureless) to live with King David as one of his sons in the palace. He was lifted by King David (a dispenser of grace). Likewise, born again believers have been lifted from a lowly position to the uppermost in Christ Jesus.
5. Divine grace is not license to sin: “For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord” (Jude 4, NIV). The grace of God never excuses wrong behavior and does not lighten the awfulness of sin.
6. Divine grace is all about Jesus Christ: Grace can be rightly said not to be a doctrine but a person. Christianity is not about a set of rules and dogmas but about a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. “From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:16-17, NIV)
CONCLUSION: Divine grace is harnessed by faith in God (Romans 5:2), through humility (1 Peter 5:5-6), through a genuine, undiluted and sincere knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:2), and through separating oneself to God( 2 Corinthians 6:17-18). Are you maximizing the grace of God in all of your endeavors?
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
We stand by grace (Romans 5:2) ; We are ultimately saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9) ; Our destinies are fulfilled by grace (1 Corinthians 15:10) ; We are justified by His grace (Romans 3:24) ; The nation of Israel are God’s elect by grace (Romans 11:5) ; We are instructed and trained in righteousness by grace (Titus 2:11-13) ; Our hearts are established in God’s righteousness by grace (Hebrews 13:9); We overcome sin and our carnal desires by grace (Romans 6:14) ; We receive His blessings and inheritance by grace (John 1:16) ; We excel and are able to labor diligently by grace (1 Corinthians 15:10).
Below is a brief summary of what divine grace is and what it is not:
1. Divine grace is divine impartation: Grace is the power and force behind holy living. The power of grace is activated in individual believers by the Holy Spirit when they come to salvation through Jesus Christ. It is God’s power working in a believer making him willing to do God’s pleasure (Philippians 2:13).
2. Divine grace is spiritual endowment: “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us …”(Romans 12:6). The word grace in this context is the word charis in the Greek from where the English word charisma emanates from. The ability to perform a task excellently and creditably well is the work of divine grace. Grace and gifts are often used interchangeably in the New Testament.
3. Divine grace is an accomplisher of difficult tasks and assignments: When faced with the overwhelming task of building the temple in Jerusalem, the word of the Lord came to Zerubbabel that the work will be finished and accomplished by grace alone (Zechariah 4:6-8). The people were instructed to shout Grace, Grace at the site of the building! Are you feeling very weary to the point of quitting? Take the advice of the angel to Zerubbabel by singing ‘Amazing Grace’.
4. Divine grace is a lifter of men: Grace is God saving unregenerate man and putting him in a position of sonship and authority. Grace calls the unqualified and qualifies the called. Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, and grandson of Saul was relocated from a place called Lodebar (pastureless) to live with King David as one of his sons in the palace. He was lifted by King David (a dispenser of grace). Likewise, born again believers have been lifted from a lowly position to the uppermost in Christ Jesus.
5. Divine grace is not license to sin: “For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord” (Jude 4, NIV). The grace of God never excuses wrong behavior and does not lighten the awfulness of sin.
6. Divine grace is all about Jesus Christ: Grace can be rightly said not to be a doctrine but a person. Christianity is not about a set of rules and dogmas but about a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. “From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:16-17, NIV)
CONCLUSION: Divine grace is harnessed by faith in God (Romans 5:2), through humility (1 Peter 5:5-6), through a genuine, undiluted and sincere knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:2), and through separating oneself to God( 2 Corinthians 6:17-18). Are you maximizing the grace of God in all of your endeavors?
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Crux of Christianity (April 2010).
The crux of something is the basic, central and critical point of the thing. Crux also refers to the heart, the core and the essence of something. To encapsulate crux in one word or phrase, it means the main theme or issue. The main issue of Christianity is the cross of Jesus Christ. Satan and his many cohorts are mad at Christians and Christianity today because of the cross of Jesus Christ. Without the cross, there wouldn’t have been the resurrection and according to the words of Apostle Paul: “But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen , and if Christ is not risen then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty ….. And if Christ is not raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins, then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished” (1 Corinthians 15:13-14,17-18). Paul underscored in these verses the importance of the resurrection which is a consequence of Jesus’death on the cross. As we celebrate Easter, it is right for us to remember the main issue which is the cross:
1. The cross is the place of ultimate sacrifice: The ultimate price for sin was paid on the cross. The son of God became the offering needed for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind. Jesus suffered in the flesh: His body was mangled and torn so that our bodies will be mended. His blood was shed and made to flow so that mankind will be reconciled to God through the forgiveness of sin. Scripture references: Isaiah 53, 1 Peter 2:21-25
2. The cross is the place of final surrender to the will of God the Father: Jesus submitted to the Father in Heaven by not claiming equality with God. He further surrendered to the Father when He accepted to leave His exalted throne, become a man to accomplish the will of the Father. The high point of His submission to God the Father came when He carried His obedience to the extreme of death by choosing to die on the cross. Scripture references: Philippians 2:5-8, John 10:17-18.
3. The cross is the place of salvation: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:14-15). The Israelites were cured of snakebites (a type of sin) in the wilderness as they look up to the bronze serpent God instructed Moses to erect. In like manner, we are saved from the devastating effects of sin as we look and hang our faith in the cross of Jesus. Further references: Numbers 21:8-9. Acts 4:12.
4. The cross is the place of the revelation of God’s nature: God showed His anger and indignation on His only beloved, sinless son when He laid on the cross. Jesus was dealt a big and cruel blow because upon Him (Jesus) was laid the sins of mankind. On the other hand, the cross also revealed the compassion of God on undeserving and sinful Man when the innocent Christ was exchanged for guilty Man. The anger of God towards sin, and also His compassion to mankind was revealed at the cross. God is both Love and a Consuming Fire. Scripture references: 1 John 4:8, Hebrews 12:29.
5. The cross is the place of total victory: Without the cross, there wouldn’t be resurrection from the grave. We celebrate Easter today because Jesus rose from the grave demonstrating His supremacy over hell, death and sin. That power was handed over to us on His ascension to Heaven and further consolidated at Pentecost. References: Mark 16:15-20, 1 Corinthians 2:7-8, Acts 2:1-4.
CONCLUSION: All Christians are enjoined to follow the example of Jesus and embrace the cross of Jesus as typified in the above. The closer we are to the cross, the further the world and Satan is to us and vice versa. The way of the cross is the path to true Christianity. The cross teaches self denial, surrender to God, commitment, forgiveness and pardon, and also victory. For you to inherit eternal life and for Jesus' death, burial and resurrection not to be in vain, you have to embrace the cross of Christ by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior today if you haven't done so.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
1. The cross is the place of ultimate sacrifice: The ultimate price for sin was paid on the cross. The son of God became the offering needed for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind. Jesus suffered in the flesh: His body was mangled and torn so that our bodies will be mended. His blood was shed and made to flow so that mankind will be reconciled to God through the forgiveness of sin. Scripture references: Isaiah 53, 1 Peter 2:21-25
2. The cross is the place of final surrender to the will of God the Father: Jesus submitted to the Father in Heaven by not claiming equality with God. He further surrendered to the Father when He accepted to leave His exalted throne, become a man to accomplish the will of the Father. The high point of His submission to God the Father came when He carried His obedience to the extreme of death by choosing to die on the cross. Scripture references: Philippians 2:5-8, John 10:17-18.
3. The cross is the place of salvation: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:14-15). The Israelites were cured of snakebites (a type of sin) in the wilderness as they look up to the bronze serpent God instructed Moses to erect. In like manner, we are saved from the devastating effects of sin as we look and hang our faith in the cross of Jesus. Further references: Numbers 21:8-9. Acts 4:12.
4. The cross is the place of the revelation of God’s nature: God showed His anger and indignation on His only beloved, sinless son when He laid on the cross. Jesus was dealt a big and cruel blow because upon Him (Jesus) was laid the sins of mankind. On the other hand, the cross also revealed the compassion of God on undeserving and sinful Man when the innocent Christ was exchanged for guilty Man. The anger of God towards sin, and also His compassion to mankind was revealed at the cross. God is both Love and a Consuming Fire. Scripture references: 1 John 4:8, Hebrews 12:29.
5. The cross is the place of total victory: Without the cross, there wouldn’t be resurrection from the grave. We celebrate Easter today because Jesus rose from the grave demonstrating His supremacy over hell, death and sin. That power was handed over to us on His ascension to Heaven and further consolidated at Pentecost. References: Mark 16:15-20, 1 Corinthians 2:7-8, Acts 2:1-4.
CONCLUSION: All Christians are enjoined to follow the example of Jesus and embrace the cross of Jesus as typified in the above. The closer we are to the cross, the further the world and Satan is to us and vice versa. The way of the cross is the path to true Christianity. The cross teaches self denial, surrender to God, commitment, forgiveness and pardon, and also victory. For you to inherit eternal life and for Jesus' death, burial and resurrection not to be in vain, you have to embrace the cross of Christ by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior today if you haven't done so.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Supremacy of Wisdom (February 2010)
"Wisdom is supreme, therefore get wisdom, though it cost all that you have, get understanding." (Proverbs 4:7, NIV). Wisdom simply defined is receiving, prizing highly and acting on God's instructions. Wisdom can also be defined as the skillful use of knowledge and understanding for successful living.
Wisdom promotes, honors and dignifies the recipients(Proverbs 4:8); Wisdom is displaying sound judgement and making right decisions; Wisdom is a defence and is better than strength and weapons of war(Ecclesiastes 7:12, 9:18); Wisdom is a builder of great ministries, businesses, careers and marriages(Proverbs 24:3); Wisdom guides in times of conflict and trouble for victorious outcomes(Proverbs 24:6); Wisdom produces wealth, health and victory(Proverbs 3:21-24); Wisdom makes kings reign and rule successfully(Proverbs 8:15-16).
Wisdom comes through the fear of the Lord(Proverbs 9:10), and can also be a gift from God(1 Corinthians 12:4-8); It comes by hanging out with wise people(Proverbs 13:20); Wisdom also comes by diligent and concerted search for it ; It could also be as a result of answered prayers(James 1:5-6); Wisdom can be imparted via the laying on of hands of a wise and anointed person(Deuteronomy 34:9); Wisdom also comes via the Word of God(Psalm 19:7).
Below are further vital truths concerning wisdom:
Wisdom performs mighty works: "And what wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such mighty works are performed by His hands"( Mark 6:2). In this scripture, wisdom and mighty accomplishments are linked together. In Isaiah 11:2-3, the several dimensions of the Holy Spirit is discussed, five out of seven manifestations of the Holy Spirit is connected with wisdom. To have great and tangible results, prize wisdom and pay the high price of securing it.
Wisdom will make people seek for you: "And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart"(2 Chronicles 9:23). When one begins to display genuine wisdom, it attracts people of all cadre, status, race, etc. People will always seek the counsel of a wise person. Genuine wisdom thrusts people into leadership and influential positions. Wisdom distinguishes and attracts, and crowns its owner with an ornament of grace.
Wisdom is stored up for the upright and diligent: "He hides away sound and godly Wisdom and stores it for the righteous - those who are upright and in right standing with Him" (Proverbs 2:7 Amp). Wisdom is gained through a constant process of learning and applying acquired truths. Jesus stayed three days in the temple in Jerusalem sitting with the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions (Luke 2:46-47). The result was that He increased in wisdom (Luke 2:52).
Jesus is both the power and wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). A lively and passionate relationship with Him will produce godly wisdom. Do you have a relationship with Him? If no, accept Him now as personal Lord and Savior(2 Corinthians 6:2). If yes, is the relationship dynamic, exciting and getting better daily? Act wisely in 2010!
Wisdom promotes, honors and dignifies the recipients(Proverbs 4:8); Wisdom is displaying sound judgement and making right decisions; Wisdom is a defence and is better than strength and weapons of war(Ecclesiastes 7:12, 9:18); Wisdom is a builder of great ministries, businesses, careers and marriages(Proverbs 24:3); Wisdom guides in times of conflict and trouble for victorious outcomes(Proverbs 24:6); Wisdom produces wealth, health and victory(Proverbs 3:21-24); Wisdom makes kings reign and rule successfully(Proverbs 8:15-16).
Wisdom comes through the fear of the Lord(Proverbs 9:10), and can also be a gift from God(1 Corinthians 12:4-8); It comes by hanging out with wise people(Proverbs 13:20); Wisdom also comes by diligent and concerted search for it ; It could also be as a result of answered prayers(James 1:5-6); Wisdom can be imparted via the laying on of hands of a wise and anointed person(Deuteronomy 34:9); Wisdom also comes via the Word of God(Psalm 19:7).
Below are further vital truths concerning wisdom:
Wisdom performs mighty works: "And what wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such mighty works are performed by His hands"( Mark 6:2). In this scripture, wisdom and mighty accomplishments are linked together. In Isaiah 11:2-3, the several dimensions of the Holy Spirit is discussed, five out of seven manifestations of the Holy Spirit is connected with wisdom. To have great and tangible results, prize wisdom and pay the high price of securing it.
Wisdom will make people seek for you: "And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart"(2 Chronicles 9:23). When one begins to display genuine wisdom, it attracts people of all cadre, status, race, etc. People will always seek the counsel of a wise person. Genuine wisdom thrusts people into leadership and influential positions. Wisdom distinguishes and attracts, and crowns its owner with an ornament of grace.
Wisdom is stored up for the upright and diligent: "He hides away sound and godly Wisdom and stores it for the righteous - those who are upright and in right standing with Him" (Proverbs 2:7 Amp). Wisdom is gained through a constant process of learning and applying acquired truths. Jesus stayed three days in the temple in Jerusalem sitting with the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions (Luke 2:46-47). The result was that He increased in wisdom (Luke 2:52).
Jesus is both the power and wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). A lively and passionate relationship with Him will produce godly wisdom. Do you have a relationship with Him? If no, accept Him now as personal Lord and Savior(2 Corinthians 6:2). If yes, is the relationship dynamic, exciting and getting better daily? Act wisely in 2010!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Wine in New Wineskins (January 2010).
Welcome to 2010 - The Year of the Overflow of God's Blessings.
"Then He spoke a parable to them: ......And no one puts new wine into old wineskins, or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved." (Luke 5:36-38)
New wine represents new anointing, new and positive relationships, new revelations, next level promotions, new opportunities that God will bring in a new year, new and greater outcomes and possibilities, divine help, God's blessings, etc. New wine represent the things God alone can do and accomplish for us. New wine is poured into new wineskins and not old wineskins. Wineskins are containers that receive the wine. Wineskins stand for things within our control that we can do in order to receive the blessing of the new wine.
Below are some of the new wineskins God is asking us to make available for Him in order to pour new wine into our lives in 2010:
The wineskin of a new devotion: ".... and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly." (Matthew 6:6). The spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, bible study, faith declarations and giving should be done more in private this year than in public. Just as the spiritual determines the natural, the personal and private devotional life of a Christian determines his public outcomes.
The wineskin of a daily renewed mind: Renovate is a synonym of renew. To renovate means to make like new by cleansing, repairing or rebuilding. The Word of God has the capability to cleanse, repair and rebuild our minds. A renewed mind will result in a renewed perspective of God, new revelations and enhanced imagination. In 2010, we should daily read, search and meditate on the Word of God in order to attain to superior and supernatural thinking.
The wineskin of positive confession: We are to be imitators of God who doesn't call things the way they appear but the way He wants them to appear (Romans 4:17b). " .... and God brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever name Adam called each living creature that was its name." (Genesis 2:19). We move angelic and heavenly forces to act with our faith filled, scripture based words.
The wineskin of diligence: "The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, but diligence is man's precious possession." (Proverbs 12:27). King Solomon in this verse redefined the lazy man as one who does not add value and refine his products. Diligence is both hard work and smart work together. Diligence is planning and working out your plans.
The wineskin of a new approach: The Chinese people defined insanity as doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different outcome. Innovation on the other hand simply means a new idea, method or device, and a wise man once said innovation and learning go hand in hand. In 2010, we must develop new skills and innovation to tackle old time challenges. Note that King David became a great king by the integrity of his heart and the skillfulness of his hands (Psalm 78:72).
The wineskin of courage: Fear is an enemy that holds us back and doesn't allow us to see God's manifestation. Someone defined courage as fear that has said its prayers. Courage is acting in spite of the emotion of fear. God's purposes are often thwarted when we fail to take courageous, heaven induced steps. Scripture reference: Daniel 6:8-30
The wineskin of a new heart: "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10). God measures our “inner temperature” and responses to Him (Revelation 3:14-16). He watches how much we desire to please Him in our daily conduct and conversations. God chose David over his siblings because of his heart condition. The non-believer/backslidder should respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in his heart for genuine repentance while the believer should respond to the Holy Spirit in His call for true worship of the Almighty.
For us to get maximum results out of 2010, we must make adjustments by producing new wineskins for God in order for Him to move in our lives and situations, and also to pour more of His blessings into our lives. This is the year you have been waiting for. Have a great 2010.
"Then He spoke a parable to them: ......And no one puts new wine into old wineskins, or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved." (Luke 5:36-38)
New wine represents new anointing, new and positive relationships, new revelations, next level promotions, new opportunities that God will bring in a new year, new and greater outcomes and possibilities, divine help, God's blessings, etc. New wine represent the things God alone can do and accomplish for us. New wine is poured into new wineskins and not old wineskins. Wineskins are containers that receive the wine. Wineskins stand for things within our control that we can do in order to receive the blessing of the new wine.
Below are some of the new wineskins God is asking us to make available for Him in order to pour new wine into our lives in 2010:
The wineskin of a new devotion: ".... and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly." (Matthew 6:6). The spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, bible study, faith declarations and giving should be done more in private this year than in public. Just as the spiritual determines the natural, the personal and private devotional life of a Christian determines his public outcomes.
The wineskin of a daily renewed mind: Renovate is a synonym of renew. To renovate means to make like new by cleansing, repairing or rebuilding. The Word of God has the capability to cleanse, repair and rebuild our minds. A renewed mind will result in a renewed perspective of God, new revelations and enhanced imagination. In 2010, we should daily read, search and meditate on the Word of God in order to attain to superior and supernatural thinking.
The wineskin of positive confession: We are to be imitators of God who doesn't call things the way they appear but the way He wants them to appear (Romans 4:17b). " .... and God brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever name Adam called each living creature that was its name." (Genesis 2:19). We move angelic and heavenly forces to act with our faith filled, scripture based words.
The wineskin of diligence: "The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, but diligence is man's precious possession." (Proverbs 12:27). King Solomon in this verse redefined the lazy man as one who does not add value and refine his products. Diligence is both hard work and smart work together. Diligence is planning and working out your plans.
The wineskin of a new approach: The Chinese people defined insanity as doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different outcome. Innovation on the other hand simply means a new idea, method or device, and a wise man once said innovation and learning go hand in hand. In 2010, we must develop new skills and innovation to tackle old time challenges. Note that King David became a great king by the integrity of his heart and the skillfulness of his hands (Psalm 78:72).
The wineskin of courage: Fear is an enemy that holds us back and doesn't allow us to see God's manifestation. Someone defined courage as fear that has said its prayers. Courage is acting in spite of the emotion of fear. God's purposes are often thwarted when we fail to take courageous, heaven induced steps. Scripture reference: Daniel 6:8-30
The wineskin of a new heart: "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10). God measures our “inner temperature” and responses to Him (Revelation 3:14-16). He watches how much we desire to please Him in our daily conduct and conversations. God chose David over his siblings because of his heart condition. The non-believer/backslidder should respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in his heart for genuine repentance while the believer should respond to the Holy Spirit in His call for true worship of the Almighty.
For us to get maximum results out of 2010, we must make adjustments by producing new wineskins for God in order for Him to move in our lives and situations, and also to pour more of His blessings into our lives. This is the year you have been waiting for. Have a great 2010.
Gratitude, Wholeness and Completion (December 2009)
"And as He entered into a certain village, there met Him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And when He saw them, He said unto them, Go show yourselves to the priests. And it came to pass that as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back and with a loud voice glorified God. And fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks, and he was a Samaritan .......And He said unto him, Arise go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole." (Luke 17:12-19).
Ten lepers were cleansed by Jesus after praying to Him and obeying His instructions of going to show themselves to the priests. One of them, turned back to show his gratitude by throwing himself at Jesus' feet and thanking Him at the top of his voice. Jesus was surprised that out of ten lepers healed, it was only one who found it necessary to return and give Him thanks. Jesus then went ahead to pronounce wholeness on this grateful guy.
The following are noteworthy facts about Gratitude, Wholeness and Completion:
1. Gratitude Brings Wholeness: The nine lepers were cleansed, in other words the leprosy was cured but the scars inflicted by the leprosy remained. The one leper who returned to give thanks was made whole, that is in addition to him being healed, he received wholeness which means his deformed hands and feet were made normal again. Every time genuine and generous thanksgiving is offered to God, something extra, usually unbargained for is always added to the giver of such gratitude.
2. Gratitude Brings Completion: To complete simply means to finish and consummate well. Many in their hearts are casting aspersions at God's dealings with them in 2009. Because of unrealised expectations so far, their hearts are not totally warm towards God. The latter part of Job was tremendously blessed than his former because he still found a place of gratitude to God (in his heart) inspite of his numerous troubles(Job 1:20-22, 42:12-17). To finish this year fulfilled and well, heartfelt gratitude must be offered to God.
3. Gratitude Produces Faith: Because gratitude focuses on God's goodness and kindness in general, God is able to use it to spark off faith in the hearts of grateful people. Abraham came to a high point in his walk with God when God enabled him to believe against all hope because he was fervent in thanking God(Romans 4:19-21). He did not wait to see the promised child (Isaac) before he effusively praised God. And because of this action of his, God pumped faith in his heart.
4. Gratitude Produces Intimacy: It is true that all of us without exception are disposed to people who acknowledge us, value us and show appreciation to us at all times. Such people's generous and grateful disposition to us draw us closer to them. God testified of King David as a man after My heart(Acts 13:22). He wrote and sang songs, psalms and love notes to God regularly. David's resume at the end of his life reads thus: "And he died in a good old age, full of days, riches and honor and Solomon his son reigned in his stead."(1 Chronicles 29:28). David finished well because he was intimate with God.
5. Gratitude Brings Full Recovery: Recovery simply means taking back what has been lost or receiving what has eluded one. With a good attitude of gratitude as 2009 ends, we can reclaim lost oppotunities, benefits, blessings, favors, health,etc as we thank God for His goodness, His kind and loving nature, for blessings received so far, and also for expectations not yet realised. For once, as this year draws to a close, forget about yourself and needs, and concentrate on Him and Him alone.
Conclusion: Jesus is the face of God the father(John 14:8-9). Accept Him as Lord and Savior (if you have not done so)and God's good face will shine favorably on you this month and in the years to come.
Ten lepers were cleansed by Jesus after praying to Him and obeying His instructions of going to show themselves to the priests. One of them, turned back to show his gratitude by throwing himself at Jesus' feet and thanking Him at the top of his voice. Jesus was surprised that out of ten lepers healed, it was only one who found it necessary to return and give Him thanks. Jesus then went ahead to pronounce wholeness on this grateful guy.
The following are noteworthy facts about Gratitude, Wholeness and Completion:
1. Gratitude Brings Wholeness: The nine lepers were cleansed, in other words the leprosy was cured but the scars inflicted by the leprosy remained. The one leper who returned to give thanks was made whole, that is in addition to him being healed, he received wholeness which means his deformed hands and feet were made normal again. Every time genuine and generous thanksgiving is offered to God, something extra, usually unbargained for is always added to the giver of such gratitude.
2. Gratitude Brings Completion: To complete simply means to finish and consummate well. Many in their hearts are casting aspersions at God's dealings with them in 2009. Because of unrealised expectations so far, their hearts are not totally warm towards God. The latter part of Job was tremendously blessed than his former because he still found a place of gratitude to God (in his heart) inspite of his numerous troubles(Job 1:20-22, 42:12-17). To finish this year fulfilled and well, heartfelt gratitude must be offered to God.
3. Gratitude Produces Faith: Because gratitude focuses on God's goodness and kindness in general, God is able to use it to spark off faith in the hearts of grateful people. Abraham came to a high point in his walk with God when God enabled him to believe against all hope because he was fervent in thanking God(Romans 4:19-21). He did not wait to see the promised child (Isaac) before he effusively praised God. And because of this action of his, God pumped faith in his heart.
4. Gratitude Produces Intimacy: It is true that all of us without exception are disposed to people who acknowledge us, value us and show appreciation to us at all times. Such people's generous and grateful disposition to us draw us closer to them. God testified of King David as a man after My heart(Acts 13:22). He wrote and sang songs, psalms and love notes to God regularly. David's resume at the end of his life reads thus: "And he died in a good old age, full of days, riches and honor and Solomon his son reigned in his stead."(1 Chronicles 29:28). David finished well because he was intimate with God.
5. Gratitude Brings Full Recovery: Recovery simply means taking back what has been lost or receiving what has eluded one. With a good attitude of gratitude as 2009 ends, we can reclaim lost oppotunities, benefits, blessings, favors, health,etc as we thank God for His goodness, His kind and loving nature, for blessings received so far, and also for expectations not yet realised. For once, as this year draws to a close, forget about yourself and needs, and concentrate on Him and Him alone.
Conclusion: Jesus is the face of God the father(John 14:8-9). Accept Him as Lord and Savior (if you have not done so)and God's good face will shine favorably on you this month and in the years to come.
The Blessing of Contentment (November 2009)
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is My Helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" (Hebrews 13:5-6, NIV).
Below are some vital truths about contentment:
Contentment means being grateful for where you are as you aspire for the next level: Contentment is not passivity or unambitiousness, rather it is healthy ambition. Contentment will not allow David to kill King Saul even when the latter was after his life. Though he knew he was going to replace Saul as king of Israel, he will not touch Saul (even when he had a golden chance to do so),but chose to wait for God's perfect timing for him to ascend the throne(1 Samuel 24:1-7). The content person is grateful for his/her present position as he/she looks to heaven for promotion.
Contentment is simply the opposite of covetousness: To be covetous is to be greedy, and be lustful for what belongs to another person. The Bible in Ephesians 5:5 calls covetousness idolatry. Idolatry means to worship another other than the true God. The tenth commandment warned against idolatry while three other commandments have a bearing with it (Exodus 20:1-12). Many who profess to know God deny Him through their activities simply because of covetousness.
Contentment is satisfaction: It is not looking over your neighbour's yard to check out the new car he just bought with a mind of buying something better. The content person competes against himself, striving to maximize his resources. His yardstick for success is his potential i.e what he is able to do that he hasn't done, or what he is able to become that he has not become. His measuring line for success is not his neighbor, sibling or friend's acheivement.
Contentment is having a simple lifestyle: The content person is very much aware of Jesus' words in Luke 12:15 which states, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses." The content person knows that having more stuff does not mean having more happiness, more fulfillment and more joy. The slogan of the content person is "I will not buy it till I can truly afford it."
Contentment is being assured that God is the guarantee of the future: Many revert to unscrupulous practices of stealing and amassing great wealth corruptly because in their warped thinking they want to secure the future. The content person is acutely aware of our opening passage of Hebrews 13:5-6, he knows God has promised never to fail and therefore he boldly declares the Lord is My helper. He trusts implicitly in God to provide for the future.
Contentment confers stability: Apostle Paul said I have learned in whatever state I find myself to be content(Philippians 4:11-12). He was the same person when he had abundance and also the same person when he suffered lack and hunger. Paul knew how to rely on God's promises finding great hope and comfort in the scriptures, and this brought contentment to him. Material acquisitions or lack of it didn't dictate his mood, feelings and behavior towards other people.
Conclusion: The big question to ask as this year runs out is, what is motivating and driving your aspirations? Contentment is a great virtue to cultivate. It delivers a quiet assurance into one's heart even when the world around may seem to be collapsing. God dwells with the content, because those who believe in Him are truly the ones who enter into His rest (Hebrews 4:3).
Below are some vital truths about contentment:
Contentment means being grateful for where you are as you aspire for the next level: Contentment is not passivity or unambitiousness, rather it is healthy ambition. Contentment will not allow David to kill King Saul even when the latter was after his life. Though he knew he was going to replace Saul as king of Israel, he will not touch Saul (even when he had a golden chance to do so),but chose to wait for God's perfect timing for him to ascend the throne(1 Samuel 24:1-7). The content person is grateful for his/her present position as he/she looks to heaven for promotion.
Contentment is simply the opposite of covetousness: To be covetous is to be greedy, and be lustful for what belongs to another person. The Bible in Ephesians 5:5 calls covetousness idolatry. Idolatry means to worship another other than the true God. The tenth commandment warned against idolatry while three other commandments have a bearing with it (Exodus 20:1-12). Many who profess to know God deny Him through their activities simply because of covetousness.
Contentment is satisfaction: It is not looking over your neighbour's yard to check out the new car he just bought with a mind of buying something better. The content person competes against himself, striving to maximize his resources. His yardstick for success is his potential i.e what he is able to do that he hasn't done, or what he is able to become that he has not become. His measuring line for success is not his neighbor, sibling or friend's acheivement.
Contentment is having a simple lifestyle: The content person is very much aware of Jesus' words in Luke 12:15 which states, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses." The content person knows that having more stuff does not mean having more happiness, more fulfillment and more joy. The slogan of the content person is "I will not buy it till I can truly afford it."
Contentment is being assured that God is the guarantee of the future: Many revert to unscrupulous practices of stealing and amassing great wealth corruptly because in their warped thinking they want to secure the future. The content person is acutely aware of our opening passage of Hebrews 13:5-6, he knows God has promised never to fail and therefore he boldly declares the Lord is My helper. He trusts implicitly in God to provide for the future.
Contentment confers stability: Apostle Paul said I have learned in whatever state I find myself to be content(Philippians 4:11-12). He was the same person when he had abundance and also the same person when he suffered lack and hunger. Paul knew how to rely on God's promises finding great hope and comfort in the scriptures, and this brought contentment to him. Material acquisitions or lack of it didn't dictate his mood, feelings and behavior towards other people.
Conclusion: The big question to ask as this year runs out is, what is motivating and driving your aspirations? Contentment is a great virtue to cultivate. It delivers a quiet assurance into one's heart even when the world around may seem to be collapsing. God dwells with the content, because those who believe in Him are truly the ones who enter into His rest (Hebrews 4:3).
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